雖然在國際上知名度不高,但是企業(yè)家、暢銷書作家、知名人生與商業(yè)戰(zhàn)略師托尼·羅賓斯已經(jīng)向5,000余萬人傳授了關(guān)于個人與職業(yè)發(fā)展的重要經(jīng)驗。羅賓斯自幼出身貧寒,經(jīng)歷多年的努力,才積累了巨額的財富。他的理財經(jīng)驗值得我們關(guān)注,本文將之歸納為20條。 1.成為投資人 羅賓斯曾指出,如果你想更快地實現(xiàn)自己的財務(wù)目標,就要養(yǎng)成投資的習慣。他曾在LinkedIn上寫道:“你必須成為一名投資者,不管投資的金額有多小,這樣你才能享受到復利的力量?!? 在接受《Inc.》雜志采訪時,羅賓斯講述了一名UPS貨車司機的故事。他每年只賺14,000美元,但他退休時已經(jīng)坐擁7100萬美元的財富,因為他每年都把20%的收入用于儲蓄。正是儲蓄的習慣和復利的力量為他創(chuàng)造了源源不斷的財富。 羅賓斯建議,如果你覺得自己沒有余錢用于投資,你可以想方設(shè)法削減一些支出。他表示:“投資能確保你在最急著用錢的時候有足夠的錢用。” 2.主動規(guī)劃理財 說到儲蓄和賺錢,重要的是進行主動的管理。羅賓斯表示,你得做到“不當棋子當棋手,一勞永逸地掌握金錢游戲的真諦。” 不管你是正在建立一項預(yù)算,還是想控制一下自己的投資,都不要忘了你的理財大計。最重要的是不要害怕失敗。畢竟就像羅賓斯所說的那樣,失敗也是成功的一個重要部分。 3.承擔小風險,換取大回報 羅賓斯并不諱言風險的存在。但他認為,風險總是有辦法管理的。他在2015年為《財富》撰寫的一篇文章中寫道:“世上沒有零風險的回報,世界上的每位理財大師無一例外地會告訴你,要尋找風險與回報不等價的投資渠道?!? 羅賓斯表示,要實現(xiàn)這個目標,你可以利用“五比一”法則。也就是說,“每承擔1美元的風險,你要有能掙5美元的前景。這樣你連錯4次也沒關(guān)系,只要第五次對了就能扳平?!奔匆袚★L險去換取大回報。 4.省錢比掙錢重要 羅賓斯對GOBankingRates表示,很多人都看重他們的投資,特別是極為重視投資收益?!暗悄銙甓嗌俨⒉皇亲钪匾?,重要的是你省了多少。如果你的投資組合的節(jié)稅性不高,那么有相當一部分應(yīng)該存下的錢就會被交了稅?!? 羅賓斯表示,隨著時間的推移,如果你的投資組合沒有考慮到節(jié)稅的問題,稅就將嚴重蠶食你的收益。在這方面,你可以考慮向?qū)I(yè)人士尋求幫助,比如去找一名特許金融分析師或認證財務(wù)規(guī)劃師等等。 5.用多樣化理財方式降低風險,實現(xiàn)收益最大化 多數(shù)投資者都明白多樣化的投資組合能夠降低風險的道理,因為你沒有將所有的雞蛋都放進同一個籃子里。不過羅賓斯表示,多樣化投資并不意味著隨機地投資一系列股票和債券。 有一種正確的多樣化投資是購買費用較低的指數(shù)基金?!巴ㄟ^投資這種基金,你就能以最低的成本投資最多的證券?!? 6.用低成本的指數(shù)基金代替高成本的共同基金 羅賓斯之所以特別青睞指數(shù)基金,不僅僅是出于多樣化投資的考慮,還因為它們的費用低于主動管理型基金。費用為什么這么重要?因為它們會蠶食你退休賬戶里的收益,留給你的錢就更少了。 羅賓斯在發(fā)表于Business Insider網(wǎng)站上的一篇文章中引用了《福布斯》雜志2011年的一份報道,稱持有一支共同基金的平均成本是每年3.17%。相比之下,一支追蹤標普500指數(shù)的指數(shù)基金的費用還不到0.14%。 “光是拋掉昂貴的共同基金,用低成本的指數(shù)基金取而代之,你就有可能拿回未來70%的養(yǎng)老錢?!彼麑懙?。 7.停止不過大腦的花銷 想把每一分錢都花在刀刃上嗎?那就要像羅賓斯說的那樣,“花錢要花在能顯著提高生活質(zhì)量的事物上,停止不能給生活帶來任何價值的無腦開銷?!? 羅賓斯表示,在不需要的東西上花的錢如果積少成多,也是相當嚇人的。比如如果你每周花40美元出去吃飯,而不是跟親友在家吃飯,那你每年就要多花掉2000美元。如果你把這筆錢用于投資,每年能獲得8%的投資回報,堅持40年,你就攢下了50多萬美元。 8.專注于你能控制的東西 羅賓斯曾指出,要想成功,你就別糾結(jié)于自己無力控制的東西,而是要專注于自己能控制的東西。他在領(lǐng)英上寫道,一個人可以通過不斷提高自己來控制自己的將來?!拔铱梢哉业揭环N方法去服務(wù)大眾,去做更多事,去成為一個更好的人,去為整個市場增加價值?!? 9.別關(guān)心要做的事,只關(guān)心結(jié)果 領(lǐng)英曾請羅賓斯談?wù)勅绾翁岣吖ぷ餍?。對此,羅賓斯表示,人們應(yīng)該扔掉他們的待辦清單。你可能覺得,像羅賓斯這樣一位領(lǐng)導力和績效方面的權(quán)威人士,肯定會建議我們經(jīng)常記下待辦的事情,然而事實并非如此。 羅賓斯寫道:“待辦清單最大的問題是,你就算專心做完了該做的事情,也不能保證你能獲得任何實際的進步?!彼阅銘?yīng)該明確自己真正想要什么,然后集中所有精力朝著這個結(jié)果去努力。 “如果你繼續(xù)通過待辦清單打理你的生活,你只會感到長久的心理失衡和沮喪。因為你知道自己工作得很努力,但在對你的生活真正重要的各個方面卻沒有任何進展?!? 10.執(zhí)行就是力量 不斷學習是一種非常重要的人生態(tài)度。羅賓斯本人的一種學習方式就是與那些勇于打破現(xiàn)狀、彰顯各種可能的人交往。但更重要的是,你要善于將所學到的經(jīng)驗應(yīng)用到實際中。 他在2015年為MarketWatch網(wǎng)站撰寫的一篇文章中寫道:“每周或每天進步一點點,不知不覺中,你通往財富自由的道路就實現(xiàn)了?!? 11.注意哪些東西有用,哪些沒用 作為一名商業(yè)和人生戰(zhàn)略師,羅賓斯總會問別人,他們的人生真正想要的是什么。要回答這個問題,你就要先想想哪些事物對你有用,哪些事物對你沒有用。 他對《成功》(Success)雜志表示:“注意哪些東西有用,哪些沒有用。如果它沒有用,那就換條路走,直到你最終達到了自己的目標?!? 這條經(jīng)驗適用于生活的所有方面,也包括理財。如果你少花錢、多存錢的辦法不管用,就換另一種方法。如果你拼命想還債,結(jié)果卻適得其反,就要采取另一種策略。關(guān)鍵是要從之前犯的錯誤中吸取教訓。 12.效法其他人的成功策略 羅賓斯建議,要實現(xiàn)你的商業(yè)或人生目標,你不妨效法某個已經(jīng)實現(xiàn)了這個目標的人。 “他們有很多親測有效的策略。”他對《成功》雜志表示:“這樣你就不必閉門造車、走一條沒人走過的路了?!? 13.提高標準 如果你在經(jīng)濟上成就不高,或許是因為你對自己的標準太低了。你可能認為自己這輩子也沒有迎娶白富美、走上人生巔峰的命。而你的人生軌跡恰恰是基于這些自我認知的。因此,如果你提高了你的標準,還是能夠改變?nèi)松摹? “改變和目標是兩碼事。你不一定總能實現(xiàn)你的目標,但你總有一個標準?!比绻阏J為某件事物對你來說是必需的,只要你提高了這個標準,你就總能找到一條能夠達到目的地的路。 要提高你的標準,首先要看看你的局限性,問問自己,你是什么時候習慣了這樣畫地為牢的。然后再以一個新的標準定義自己。 14.擴大資源 大多數(shù)人在沒有實現(xiàn)目標的時候,都會歸咎于自己缺少資源。他們可能會說,他們沒有成功所必需的支持、財力或時間。這種看法只會阻礙他們獲得成功。 “領(lǐng)導者所做的事,就是想方設(shè)法擴大他們現(xiàn)有的各種資源,不管它有多不起眼?!倍腔勰軐⒛隳X中的創(chuàng)意變成某種了不起的東西,因此羅賓斯也將其稱之為“終極資源”。 15.不要自己破壞自己的理財大計 羅賓斯表示,自我破壞是讓人無法實現(xiàn)理財目標的第一大敵。人們之所以會破壞自己的理財計劃,往往是由于到了某個層次以后,他們會覺得理財?shù)耐纯啻笥谙硎?。