


Brittany Shoot 2018-10-16

不過10月10日卻是分析師和顧問們所討厭的少數不景氣的日子。仿佛傍晚的風暴一般,暴跌降臨了。道瓊斯工業(yè)平均指數(Dow Jones Industrial Average)下跌了超過800點。標普500指數(Standard and Poor’s 500 stock index)跌幅達到3%,創(chuàng)造了近兩年來連續(xù)下跌天數最長的記錄。




在本輪牛市之初的2010年,有一次被稱作“閃電暴跌”(Flash Crash)的調整。當年6月7日,股市出現了短暫的暴跌,隨后又漲回了原點,整個過程只用了大約一個小時。




2015年的夏天也很艱難。當年8月,道瓊斯平均指數的跌幅達數十年來之最?!督袢彰绹罚║SA Today)稱,那也是四年來第一次超過10%跌幅的市場調整。







——唐納德·J. 特朗普(2018年8月22日) (財富中文網)


October 10, though, came one of those rainy days that analysts and advisers hate to see arriving like a late afternoon storm. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped more than 800 points in afternoon trading. And the Standard and Poor’s 500 stock index went down 3%, hitting what is now its longest losing streak in over two years.

Technology stocks were especially hard hit, with Netflix plummeting more than 8% and Amazon down around 6%. Google parent company Alphabet and Apple stock also went down more than 4% today.

This current bull market has had other major corrections, though. That doesn’t mean October 10 isn’t cause for alarm, but it does mean this isn’t the first time in recent years that the Dow and S&P have briefly dipped before rebounding and ticking further upward to new record highs. Here are five of the biggest corrections in this current bull market, now almost a decade long.

Flash Crash of 2010

An early market correction in this run showed up as the so-called Flash Crash of 2010. On June 7 of that year, the market briefly plummeted, and then recovered, all within about an hour.

Black Monday 2011

It took a while for this current bull market to slump to historic levels, but Black Monday 2011 offered another of the current market’s first widely recognized corrections. August 11, 2011 was Wall Street’s worst day since the 2008 recession, according to CNN, with the S&P dropping 6.7%.

Summer Crash 2015

Summer of 2015 was rough again, with the worst Dow average in decades that August. It was the first stock market correction of more than 10% in four years, according to USA Today.

Slow Start Selloff 2016

The early months of 2016 were rough for investors, as the average stock was down 25% in February of that year, according to CNBC. The S&P declined around 14% in 2016 as well.

The Dow’s Biggest One-Day Drop in History

And 2018 hasn’t been without speed bumps either. On February 8, the S&P 500 and Dow fell 10%, which officially put both in market correction territory. It was the first time in two years the index had dipped that low, and set a record for the Dow’s biggest one-day drop in history.

But the market recovered, with the bull market setting records in August—though experts can vary on their opinion of whether this is truly the longest bull market ever. Still, that didn’t stop President Trump from congratulating America on the landmark occasion.

Longest bull run in the history of the stock market, congratulations America!

——?Donald J. Trump? (August 22, 2018)

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