


Jen Wieczner, Scott DeCarlo 2018-12-23




好的一面是,近期的股價下跌讓許多藍(lán)籌股較過去幾年都便宜了。今年第二季度美國GDP增速超過4%,創(chuàng)2014年以來新高,3.7%的失業(yè)率則處于49年來的最低點(diǎn)。Columbia Threadneedle Investments的股票業(yè)務(wù)全球副主管梅爾達(dá)·梅爾根認(rèn)為,本輪牛市可能比人們預(yù)計的要長,而這僅僅是因為2008年的金融危機(jī)非常嚴(yán)重——在美國歷史上僅次于大蕭條。她說:“那不是常規(guī)商業(yè)周期,而更像是把系統(tǒng)清零,然后重建。”


Nine-and-three-quarter years old. If the bull market were a child, it would be in the fourth grade, learning the state capitals and perhaps long division. But as stock runs go, this one’s a centenarian. It’s the longest bull market on record, if not quite the best—the S&P 500’s 333% rise from 2009 to its most recent peak in September is still shy of the dotcom boom’s 417% gain. But now more than ever, as they tick off the days toward this bull’s 10th birthday in March, investors seem anxious about that longevity. That’s the concern that Andrew Slimmon, managing director and senior portfolio manager at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, hears most often from clients: “It’s been nine years. We’ve gotta be nearing the end of this thing.”

That feeling has become more acute throughout 2018, in which there have been not one but two 10% stock market corrections. Contrast that with the beginning of the year, when “you had this sugar high” from tax reform and a government spending spree, as Saira Malik, head of global equities at Nuveen, puts it. It’s safe to say that high has worn off. U.S.-imposed tariffs have counteracted some of those corporate tax savings. The Federal Reserve has consistently marched interest rates higher, because that sugar high has accelerated economic growth and revived long-?dormant inflation. Big tech—the so-called FAANG stocks that have been the engine driving much of the market’s rise the last few years—have signaled that they might not be able to grow as fast anymore. If you’d been missing your old friend volatility, just count the number of days this year when the stocks of S&P 500 heavyweights Amazon and Netflix closed either up or down at least 5% from where they opened. (There were a mind-boggling 25 collectively.)

It remains an open question whether the bull market will make it to middle school age. (A bull market doesn’t officially end until there’s a bear market—a drop of 20% from the peak.) But regardless of the overall direction, investors need to equip themselves appropriately for a new stage of this economic cycle. And the good news is that the global economy still shows strong signs of health. “At the end of the day, I don’t see enough indicators that the economy is entering a recession next year,” Slimmon says. “It leads me to believe that this is more of a pause within a bull market.”

On the plus side, recent selloffs have left many blue-chip stocks looking cheaper than they have in years. GDP growth topped 4% in the second quarter, the fastest expansion since 2014, and unemployment, at 3.7%, is at a 49-year low. It’s possible, says Melda Mergen, deputy global head of equities for Columbia Threadneedle Investments, that this bull will outlive expectations simply because the 2008 financial crisis was so severe, second only to the Great Depression in U.S. history. “It’s not a regular business cycle—it’s more like clearing the system and rebuilding,” she says.

That said, at this phase of that expansion, fewer companies can sustain the kind of growth they enjoyed a few years ago. Safety will also look different than it has in the past. While in recent years investors flocked to high dividend-paying industrial and multinational corporations for protection, many such stocks now look expensive, and are disproportionately exposed to tariffs. The key is looking for companies that can grow their profits in spite of economic or geopolitical shocks, and that have the scale to survive anything. “We will be defensive in the sense of investing in companies that can control their own destiny,” says Mergen. “We’re not going to buy things [just] because they are cheap.”




隨著投資者開始感覺到牛市逐步遠(yuǎn)去,他們要為隨后必將到來的熊市做好準(zhǔn)備。經(jīng)理人湯姆·漢考克的GMO Quality Fund管理著68億美元資產(chǎn)。他說:“我們尋找的是我們確信,而不是我們預(yù)計能在金融危機(jī)中活下來的公司。這是一種從安全性出發(fā)的長期考量?!本哂兄S刺意味的是,這就意味著買進(jìn)那些在2008年金融危機(jī)中受到最沉重打擊的金融股。漢考克認(rèn)為下一次它們會有更好的表現(xiàn),原因包括較為合理的估值和它們采取的風(fēng)險管理措施。他特別青睞不那么依靠自營業(yè)務(wù)賺錢的銀行,因為如果市場下跌,它們受到的沖擊就不會那么大。美國合眾銀行就是一例,這家“保守銀行”一直都保持著很高的現(xiàn)金準(zhǔn)備金和承銷標(biāo)準(zhǔn),目前市盈率也不到14倍。

The 5 Best Financial Stocks to Buy for 2019

Rising interest rates and greater market volatility could help these companies thrive.