他們可能會過于糾結(jié)金錢帶來的負面問題——比如擔心自己掙得越多,繳的稅就越多。 羅賓斯在一段講課視頻中指出:“只有你的核心信念變了,你的財產(chǎn)才會變?!蹦銘?yīng)該多想想沒錢的痛苦,并且把它寫下來,然后再想想有錢的好處。這種方法能促使你改變自己的心態(tài)。 16.用恐懼推動自己前進 每個人都有自己害怕的事。羅賓斯表示,你并不需要完全克服那種恐懼,但你需要用它來推動自己前進。 羅賓斯在發(fā)布于Business Insider上的一則視頻中表示:“要想克服對失敗的恐懼,最簡單的方法,就是更害怕不采取任何行動?!?你最應(yīng)該擔心的是過上一種遠遠不是你想要和你應(yīng)該過上的生活。 17.制定一份商業(yè)地圖而非商業(yè)計劃 如果你經(jīng)營著一家企業(yè),那你需要的不只是一份商業(yè)計劃,因為它過幾年就會過時。 “在當今不斷變化的市場和經(jīng)濟條件下,唯一的真正的競爭優(yōu)勢并不是擁有一份商業(yè)計劃,而是擁有一份能帶你從你所在的地方到你想去的地方的商業(yè)路線圖。”羅賓斯在領(lǐng)英上寫道。 羅賓斯指出,像星巴克、蘋果、Toms和Facebook等公司都已經(jīng)對自身進行了重新定義,以保持競爭優(yōu)勢,抓住市場機遇?!皩τ谶@些公司,他們這樣做所產(chǎn)生的結(jié)果是極其驚人的?!? 18.問正確的問題 羅賓斯在他的著作《掌握金錢游戲》(Money: Master the Game)中寫道,成功的人會問正確的問題。比如,微軟創(chuàng)始人比爾·蓋茨并沒有問自己怎樣才能做出最好的軟件,而是問自己如何才能創(chuàng)建一個能夠控制所有電腦的操作系統(tǒng)。 羅賓斯寫道:“要想獲得結(jié)果,你不能只問一遍問題,而是要執(zhí)著于尋找最好的答案?!? 普通人問的問題經(jīng)常會把他們引到死胡同,而不是找到解決方案。比如他們會問“這種事為什么會發(fā)生在我身上?”而羅賓斯則會問“我怎樣能把事情做得更好?”他寫道:“你是否意識到了自己最關(guān)注的問題,也就是你生活中最主要的問題是什么?不管是什么,它都會塑造和引領(lǐng)你的人生。” 19.別以為金錢會讓人生更有意義 羅賓斯自己也賺了很多錢,但他并不認為我們?nèi)魏稳说娜松饬x是金錢賦予的。 “有些人將他們的資產(chǎn)凈值等同于他們的人生價值。他們的身份與銀行存款和投資報告緊密地聯(lián)結(jié)在一起,忘了金錢只是一種工具,它的意義是滿足我們的需求,而我們所有的需求幾乎都跟錢沒什么關(guān)系?!? 羅賓斯寫道,人生在于創(chuàng)造意義,而意義來自于你給予了什么。“金錢留給你的永遠只有空虛,除非你將它貢獻出去。如果你要從金錢里尋找意義,你就要付出很高的代價?!? 20.有進步就有快樂 羅賓斯在一段勵志視頻中說道,進步等同于快樂?!叭绻覀兡芙?jīng)常進步,我們就會感到生氣勃勃。” 然而你不可能整天只是期待進步的發(fā)生。你要以另一種角度看待生活。羅賓斯表示:“你應(yīng)該說:‘我得控制一下這件事的進展,不能只是希望事情能自己解決?!?(財富中文網(wǎng)) 譯者:樸成奎 |
Through audio, video and live-training programs, he's taught more than 50 million people around the world important lessons about personal and professional development. But, Robbins hasn't always been an international success. He grew up in poverty and, over the years, built his wealth. If you want to become successful like Robbins, click through to see the best expert money tips. 1. BECOME AN INVESTOR Robbins has said that if you want to reach financial goals faster, you have to make investing a habit. "You have to become an investor — no matter how small the amount—so you can tap into the power of compounding," he wrote on LinkedIn. In an interview with Inc. magazine, Robbins told the story of a UPS (UPS, +1.76%)driver who made $14,000 a year but retired with $71 million because he saved 20 percent a year. That habit of saving and the power of compounding interest created lasting wealth, Robbins said. If you think you can't afford to invest, Robbins recommends looking for expenses you can cut. Investing that money will "ensure you have more than enough when you need it most," he wrote. 2. BE PROACTIVE WITH YOUR MONEY When it comes to saving and making money, it's important to be proactive. Robbins told GOBankingRates that you need to "stop being the chess piece and start being the chess player. It's time to master the game of money once and for all." Whether you're learning to create a budget or taking control of your investments, don't put your finances on the back burner. Most of all, don't be afraid of a bit of failure. After all, as Robbins has said, failure is an important part of succeeding. 3. TAKE SMALL RISKS FOR BIG REWARDS Robbins doesn't pretend that risk doesn't exist. But there are ways to manage risk. "While there is no such thing as a riskless return, every money master in the world will tell you, without exception, one of the most vital components of your portfolio is to find investments with asymmetric risk and reward," said Robbins in a 2015 article for Fortune. To do that, you should use the five-to-one rule, he said. That means "for every dollar you risk, you have the potential to make five. You can be wrong four out of five times, but as long as you are right that fifth time, you will break even." The principle is about taking small risks with the potential for big rewards. 