


黃華躍 2015-10-14






????中國最佳表現城市指標由九個部分組成,衡量城市短期(一年)和中期(五年)的表現。 為了更準確地判斷未來的經濟增長趨勢,指標研究了每個城市的就業(yè)及收入增長、地區(qū)生產總值(GRP)、外商直接投資(FDI)和高增值產業(yè)的實力。這個方法能夠有利進行多方面的評估,指出城市經濟增長背后的主要因素。








????In early September the Milken Institute launched its pioneering Best-Performing Cities China Index at a press briefing in Beijing. The index identifies the Chinese urban areas with the most exceptional economic performance. With this new ranking of Chinese cities we attempted to answer two questions: which cities in China have the most dynamic economies, and why?

????To some of the Chinese reporters attending the press briefing, the question seemed so obvious as to be not worth asking. Of course, they replied, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have the most dynamic economies in the country. Those are, after all, among the biggest cities in China.

????Putting China’s big cities at the top of such rankings is the norm. But those urban areas are not the most dynamic cities in China according to our index criteria. Before I get into some of the details, I want to address another question some of the reporters asked: why undertake such a study at all?

????The goal of the index is threefold. First, it can help businesses, investors, industry associations, government officials, development agencies, academic and public policy groups monitor and evaluate the economic performance of cities where they work and do business. Second, it suggests approaches to improving cities’ performance. Third, the index provides a vehicle to explore relatively untapped markets and business opportunities. That has been the value of the annual Best-Performing Cities ranking in the United States, launched by the Milken Institute in 1999. It objectively measures regional economic performance in a way that had not been done previously.

????In 2014, following the establishment of the Singapore-based Milken Institute Asia Center, the Institute developed its first Best-Performing Cities Asia Index. This year, we expanded the Best-Performing Cities series with this report centered on China. The China report was made available to the 400 attendees of the Institute’s two-day Asia Summit, held this September in Singapore, and engendered lively discussions about China’s future growth.

????The Best-Performing Cities China index is based on nine components that take into account both short term (one year) and middle term (five year) measurements. To better predict future growth, the index weighs jobs and income growth, gross regional product (GRP), foreign direct investment (FDI), and the strength of high value-added industries in each city. This approach yields a multidimensional assessment, and sheds light on the factors behind the cities’ growth.

????In terms of methodology, we ranked 266 Chinese cities at the prefecture level and above. Index rankings are divided into two categories: the largest-cities group includes 34 first- and second-tier cities; the small and medium-sized group includes 232 third-tier cities. The two groups are separately ranked based on actual economic performance, rather than projected success.

????To the surprise of many, Chengdu surpassed Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen to be the strong No. 1 among first- and second-tier cities with its outstanding and unrivalled performance. The city secured Top 10 positions in seven of the index’s nine components. Advantages such as human capital, central government support, established industries in high-end aerospace and aircraft design, and a more recently developed electronics-manufacturing sector, are driving Chengdu’s success in economic growth.

????Except for Chongqing, most of the top ten first- and second-tier cities in economic performance are part of the urban clusters of the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and the Jing-Jin-Tang (the Beijing, Tianjin and Tanggu corridor). We conclude that China’s future will largely depend on the development of urban clusters and small and medium-sized cities. As a result, inland China still possesses great potential for growth.

????Our analysis also shows that Chinese cities with the most dynamic economies share some important characteristics. Among them are diversified industries, a focus on high-tech, improved transportation networks, continued efforts to develop infrastructure and the talent pool, and the ability to attract foreign investment.

????Of the third-tier cities we ranked, Suzhou came in at No. 1. Seven of the Top 10 best-performing third-tier cities are in Jiangsu province, and all are part of the Yangtze River Delta economic region. They have all benefited from Shanghai’s proximity, as well as an influx of talent and technology.

????The report’s rankings reflect our belief that sustainable social and economic development relies fundamentally on three pillars: human capital, job creation, and access to capital. The recent slowdown of China’s economy indicates that it is more important than ever to understand which cities or regions are doing a better job of implementing change and looking to the future. By benchmarking the performance of Chinese cities and regions on a continuing annual basis, the Milken Institute aims to provide key insights into China’s growth opportunities for investors, policy makers and observers of China’s development.

????Perry Wong is Managing Director, Research at the Milken Institute, and co-author of the Best-Performing Cities China Report.

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