


John Kell 2016-01-31



從事IPO交易所買賣基金業(yè)務(wù)的Renaissance Capital公司表示,就在不久之前,美國IPO市場還是一片繁榮景象,2014年更創(chuàng)下14年來最高紀(jì)錄,共有275家公司在美掛牌交易。這也是2000年以來IPO最活躍的一年——2000年有406家公司在美國上市。


Renaissance Capital公司董事長凱瑟琳?史密斯對《財(cái)富》表示:“很難說IPO發(fā)行窗口目前是否已經(jīng)敞開,我們認(rèn)為這種局面在短時(shí)間內(nèi)不會有所轉(zhuǎn)變,投資者恢復(fù)信心是需要時(shí)間的?!?/p>

1月只剩下不到一周就要結(jié)束,IPO市場還沒有復(fù)蘇跡象。在線借貸公司Elevate Credit和城建服務(wù)供應(yīng)商Shimmick Construction都推遲了各自的IPO計(jì)劃。目前這兩家公司基本上被列入“每日觀察名單”之中。

此外還有兩家公司原定于本月IPO,它們是B2B技術(shù)服務(wù)公司AmeriQuest和房地產(chǎn)投資信托公司Nordic Realty Trust,不過現(xiàn)在也不能保證這兩家公司能否按期掛牌。其他有可能在今冬上市的知名公司還包括食雜公司Albertsons和媒體公司Univision等。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))



January is expected to be the slowest month for initial public offerings since the dark days of the 2008 global financial crisis, as firms discouraged by the sputtering market have held off from listing stocks on U.S. exchanges.

So far this month, the market has seen zero IPOs; at this rate, January is expected to be the worst-performing month since December 2008 when no companies went public after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, according to Bloomberg.

Until recently, the U.S. IPO market was a star performer, setting a 14-year record in 2014 when 275 companies went public, according to Renaissance Capital, a manager of IPO ETFs. That was the most active year since 406 firms went public in 2000.

Last year saw a bit of a dip, with 170 IPOs successfully launched. Observers say problems first began to surface in August as investors began to fret about the strength of China’s economy, dipping commodity prices, and overall worries about global economic growth.

“It is questionable whether the IPO window is open for issuance at this point,” Kathleen Smith, principal at Renaissance Capital, told Fortune. “We don’t expect this to turn around on a dime. It will take time for investors to get confident again.”

With just a week left in January, the IPO market doesn’t look promising in the immediate future. Online lender Elevate Credit and heavy civil construction services provider Shimmick Construction have held off on their IPO plans and are essentially considered “day to day” at this point.

Two other companies are on the calendar for this month: business-to-business technology services firm AmeriQuest and real-estate investment trust Nordic Realty Trust, though it isn’t guaranteed that either will launch their IPOs. Other notable names that could go public this winter include grocery company Albertsons and media company Univision.

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