4. LEARN THAT WHAT YOU KEEP MATTERS MORE THAN WHAT YOU EARN Robbins told GOBankingRates that too many people look at their investments and focus strictly on returns. "But it's not what you earn that matters, it's what you keep," he said. "And if your portfolio isn't tax-efficient, then you may not be keeping as much as you should be." In fact, he said taxes can dramatically erode your earnings over time if you haven't structured your portfolio with tax-advantaged investments. You might consider working with a professional, such as a chartered financial analyst or certified financial planner, to do this. 5. DIVERSIFY TO REDUCE RISK AND MAXIMIZE RETURNS Most investors know that diversifying a portfolio helps reduce risk because you're not putting all of your money into a single investment. But diversification doesn't mean investing in a random selection of stocks and bonds, said Robbins. One way to get the diversification you need is to invest in low-fee index funds. "With these types of funds, you will have the broadest exposure to the largest numbers of securities for the lowest cost," he said. 6. REPLACE EXPENSIVE MUTUAL FUNDS WITH LOW-COST INDEX FUNDS Robbins touts index funds not only because of the diversification, but also because they have lower fees than actively managed funds. Why do fees matter? Because they eat away at the returns in your retirement account and leave you with less money. In an article for Business Insider, Robbins cited a 2011 Forbes finding that the average cost of owning a mutual fund is 3.17 percent per year. By contrast, Robbins said an index fund that tracks the S&P 500 can have a fee of less than 0.14 percent. "By simply removing expensive mutual funds from your life and replacing them with low-cost index funds, you will have made a major step in recouping up to 70 percent of your potential future nest egg," he wrote. 7. STOP MINDLESS SPENDING Want to stretch the value of a dollar? Then "spend on things that dramatically enhance your quality of life, and stop mindless spending that doesn't add any value to your life," Robbins told GOBankingRates. Spending on things you don't need can quickly add up, he said. For example, spending $40 a week to go out to dinner instead of enjoying a low-cost gathering at home with friends can add up to more than $2,000 a year. If you invested that money instead and earned an annual 8 percent over 40 years, you'd have more than a half-million dollars, he said. 8. FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL Robbins has said that to succeed, you need to stop focusing on what you can't control and focus on what you can. He wrote on LinkedIn that he learned he could control his future by improving himself. "I could find a way to serve, a way to do more, a way to become better, a way to add value to the marketplace," he wrote. 