


Glenn Solomon 2015-07-14











????本文作者格林?所羅門是紀(jì)源資本管理合伙人。他最近投資的公司包括Zendesk、Nimble Storage、Pandora、Successfactors、Isilon、Domo、Square、Opendoor、AlienVault和HashiCorp。本文最初刊登在他的博客上。



????What’s the impact?

????The wealth effect impact of the falling market should be fairly moderate in my opinion. In the U.S., approximately 60% of all equities are owned by institutional investors, in China this figure is only 10%. So, the big losers of this recent market sell off are individuals. Second, while participation in the equity markets had certainly become more popular over the past year as margin debt became available and people were seeing strong gains, the numbers I’ve seen suggest there are less than 100M trading accounts open in China. Relative to the 1.3 billion people in China, this is a small percentage of the population. Third, across the population, equities represent a small percentage of total net worth (much lower than the U.S., for example), so the average person can recover from a shock in equity values. Finally, financial institutions who’ve lent money on margin to these speculators may end up with bad loans on their books, but these seem to represent a very small percentage of their balance sheets, again pointing to a relatively muted impact of this sell-off.

????Will it impact the broader economy in China?

????Generally there’s a pretty tight linkage between equity markets and underlying macro-economic trends. In this case, similar to the U.S. dotcom bubble, the rally and then fall of Chinese stocks seems de-coupled from the underlying economy. The pain will be felt by a minority of consumers in China and, as a result, I suspect the damage will be fairly muted. This may impact economic growth rates on the margin, especially because consumption is climbing as a component of China’s GDP growth, but I wouldn’t be shocked by government intervention to stimulate consumption. Of course, if consumer sentiment is meaningfully negatively impacted by the equity market swoon, the economic slow-down could be more precipitous, so we should watch this closely over the coming months and quarters.

????What’s the impact for Silicon Valley? How about for the new economy companies in China?

????Most in Silicon Valley under-estimate the growing convergence between the U.S. and Chinese tech economies. These two markets rely on each other now more than ever. Apple’s AAPL 2.67% biggest market is now China. The same will be true for Uber by the end of this year. Conversely, Alibaba, Tencent and others have been investing and acquiring in the U.S., while Chinese investors have become increasingly active in the U.S. venture capital arena.

????I anticipate continued health and rapid growth of China’s new economy. There’s much infrastructure yet to build out, many new consumers entering the ranks of the middle class and huge growth coming in mobile internet users. These factors should conspire to continue to catapult new economy growth in China, overwhelming any negative impacts of wealth declines from the stock market. If I’m correct, I think you’ll see limited impact on Silicon Valley. The best U.S. mobile, Internet, hardware and enterprise companies will continue to eye China as a growth market, and many will follow Apple and Uber’s lead into China, finding strong local competition but a very fruitful, dynamic market. Similarly, the strongest Chinese tech companies and investors will not lose sight of the U.S. as a desired place to do business.

????So are we out of the woods?

????I’ve argued that the correction in Chinese equities will have a fairly modest impact on China’s new economy and U.S. tech and VC markets. That said, there are still risks. Two that bear watching include the Chinese consumer and Chinese debt levels.

????Chinese consumption is a critical and growing part of China’s macro-economic growth machine. If Chinese consumers lose confidence and stop spending money, due to the stock market induced panic, fears of falling home prices, or some other reason, this could ultimately spill over to China’s new economy health. China’s total debt levels, including consumer, corporate and government debt, is at a very high ratio relative to total GDP. While underlying growth has helped finance this debt to date, a slow-down could cause significant challenges as well.

????Glenn Solomon (@glennsolomon) is a Managing Partner with GGV Capital. Some of his recent investments include Zendesk, Nimble Storage, Pandora, Successfactors, Isilon, Domo, Square, Opendoor, AlienVault and HashiCorp. This post originally appeared on his blog.

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