


Jen Wieczner 2015-08-18








The Fortune 500 rankings tell you a lot about the biggest American companies, but nothing about which of them have the most potential as investments. And certainly it pays to be choosy: the biggest- loser stocks on this year’s list are down as much as 68% just since the beginning of January.

Working with our Fortune 500 data guru, Scott DeCarlo, we set out to find the best stock picks among the companies in this year’s rankings. We started by screening for stocks that had a lower price-to-earnings valuation than the S&P 500, which trades at a 17.9 multiple of estimated 2015 earnings. But we didn’t stop there. After all, in the seventh year of a charging bull market, the stocks with the lowest P/E ratios are often cheap for a reason—turnaround stories, distressed energy companies, left-behinds or all-around dogs.

Instead, we looked for companies that already had some momentum, those that had outperformed the S&P 500 over the last five years (quite a feat, considering the index returned 115.4%, including dividends, in that time). And because investors are lamenting the virtually nonexistent earnings growth predicted for the S&P 500 this year, we set the bar higher than the Wall Street consensus for the index’s average 2015 EPS growth: We screened for companies that are expected to grow earnings by more than 5% this year, and to post positive growth again in 2016.

Because many investors are looking for safety and stability in anticipation of a possible market downturn—not to mention income, that rare commodity in this low-interest rate era—we screened for stocks with a dividend yield of at least 2%, the S&P 500 average. To narrow it down even further, we kept only companies that had also increased their dividend at least somewhat in the last year, since dividend growers have demonstrated an uncanny ability to beat the market over the long-term.

Finally, we eliminated companies whose sales are expected to decline this year—which knocked out companies including Principal Financial Group PFG 1.08% , chemical producer Huntsman HUN -0.54% , International Paper IP -0.23% , computer hard-drive manufacturer Western Digital WDC -3.73% , industrial tech maker Parker-Hannifin PH 0.56% , and the railroad operator CSX CSX 0.52% . Last but not least, we crossed off cardboard packaging producer Rock-Tenn RKT -1.17% because it’s merging with MeadWestvaco Corp. MWV -0.59% , and the stock will cease to exist in its current form after the deal closes.

That left us with just 9 stocks, which we’ve ranked here in order of investment potential:

[Editor’s note: Performance and valuation figures were updated just before publication, and therefore will not be consistent with the figures in the Fortune 500 list that ran in the June 15 issue of Fortune magazine.]

1. KKR







不過對于能夠接受這種波動(dòng)性的投資者來說,KKR有幾個(gè)值得入手的原因。這也是為什么有超過83%的華爾街分析師將該股評為“買入”級。首先,晨星公司指出,最近油價(jià)大跌導(dǎo)致該公司的能源投資十分不景氣,致使KKR的股價(jià)最近有所回落,KKR目前被低估了23%以上。其次,咨詢公司普遍預(yù)測,未來幾年將有更多資金流入私募領(lǐng)域和其它替代資產(chǎn)經(jīng)理手中,KKR公司也將從中獲益。另外,KKR不久后或許將獲得一筆等待已久的收益:First Data公司是KKR最大的投資之一,自KKR將其私有化后,這家公司一直陷于困境,但它在今年2月終于扭虧為盈。有些心急的投資者希望First Data最好能在今年年底就重新掛牌上市。

1. KKR


5-YEAR TOTAL RETURN (THROUGH 6/22/2015): 231%




On its face, KKR KKR 0.26% looks like a dream stock: A storied private equity firm managing nearly $99 billion that trades at a nearly 50% discount to the market—and pays a ridiculously high 8.3% dividend yield. Still, investors should be somewhat wary: As is typical in the private equity industry, KKR’s dividends—which are actually considered “distributions”—fluctuate dramatically quarter to quarter, depending on the firm’s investment exits. So while its total annual distributions have gone up each year since KKR went public, its payouts so far this year are slightly less than they were for the same period as last year. KKR’s revenues can be similarly uneven, as they depend on the underlying value of its investments and the fees it can generate from them.

But for investors who can handle that sort of volatility, there are several reasons to like KKR—and more than 83% of Wall Street analysts polled by Bloomberg rate the stock a “buy.” For one, the stock has pulled back recently as the slide in oil prices left several of the firm’s energy investments underwater, and now KKR is more than 23% undervalued, according to Morningstar. Plus, it should benefit as more money flows to private equity firms and other alternative asset managers, a trend consultants are predicting for the next few years. In the nearer future, KKR may also be in for a long-awaited payday: One of its largest investments, First Data, which has been struggling since KKR took it private in 2007, returned to profitability in February, stoking investors’ hopes that it could go public again as soon as later this year.

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