9. WORRY ABOUT RESULTS INSTEAD OF TO-DO LISTS When LinkedIn asked Robbins to share his secrets for being more productive, he said people should ditch their to-do lists. You'd think an authority on leadership and performance would advocate a method for keeping track of what needs to be done. But that's not the case. Instead, Robbins wrote, "The biggest problem with to-do lists is that focusing only on what you need to get done does not guarantee that you're actually making any real progress." Figure out what you want, then focus all of your activities on making progress toward that result, he said. "To continue to manage your life by a to-do list only invites the continuing imbalance and frustration that comes from knowing you're working hard, but that you're not making progress in all the areas of your life that truly matter," he wrote. 10. REALIZE THAT EXECUTION IS POWER It's important to always learn. Robbins does that for himself by seeking out people who break the norms and demonstrate what is possible. But you have to take what you've learned and put it into practice. "Just make a little bit of progress each day or each week, and before you know it, your path to financial freedom will be realized," he wrote in a 2015 opinion piece for MarketWatch. 11. NOTICE WHAT WORKS — AND WHAT DOESN’T As a business and life strategist, Robbins asks people to examine what they want in life. Part of the process of doing so involves noticing what is and isn't working. "Notice what's working and what's not working. And when it's not working, change your approach. And keep changing until you finally achieve what it is you're committed to," he told Success magazine. This can apply to all aspects of your life, including your finances. If your efforts to cut spending and save more aren't working, try another approach. If your attempts to eliminate debt are backfiring, look for another strategy. The key is to learn from your mistakes. 12. MODEL OTHER SUCCESS STRATEGIES To achieve what you want in business or life, Robbins advocates modeling someone who has already achieved that goal. "They've got a set of strategies that they apply and those strategies work," he told Success magazine. "You don't need to reinvent the wheel. You don't need to reinvent a way to succeed." 13. RAISE YOUR STANDARDS The way you see yourself might be what's holding you back from financial success. You might think you're not the type of person who can succeed, get ahead and be rich. The way you live is based on these self-perceptions. Raise your standards, and you can change your life. "Lasting change is different than a goal," said Robbins. "You don't always get your goals, but you always get your standards." When you decide something is a must for you and raise the standard, you will find a way to achieve what you want, he said. To raise your standards, take a look at your limitations and ask when you decided to accept those limitations. Then, identify yourself in a new way. 14. BE RESOURCEFUL Most people who fail to achieve goals blame a lack of resources, Robbins once said. They might say they didn't have the support, money or time to succeed. But that belief keeps them from being able to lead. "What leaders do is they find a way to maximize whatever resources they have — as little as they may be," said Robbins. Resourcefulness is the fuel that takes an idea in your head and turns it into something. Robbins called it "the ultimate resource." 