


Tam Pham 2016-04-16



While some can’t handle their money properly, not all professional athletes are that careless. Some hoopers are incredibly intelligent with their money. Like Shaq, whoinvested in Google before it went public.

Here are 10 other NBA players who have successfully profited as entrepreneurs and investors.




Michael Jordan (Retired)

Considered to be the greatest NBA player ever, Jordan made a ton of money endorsing brands like Nike, McDonald’s, and Coca-Cola.

His shoe sales alone in 2014 were almost $3 billion in revenue. Jordan’s investment as the majority owner with the Charlotte Hornets is worth over $400 million. Jordan has a net worth of $1.1 billion.




David Robinson (Retired)

San Antonio Spurs legend David Robinson co-founded the Admiral Capital Group, where he invests in real estate anywhere between $15 million to $100 million.

Robinson is also an investor in Thrive15, a B2B online learning platform focused on entrepreneurship.



自那以后,約翰遜給這家公司投了數(shù)百萬美元,給每家處于創(chuàng)辦初期的公司總共投了300萬美元。這位NBA球星的投資組合包括Stylescaster、Sociocast和FLUD News。


Magic Johnson (Retired)

NBA legend Earvin “Magic” Johnson joined Detroit Venture Partners in 2011 as an investor.

Since then, Johnson has invested millions of dollars in the firm, giving up to $3 million to each early-stage company. The NBA star’s portfolio includes Stylecaster, Sociocast, and FLUD News.

Johnson also owns Magic Johnson Enterprises, an entertainment company that includes a chain of theaters and is known for bringing big brands to urban areas.



生活在硅谷的伊戈達拉極力鼓吹科技的未來,并在2015年的TechCrunch Disrupt大會上宣傳了他的思想。

Andre Iguodala

Warriors forward and NBA Finals MVP Andre Iguodala invested in Twice, an online marketplace for buying and selling secondhand clothing, shoes, and handbags. In July 2015, eBay acquired Twice, which made Iguodala a sweet profit.

Living in Silicon Valley, Iguodala is vocal about the future of tech and expands his thoughts at TechCrunch Disrupt 2015.



2007年,詹姆斯與投資大師沃倫?巴菲特成為好友。巴菲特幫助詹姆斯發(fā)展LRMR Marketing公司,該公司利用了各種聰明的投資決策。其中一項交易是買下了高端耳機Beats by Dre的部分股權(quán)。蘋果以30億美元買下了這家公司,讓詹姆斯賺到的錢估計為3,000萬美元。


LeBron James

NBA Star LeBron James signed with Nike to a seven-year, $90 million contract before he even entered the league. He works with big brands like Coke-Cola, McDonald’s, and Samsung, earning around $45 million a year from endorsements.

In 2007, James befriended investment guru Warren Buffett, who helped James set up LRMR Marketing using smart investment decisions. One deal included a stake in the high-end headphones Beats by Dre, making James an estimated $30 million when Apple purchased the company for $3 billion.

In December 2015, Warner Brothers invested $15.8 million into LeBron James’ new media company, UNINTERRUPTED.


紐約尼克斯隊的主要得分手卡梅羅?安東尼創(chuàng)辦了自己的風(fēng)險資本公司,名叫M7 Tech Partners。


Carmelo Anthony

As the leading scorer for the New York Knicks, Carmelo Anthony launched his own venture capital firm called M7 Tech Partners.

Anthony partnered with Stuart Goldfarb, an NBC and Bertelsmann executive, for his New York-based firm. Anthony is mostly interested in wearable technology and connected devices. You can see his favorite tech productshere.


兩次最有價值球員獎得主史蒂夫?納什是Consigliere Brand Capital公司的創(chuàng)始人。這是一家位于紐約市的風(fēng)險資本公司。

Consigliere投資于大公司,比如耐克、安德瑪(Under Armour)和Vitamin Water。但他投資于Birchbox、Warby Parker、Contently等科技新創(chuàng)企業(yè)。

Steve Nash (Retired)

Two-time MVP Steve Nash is the founder of Consigliere Brand Capital, an NYC-based venture capital firm.

Consigliere’s investments include big companies like Nike, Under Armour, and Vitamin Water. But he also invested in tech startups like Birchbox, Warby Parker, and Contently.



BloomThat的創(chuàng)始人募集了760萬美元資金,公司所處行業(yè)的營業(yè)收入達80億美元。創(chuàng)始人將在今年5月的Hustle Conin大會上發(fā)表講話。

Baron Davis (Retired)

Former UCLA and Golden State Warriors star Baron Davis joined Ashton Kutcher and Joe Montana in seed funding BloomThat, an on-delivery flower startup.

BloomThat’s founders raised $7.6 million in funding to tackle an $8 billion industry, and will speak at Hustle Conin May 2016.



Dwight Howard

Dwight Howard joined a group of investors that include fellow NBA player Amar’e Stoudemire to invest in Tapiture, a “visual discovery marketplace for discovering, sharing and buying the best stuff online.”The total investment round was worth $2.25 million.


得分后衛(wèi)、11年球齒老球員邁克爾?里德作為合伙人,加入了俄亥俄的NCT Ventures公司。這家風(fēng)投機構(gòu)聚焦于投資早期的科技公司。生長于俄亥俄州的里德表示,他計劃在當?shù)氐膹V泛人脈協(xié)助NCT的融資工作。



Michael Redd (Retired)

Shooting Guard and 11-year veteran Michael Redd joined Ohio-based NCT Ventures as a partner.

The VC firm focuses on investing in early-stage technology companies. Born and raised in Ohio, Redd said he plans to use his extensive local network to help NCT’s fundraising efforts.

With increasing access to technology, expect more athletes to get involved with investing or starting their own companies. And, hopefully, they spend their money wisely, or they might end up like NBA forward Antoine Walker.

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