


Lucinda Shen 2017-06-04

前公司SAC Capital的內(nèi)幕交易丑聞使對(duì)沖基金億萬富翁史蒂文?科恩遭禁,2018年之前無法管理外部資金。而今,科恩看來不僅要回到對(duì)沖基金行業(yè),還要重新登上行業(yè)龍頭寶座。

《華爾街日?qǐng)?bào)》上周二報(bào)道,據(jù)稱科恩打算設(shè)立一只200億美元的新對(duì)沖基金,于2018年初投入運(yùn)營。報(bào)道指出,這不僅超過了他在SAC Capital任職時(shí)160億美元的資產(chǎn)管理峰值,還將成為迄今為止美國對(duì)沖基金的最大初始規(guī)模。

近幾年科恩對(duì)重操舊業(yè)的問題一直不動(dòng)聲色,而上述融資行為會(huì)成為這位60歲投資人回歸的最明確信號(hào)。SAC Capital于2013年終止運(yùn)營,此前該公司承認(rèn)了內(nèi)幕交易指控并繳納了18億美元罰款。美國證監(jiān)會(huì)起訴科恩的理由是他未能約束手下員工。去年科恩與美國證監(jiān)會(huì)達(dá)成和解協(xié)議,其中一項(xiàng)內(nèi)容就是禁止科恩管理外部資金。

從那時(shí)起,科恩一直通過自己的家族辦公室Point72 Asset Management管理著110億美元資產(chǎn),其中大多是他的個(gè)人資產(chǎn)。但《財(cái)富》雜志在最近介紹Point72 Asset Management的情況時(shí)指出,有關(guān)科恩回歸的傳聞層出不窮,許多投資者也相信,一有機(jī)會(huì)科恩就會(huì)立刻回到對(duì)沖基金行業(yè)。


當(dāng)時(shí)科恩還透露,他間接擁有一只新基金,名為Stamford Harbor Capital。后者最新披露的資產(chǎn)管理規(guī)模為1.057億美元。外界認(rèn)為Stamford Harbor Capital將成為科恩回歸對(duì)沖基金領(lǐng)域的跳板。

離2018年還有7個(gè)月,而科恩打算從外部融資的消息和Stamford Harbor Capital之前的公告相悖,后者稱2018年之前不會(huì)做出接受外部資金的決定。

去年10月,Stamford Harbor Capital發(fā)言人在一份聲明中表示:“雖然Stamford Harbor Capital目前可以管理外部資金,但我們選擇不這樣做,而且要到2018年再做出相關(guān)決定?!?/p>

總之,科恩的回歸備受期待,投資者希望他能重現(xiàn)昔日輝煌,就像在SAC Capital那樣帶來29%的年回報(bào)率。但Point72 Asset Management的最新業(yè)績很一般。彭博的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,2016年其回報(bào)率僅為1%,標(biāo)普500指數(shù)則上漲了9%以上。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))


Hedge fund billionaire Steven Cohen was banned from managing outside money until 2018 after an insider trading scandal swept through his former firm SAC Capital. Now, Cohen not only appears poised to return to the hedge fund industry, but to resume his place at the top.

Cohen is reportedly seeking to raise $20 billion for a new hedge fund set to open in early 2018, according to the Wall Street Journal Tuesday. That's not only more money than Cohen ever managed at his previous hedge fund SAC Capital, which peaked at $16 billion, it would also represent the biggest U.S. hedge fund launch to date, according to the Journal.

The fundraising would be the surest sign of a comeback for the 60-year-old, who has demurred on questions about a comeback in recent years. SAC Capital shuttered its doors in 2013 after pleading guilty to insider trading charges and paying a $1.8 billion fine. Cohen was barred from managing outsider money as part of a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission last year, which had charged the investor with failing to supervise his firm's employees.

Since then, Cohen has been managing mostly his own $11 billion fortune via his family office, Point72 Asset Management. Still, rumors of a comeback have surrounded him, and many investors believe Cohen will return to hedge funds the first chance he gets, Fortune reported in a recent profile of the trader.

"You always want to create options for yourself," Cohen told Fortune in an interview in 2016. "Right now I’m a family office and enjoying it, and 2018, we’ll figure it out when we get there. When we cross that bridge, we’ll get to it."

Cohen also revealed his indirect ownership of a new fund called Stamford Harbor Capital in 2016, which reported about $105.7 million under management in its most recent disclosure. Stamford Harbor is thought to be a precursor to Cohen's return to the hedge-fund world.

Though with seven months to go until the new year, the report that Cohen is seeking to raise outside funds conflicts with previous statements put out by Stamford Harbor, saying the decision to accept outside money would not be made until 2018.

"While Stamford Harbor could currently manage outside money, it has chosen not to do so and instead to defer that decision until 2018," a spokesperson said in a statement back in October.

At any rate, Cohen's return has been highly anticipated, with investors hoping he can replicate his starry past performance of 29% annual returns at SAC Capital. But Point72 Asset Management's most recent returns have been lackluster, gaining just 1% in 2016 as the S&P 500 rose over 9%, according to Bloomberg.

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