


Jeff John Roberts 2017-09-21



這是一次華麗的命運逆轉,因為過去一周對于數(shù)字貨幣而言是糟糕的一周。摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)CEO抨擊比特幣是“欺詐”,另外中國政府命令加密貨幣交易中心停止交易。



So much for those China chills. On Monday, bitcoin appeared to be shaking off investors' anxiety about a cryptocurrency crackdown by the Chinese government, and posting big gains.

As of mid-morning Eastern Time, the price of bitcoin had soared over 10 percent in the last 24 hours and crossed above the $4,000 mark for the first time in nearly a week.

This is a big reversal of fortune after a terrible week for the digital currency in which the CEO of J.P. Morgan (jpm, +1.22%) slammed bitcoin as "a fraud" and the Chinese government ordered cryptocurrency exchanges to cease trading.

The spate of bad news led the price of bitcoin to nosedive to near the $3,000 mark—a nearly 40% drop from early September when it briefly crossed into $5,000 territory.

Here's what the recent ride has looked like, according to data from the Winkelvoss index, which averages the price of several bitcoin exchanges:




- Jameson Lopp (@lopp),2017年9月18日



- Jerry Brito (@jerrybrito) ,2017年9月18日

這種樂觀情緒可能是有根據(jù)的。盡管如此,比特幣從上周的打擊中恢復過來仍有很長的距離 — 盡管價格有所反彈,但比特幣仍比其最近的高點低了20%左右。(財富中文網(wǎng))


It's hard to say for sure what explains bitcoin's latest resurgence but the best guess may be an underlying confidence in the crypto currency's resiliency. While a crackdown by China might have once seemed to be an existential threat, it appears traders are for now betting that bitcoin will survive this as it has so many previous perils:

The harder nation states crack down, the more coins smart money will buy.

- Jameson Lopp (@lopp) September 18, 2017

Others pointed to a recent analysis that supports a popular narrative that bitcoin has become a permanent asset class in its own right, one that will jockey with precious metals and may even become a reserve currency for central banks:

Spot on: What Last Week Tells Us About Bitcoin https://t.co/TPoka1x98r pic.twitter.com/XADY7uAVXp

- Jerry Brito (@jerrybrito) September 18, 2017

This optimism may be well-founded. Nonetheless, bitcoin still has a ways to recover from last week's smackdown—despite the recent rally, the currency is still around 20% below its recent highs. (P.S. If you're bearish on the whole thing: here's our handy guide to shorting bitcoin).

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