


Jonathan Vanian 2017-11-12




Apple Watch和無(wú)線AirPods銷量比上年同期增長(zhǎng)75%。雖然蒂姆·庫(kù)克在上周四的分析師電話會(huì)議上未給出任何具體數(shù)字,但他說(shuō)可穿戴設(shè)備的年收入相當(dāng)于一家《財(cái)富》400強(qiáng)公司。也就是說(shuō),如果按《財(cái)富》500強(qiáng)中排在第400位的能源公司Calpine的業(yè)務(wù)規(guī)模計(jì)算,可穿戴設(shè)備的年銷售額至少為67億美元。


包括Apple Music在線流媒體服務(wù)和iCloud存儲(chǔ)業(yè)務(wù)在內(nèi),蘋果服務(wù)業(yè)務(wù)創(chuàng)下了歷史最佳季度業(yè)績(jī),銷售額達(dá)到85億美元,同比上升34%。庫(kù)克說(shuō)服務(wù)業(yè)務(wù)相當(dāng)于一家《財(cái)富》100強(qiáng)公司,理論上可以和21世紀(jì)??怂购头评?莫里斯這樣的大企業(yè)并駕齊驅(qū)。


庫(kù)克表示,臺(tái)式機(jī)和筆記本電腦業(yè)務(wù)過(guò)去一年的表現(xiàn)達(dá)到了前所未有的水平。Mac相關(guān)臺(tái)式機(jī)和筆記本電腦的季度銷售額同比上升25%,達(dá)到72億美元,庫(kù)克將原因歸結(jié)為開學(xué)前市場(chǎng)的強(qiáng)勁表現(xiàn)。這和近期分析師對(duì)整個(gè)PC 市場(chǎng)的報(bào)告截然相反。比如,Gartner指出開學(xué)前美國(guó)市場(chǎng)表現(xiàn)低迷,在截至9月30日的三個(gè)月中PC總銷量下跌。也許人們都去買Mac了,而不是使用Windows操作系統(tǒng)的電腦。






Apple’s latest quarter was a big one with sales growing 12% year-over-year to $52.6 billion, sending its shares up nearly 3% in after-hours trading. But it wasn’t just overall revenue that made for the whopper performance.

The company reported results that would make most any company happy. Here are five key numbers that stood out:

Apple’s wearable business is a lot bigger than you think

Sales in the unit that includes Apple Watch and the wireless AirPods grew 75% year-over-year. Although Tim Cook didn’t give any specific numbers during a call with analysts on Thursday, he said that annual revenue from wearable products is equivalent to a Fortune 400 company. That suggests that wearables account for at least $6.7 billion in annual sales, if you consider sales of energy company Calpine, which is No. 400 on Fortune’s list of the top 500 companies.

Services R’ Us

Services, which includes the Apple Music online streaming service and iCloud storage, had its best quarter ever, with quarterly sales up 34% year-over-year to $8.5 billion. Cook said that the services business is akin to a Fortune 100 company, theoretically on par with corporate heavyweights like Twenty-First Century Fox and cigarette giant Philip Morris.

Mac attack

Cook said that personal computers and laptops had their best year ever. Quarterly sales of Mac-related PCs and laptops jumped 25% year-over-year to $7.2 billion, which Cook attributed to a strong back-to-school season. That sharply contrasts with recent analyst reports about the overall PC market like one by Gartner that said that the U.S. experienced a weak back-to-school season and that overall PC sales dropped during the a three-month-period ending Sept. 30. Maybe people are just buying Macs instead of Windows-based PCs.

Rebound in China

After six straight quarters of declining sales in China, Apple said that revenue in that country grew 12% year-over-year to $9.8 billion. Cook didn’t say what particular Apple product attributed to the gain, only that “the results were broad-based, they were pretty much across the board,” implying that they were spread across iPhones, iPads, PCs, and services.

See you in augmented reality

Cook remains bullish about AR technology, in which digital images are overlaid onto the physical world through the help of smartphone cameras and screens. Apple currently has over 1,000 AR-apps in its app store, although it’s unclear how many people actually use them. Nevertheless, Cook believes that AR technology “amplifies human performance instead of isolating humans,” unlike virtual reality, for which people must wear big headsets to experience virtual worlds. He believes that the state of AR is “very much like 2008, when we fired the gun in the overall app store.” Give Apple some time, Cook believes, and AR will become a big business for the company.

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