15. DON’T SELF-SABOTAGE YOUR FINANCES Self-sabotage is the No. 1 thing that keeps people from achieving financial goals, said Robbins. People sabotage their own financial success because on some level, they believe it will lead to more pain than pleasure. They focus on the negative aspects of money — worrying, for example, about the taxes they'll have to pay as they earn more. "Your finances will not change until your core beliefs change," said Robbins in one of his instructional videos. He said you should think about the pain not having money has caused you. Write it down. Then, write down the positive things money offers. This will motivate you to change your mindset. 16. USE FEAR TO MOVE YOURSELF FORWARD Everyone has something they're afraid of doing. Robbins said you don't have to get rid of that fear, but you do need to use it to move forward. "The easiest way to deal with the fear of failure is to be more fearful of not taking action," said Robbins in a video posted at Business Insider. Be afraid of settling for a life that's far below what you deserve and desire, he said. 17. CREATE A BUSINESS MAP, NOT A BUSINESS PLAN If you have a business, you need more than a plan that can become obsolete in a few years as the market changes. "The only true competitive advantage in today's changing market and economy is not having a business plan, but having a business map that can take you from where you are to where you want to be," Robbins wrote on LinkedIn. Robbins noted that businesses such as Starbucks, Apple, Toms and Facebook all have redefined who they are to stay competitive and meet market opportunities. "In each case, the results they have generated have been spectacular," he wrote. 18. ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS TO GET RESULTS In his book "Money: Master the Game," Robbins wrote that successful people ask the right questions. For example, Microsoft founder Bill Gates didn't ask how he could build the best software, but rather how he could create the operating system that would control all computers. "To get results, you can't just ask the question once, you have to become obsessed with finding its greatest answer(s)," Robbins wrote. Average people often ask questions that lead them to focus on roadblocks rather than solutions, such as "Why is this happening to me?" But Robbins wrote that he asks how he can make things better. "Are you aware of what you focus on most; your primary question in life?" he wrote. "Whatever it is, it will shape, mold, and direct your life." 19. DON’T EXPECT MONEY TO GIVE LIFE MEANING Robbins has made a lot of money in life, but he doesn't think it is what gives him—or any of us—meaning. "People can equate their net worth with their self-worth," he wrote on LinkedIn. "Their identity is married so deeply to their bank statements and quarterly portfolio reports that they've forgotten that money is simply a vehicle for trying to meet our needs, almost all of which are not financial." Robbins wrote that life is about creating meaning, which comes from what you give. "Money will always leave you empty unless it comes from a contribution you've made," he wrote. "And if you're looking for significance from money, it's a high price to pay." 20. MAKE PROGRESS, AND YOU’LL BE HAPPY Progress equals happiness, Robbins said in a motivational video. "If we can make progress on a regular basis, we can feel alive," he said. You can't just expect progress to happen. You have to look at life in a different way. "You have to say 'I've got to take control of this process and not just hope it's going to work out,'" Robbins said. |