


Lucinda Shen 2018-02-08

隨著道瓊斯工業(yè)平均指數(shù)(Dow Jones Industrial Average)和標(biāo)普500指數(shù)(S&P 500)等主要股指在本周一跌掉了2018年的所有漲幅,投資者乃至白宮都開(kāi)始擔(dān)心起來(lái),股市還會(huì)進(jìn)一步下跌嗎?


由于勞工統(tǒng)計(jì)局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)上周五發(fā)布了高于預(yù)期的工資數(shù)據(jù),人們對(duì)美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)(Federal Reserve)加息的期望也有所提高,本周一,衡量美國(guó)股市的道瓊斯工業(yè)平均指數(shù)、標(biāo)普500指數(shù)和納斯達(dá)克指數(shù)(Nasdaq)連續(xù)第二天出現(xiàn)下跌。




根據(jù)最新可獲得的數(shù)據(jù),從1月26日道瓊斯指數(shù)達(dá)到2018年最高點(diǎn)至上周五,股市已經(jīng)損失了3,610億美元。作為對(duì)比,石油巨頭埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)的市值大約就是3,600億美元,而道瓊斯的總市值為6.8萬(wàn)億美元。




由邁克爾·威爾遜領(lǐng)銜的摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)股票策略師在周一的照會(huì)中評(píng)論道:“隨著市場(chǎng)繼續(xù)消化這些沖擊,我們預(yù)計(jì)短期內(nèi)股指會(huì)繼續(xù)下行,不過(guò)在投資者冷靜下來(lái)以后,股指將達(dá)到新高。然而,這需要數(shù)周時(shí)間,我們不急著低價(jià)買(mǎi)入,而是在等待更好的技術(shù)信號(hào)。”

Evercore ISI的丹尼斯·德布斯切爾表示,投資者在重回股市之前可能會(huì)選擇靜觀其變。




Yardeni Research的愛(ài)德華·亞德尼寫(xiě)道:“周五的下跌之后,無(wú)論是短期內(nèi)是上揚(yáng)還是下跌,我都看好行情,因?yàn)闃I(yè)績(jī)預(yù)期仍然非常樂(lè)觀。過(guò)去七周里,行業(yè)分析師普遍預(yù)期的2018年標(biāo)普500指數(shù)每股收益提高了9美元,在2月2日這一周達(dá)到了155.26美元?!?

這不意味著所有人都認(rèn)為下跌只是短期現(xiàn)象。黑石集團(tuán)(Blackstone Group)總裁托尼·詹姆斯就評(píng)論道,股市現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)充分估值了。



With major stock market indexes such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 erasing their 2018 gains on Monday, investors and even the White House are indeed starting to worry: Will the market fall further?

“We’re always concerned when the market loses any value,” a White House official told CNBC early Monday, adding, perhaps to allay any jitters, “But we’re also confident in the economy’s fundamentals.”

The U.S. stock market as measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and Nasdaq fell for the second day in a row Monday, due to rosier-than-expected wage data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Friday—pushing up expectations of Federal Reserve rate hikes.

While workers may have embraced the news of some extra nine cents per hour, the Friday news also sent jitters up and down Wall Street—adding what is likely billions in losses to the stock market Monday.

Investors are concerned that the Fed may hike interest rates more aggressively this year if it thinks the U.S. economy is growing overheated. And higher wages, which may lead to greater spending and inflation, can be an indicator of that. The Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed Friday that wages had risen 2.9% to $26.74 an hour in December—up from the 2.6% economists were expecting. While that’s a boon for bond yields, it’s not always a winning combination for stocks. Companies may have to spend more to borrow funds, while their stocks may lose some of their pull as investors seek out less risky bonds.

The industrials-heavy Dow Jones index slid 1,100 points to 24,345 as of Monday’s close—putting it officially in the red for 2018. The S&P 500 shed 2.2%, falling to 2,702 points and erasing its 2018 gains. The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite, meanwhile, was down 1% to 7,168—still just barely hanging onto its 2018 gains.

That adds to the $361 billion in losses Dow Jones Industrial companies have already posted between the market’s 2018 high on Jan. 26 and Friday, according to the most recent available data. For comparison, oil giant Exxon Mobil commands a market capitalization of about $360 billion to $6.8 trillion.

For a greater look at the magnitude of the losses, look to the S&P 500, which tracks about 500 companies compared to the Dow’s 30. Between Jan. 26 and Friday, stocks in that index lost $982 billion in market capitalization, for a total of around $24.5 trillion.

So is this a sign that a greater selloff is in the works?

Based on what analysts and investors are saying at the moment, the markets will continue upward slower than before—even though we haven’t hit the bottom just yet.

“We expect further downside in the near term as markets continue to digest these shocks, but ultimately we will trade to new highs as cooler heads prevail,” Morgan Stanley equity strategists led by Michael Wilson commented in a Monday note. “This should take several weeks, however, and we are in no rush to buy this dip as we wait for better technical signals.”

Investors are likely to wait for any surprises before jumping back into the market, says Denis Busschere of Evercore ISI in a note.

The recent selloff, says Torsten Slok, is also partly due to investors turning to less risky assets than equities.

“The allocation of money from risky assets to risk-free assets is going to be bumpy, as seen in markets today,” he wrote. “Fundamentally, we expect such episodic bouts of turbulence, but the underlying economic expansion will continue.”

Underlying this general lack of worry about the stock market’s direction is the fact that recent earnings have been strong, per company guidance.

“Whatever might be the short-term follow-up (or -down) on Friday’s drop, I remain bullish because the outlook for earnings remains very upbeat,” wrote Ed Yardeni of Yardeni Research. “Industry analysts have raised their consensus S&P 500 earnings estimate for 2018 by $9 per share over the past seven weeks to $155.26 during the week of February 2.”

That’s not to say everyone agrees that the bloodbath will be short-lived. Blackstone Group President Tony James commented that equities have reached full value at this point.

In an interview with CNBC, the billionaire said he expects markets to fall between 10 to 20% this year.

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