


Kevin Kelleher 2018-06-26




這一舉動不但說明通用電氣近年來確實面臨多重危機,也說明推動美國經(jīng)濟增長的公司性質正在發(fā)生變化。過去十年,加入道指的是蘋果、耐克等科技公司、消費者品牌巨頭維薩卡、聯(lián)合健康集團(UnitedHealth Group)等行業(yè)龍頭。



1986年查爾斯·道編制道瓊斯工業(yè)指數(shù)時,選擇的大多數(shù)創(chuàng)始成份股現(xiàn)在已消失在人們記憶里,但從這些公司名字里,可以窺見當時的經(jīng)濟,其中包括美國皮草公司(U.S. Leather Company)、美國煙草公司(American Tobacco Company)、擠奶與養(yǎng)牛公司(Distilling & Cattle Feeding Company)。

通用電氣退出道指后,指數(shù)中連續(xù)存在時間最長的就是??松梨趪H公司(ExxonMobil)了,該股票1928年加入道指,當時名為新澤西標準石油(Standard Oil of New Jersey)。


沃爾格林,又稱沃爾格林博姿聯(lián)合公司(Walgreens Boots Alliance,股票的原始名稱),過去兩年股票下跌22%。但道指管理委員會認為,將該公司納入指數(shù)更能反映美國的經(jīng)濟動態(tài)。






Of the 12 stocks that originally made up the Dow Jones Industrial Average in 1896, only General Electric remains part of the index.

As of this week, that will change.

GE will exit the Dow Industrial, to be replaced by Walgreens. The S&P Dow Jones Indices, the joint venture that maintains the stock index, took investors by surprise in announcing the change after the markets closed on June 19.

The move not only underscores the challenges that GE has faced in recent years but illustrates the changing nature of the companies that are driving the U.S. economy. In the past decade, tech and consumer-brand giants like Apple and Nike have entered the Dow, along with industry leaders such as Visa and UnitedHealth Group.

A sobering illustration to corporate America of how the fortunes of even the dominant firms can change. (True also for individuals and governments). Just ask yourself, who 10 years ago, would have thought this likely? Once-unthinkable, this has become a reality. @generalelectri pic.twitter.com/jVSPAQ2jpa

——?Mohamed A. El-Erian

Among the other originals to the first industrial index compiled by Charles Dow in 1896 were companies that few recall these days, but which offer a snapshot of the economy at the time: U.S. Leather Company, American Tobacco Company, the Distilling & Cattle Feeding Company.

After GE exits the Dow, the component stock with the longest continuous history will be ExxonMobil, which entered the stock index in 1928 as Standard Oil of New Jersey.

During the past two years, GE’s shares have fallen 57% as of Tuesday’s market close, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen 44%. Facing a series of financial setbacks, GE’s new CEO John Flannery has instituted a number of cost-cutting actions that have led to thousands of layoffs and cut in half the dividends it pays to shareholders.

Walgreens—or Walgreens Boots Alliance, as the stock is formally called—has declined 22% in the past two years. But the committee overseeing the Dow’s composition felt its inclusion in the index better reflected the dynamics of the U.S. economy.

“Walgreens is a national retail drug store chain offering prescription and non-prescription drugs, related health services and general goods,” David Blitzer, a managing director at S&P Dow Jones Indices said in a statement. “With its addition, the DJIA will be more representative of the consumer and health care sectors of the U.S. economy. Today’s change to the DJIA will make the index a better measure of the economy and the stock market.”

Changes in the compositions of stock indexes can sometimes cause departing stocks to fall and incoming issues to rise. In after-hours trading last Tuesday, shares of GE were down 1.4%, while shares of Walgreens were up 2.9%.

In February, GE’s Flannery cautioned investors who were giving up on the stock to “do so at their own peril.” In a letter to shareholders, Flannery acknowledged his difficult first year leading the conglomerate before asserting, “Many people have lost faith in us. I have not.”

But now the Dow indices, it seems, have done so.

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