As investors start to sense the bull market winding down, they’re also preparing to weather the bear market that’s sure to follow. “We’re looking for companies that we’re sure are going to be survivors of a financial crisis, not that we’re forecasting one,” says Tom Hancock, manager of the $6.8 billion GMO Quality Fund. “It’s a long-term safety kind of view.” Ironically, that’s meant buying financial stocks, which were among the hardest hit in the 2008 crash. Hancock thinks they’ll fare better next time around because of their relatively reasonable valuations and the risk management measures they’ve implemented. He particularly likes banks that rely less on profits from their own trading, so they won’t be as hard hit if markets tank—such as U.S. Bancorp, a “conservative bank” that keeps its cash reserves and underwriting standards high. It also trades at less than 14 times earnings.

另一方面,規(guī)模12億美元的T. Rowe Price Global Stock Fund的經(jīng)理人戴夫·埃斯沃特則打算利用市場不斷上升的波動性——震蕩幅度增大意味著買入和賣出增多,對收取交易手續(xù)費(fèi)的公司來說也就意味著更高的收入。埃斯沃特看好芝加哥商品交易所,這家大型期權(quán)期貨交易所應(yīng)受益于波動性上升帶來的成交量增長。他還看好芝加哥期權(quán)交易所,也就是“VIX”波動性指數(shù)的真正創(chuàng)造者。埃斯沃特說:“只要世界還是瘋狂的,這些股票就能行?!?/p>


股票交易一直是在線券商TD Ameritrade的支柱業(yè)務(wù)。但駿利亨德森的投資基金證券投資經(jīng)理、管理著250億美元資產(chǎn)的馬克·平托指出,該公司也受益于利率上升。利率較低時,TD Ameritrade手中的客戶保證金實(shí)際上處于虧損狀態(tài),“現(xiàn)在利率已經(jīng)上升,此項業(yè)務(wù)也能實(shí)現(xiàn)一定的利潤?!彼€預(yù)計TD Ameritrade可能實(shí)施并購,因為最近對Scottrade Financial Services的收購已經(jīng)有了成效。

Dave Eiswert, manager of the $1.2 billion T. Rowe Price Global Stock fund, on the other hand, is looking to capitalize on the increasing bumpiness of markets: More volatility translates to more buying and selling—which means more revenue for companies that take a percentage of every trade. He’s bullish on CME Group, the options and futures trading giant that should benefit as greater volatility leads to higher trade volume, and CBOE, which literally makes the “VIX” volatility index. “As long as the world’s crazy, these stocks work,” Eiswert says.

Similar factors make MarketAxess “really exciting,” says Tom Slater, head of the U.S. equities team at Baillie Gifford, which oversees $66.4 billion in assets. That company is hoping to make low-cost electronic trading as popular in the bond market as it is with stocks. And as interest rates rise, fixed-income trading should pick up too, Slater says, luring traders to MarketAxess’s platforms.

At online brokerage TD Ameritrade, stock trading has been the bread and butter. But the company has also benefited from higher interest rates, says Marc Pinto, a Janus Henderson portfolio manager responsible for $25 billion in assets. When rates were low, TD Ameritrade essentially lost money on the customer deposits it holds. “Now that rates have gone up, that business is modestly profitable,” says Pinto. He also envisions potential mergers with the brokerage, which is already seeing results from its recent acquisition of Scottrade.







TD Ameritrade(股票代碼:amtd)






Take-Two Interactive Software(股票代碼:ttwo)






Exact Sciences(股票代碼:EXAS)

Vertex Pharmaceuticals(股票代碼:VRTX)







Constellation Brands公司(股票代碼:stz)



Melco Resorts & Entertainment(股票代碼:MLCO)






Arcos Dorados(股票代碼:EADSY)


Lojas Renner(股票代碼:LRENY)





CME Group (cme)

CBOE (cboe)

U.S. Bancorp (usb)

MarketAxess (mktx)

TD Ameritrade (amtd)

Below, the rest of “The 30 Best Stocks to Buy for 2019.”

Alphabet (googl)

Facebook (fb)

Activision Blizzard (atvi)

Take-Two Interactive Software (ttwo)

Texas Instruments (txn)

Abbott Laboratories (ABT)

Merck (MRK)

Illumina (ILMN)

Exact Sciences (EXAS)

Vertex Pharmaceuticals (VRTX)

TJX Companies (tjx)

Burlington Stores (burl)

Tiffany (tif)

Home Depot (hd)

Amazon (amzn)

Constellation Brands (stz)

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (tsm)

Melco Resorts & Entertainment (MLCO)

Meituan Dianping (HKG)

Saint-Gobain (CODYY)

Essity (ESSYY)

Airbus (EADSY)

Arcos Dorados (EADSY)

Itaú Unibanco (ITUB)

Lojas Renner (LRENY)

A version of this article appears in the December 1, 2018 issue of Fortune, as part of the “2019 Investor’s Guide.”

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