


Peter McKay 2017-09-18

今年,首次公開募股的形勢比起2016年有所好轉(zhuǎn),不過也沒強(qiáng)到哪里去,考慮到股市的強(qiáng)勁表現(xiàn),這著實(shí)令人驚訝。實(shí)際上,許多分析師預(yù)測,盡管2017年的情況優(yōu)于去年,但上市的公司數(shù)仍將少于2015年。今年炒作最火熱的兩大IPO——Blue Apron和Snap都表現(xiàn)糟糕,對促進(jìn)上市熱情毫無幫助。兩支股票目前的成交價都遠(yuǎn)低于起初的發(fā)行價。








歸根結(jié)底,上市只有在萬不得已要滿足投資者,募集從其他來源無法獲得的資金,或是更容易地收購其他公司時才有意義。坦率地說,看看Snap和Blue Apron最近的例子,任何現(xiàn)在不需要上市的人去這么做都是瘋狂的。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))




This year has been better for IPOs than 2016, but not that much better, which is surprising given the stock market’s strong performance. In fact, many analysts expect that although 2017 will top last year, we will still see fewer companies go public in 2017 than in 2015. The poor performance of the two most hyped IPOs this year—Blue Apron and Snap—hasn’t helped boost enthusiasm for going public; both are currently trading far below their initial offering price.

So why go public? It’s a good question. As co-CEO of a privately held software company that has never taken outside investment, and a former senior executive at VMware, I can say with confidence that there’s little advantage for a private company to go public in current market conditions.

By going public, companies chain themselves to quarterly performance goals, which makes it extremely difficult to execute the kind of long-term strategy that creates a truly great company. Investors may tolerate lower profits, and even losses, so long as growth remains robust, but patience is not their strong suit. At some point, usually sooner rather than later, companies that make big investments that take a long time to pay off will be punished by a falling stock price. This leaves the company vulnerable to acquisition or a hostile takeover, and it crushes the morale of employees, whose 401(k) plans and stock options depend on their shares gaining value.

Second, as a public company, executives have much less room to maneuver. Not only is the company expected to meet or exceed analysts’ quarterly performance expectations, but disclosure requirements mean that the leadership team must telegraph, if not outright state, its strategy. This makes it difficult to quickly change direction to take advantage of a market opportunity, especially if the new course will have negative short-term ramifications for earnings. Any sudden deviation from a company’s stated strategy will be perceived by the market as weakness and vacillation, further driving down the stock price.

Pressure from investors and analysts require executives to spend precious time and resources wooing and placating them, restricting their ability to act quickly to seize opportunity. Short sellers scrutinize every disclosure for weaknesses, real or imagined, that they can publicize and exploit.

And the final indignity? For this loss of control, the company will pay millions simply to keep up with paperwork and reporting.

Of course, if you need a large capital infusion, the public markets can provide a ready supply. If your investors are clamoring for an exit, the public markets are certainly a ready option. And if you need to grow through acquisition, going public can give you currency in stock to go on a buying spree.

But if you don’t need additional capital or acquisitions to grow, there’s really no reason to go public, especially now. Privately held companies like Bose, MailChimp, and my own company, Veeam, continue to grow profitably at a rapid clip without the “benefit” of going public.

In the end, going public only makes sense as a last resort to satisfy investors, to raise capital that can’t be sourced elsewhere, or to make it easier to buy other companies. Frankly, given the recent examples set by Snap and Blue Apron, anyone who doesn’t need to go public right now would be crazy to do so.

Peter McKay is co-CEO and president of Veeam.

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