


Jen Wieczner, Rey Mashayekhi, Lucinda Shen, Erik Sherman, Shawn Tully,  Nicolas Rapp 2019-05-03





上述變化表明平衡點(diǎn)正在重新向勞動(dòng)者靠攏。2000年至今,薪酬、工資和獎(jiǎng)金在GDP中的比重從46%降至43%;最近其走勢(shì)開(kāi)始反轉(zhuǎn)。Moody’s Analytics實(shí)時(shí)經(jīng)濟(jì)部門(mén)負(fù)責(zé)人瑞安·斯威特說(shuō):“美國(guó)目前有700萬(wàn)個(gè)職位空缺,待業(yè)者平均每人一個(gè)以上?!眲趧?dòng)力供應(yīng)吃緊以及企業(yè)員工離職速度加快使工資上漲了3.1%,是2010年增速的兩倍。通常,這些情況會(huì)不斷給整個(gè)經(jīng)濟(jì)帶來(lái)利潤(rùn)壓力,同時(shí)抑制股價(jià)。


結(jié)論:和其他行業(yè)的利潤(rùn)率下跌相比,科技巨頭盈利能力的下滑將較為平緩,這還應(yīng)有助于它們?cè)诠墒猩项I(lǐng)跑。美股整體回報(bào)率可能會(huì)低于投資者已經(jīng)習(xí)慣的水平。但如果員工拿了更多工資是股市回報(bào)率下滑的原因之一,那就有希望?!猄hawn Tully(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))

本文刊登在2019年5月出版的《財(cái)富》雜志上,題為《解碼市場(chǎng)信號(hào)》(Decoding the Market’s Messages)。



Corporate Profits

As workers get more, shareholders could get less

For decades, it’s been one of Warren Buffett’s guiding principles: When corporate profits swell to a disproportionately large share of GDP, the Omaha sage has cautioned, the competitive nature of capitalism exercises a gravitational force that pulls them back to historical norms. Profitability shrinks, and stock returns become sluggish, or worse.

If that principle holds true, investors could be facing a rough ride. By some measures, Buffett’s gravitational shift is already underway. U.S. earnings peaked at 11% of GDP in 2012, but in the fourth quarter of 2018, they still accounted for 9.3%, or 2.6 percentage points higher than the 60-year average (see chart), suggesting they have further to fall. Analysts polled by FactSet forecast a year-over-year decline in earnings per share for the S&P 500 of 4.2% in the first quarter, and zero growth in the second.

The change reflects a tipping of the balance back toward labor. Since 2000, the share of GDP going to salaries, wages, and bonuses has dropped from 46% to 43%; lately, that trend is reversing. “America now has 7 million job openings, more than one for every unemployed worker,” says Ryan Sweet of Moody’s Analytics. That tightening labor market and the increased rates at which workers are leaving jobs for new ones are why wages are growing at 3.1%, twice the pace of 2010. Ordinarily, these trends would continue pressuring profits, and suppressing share prices, across the economy.

But there’s one investor who thinks we may have entered a new normal that could sustain higher profitability for a long time—and that investor, surprisingly enough, is Warren ?Buffett. At the 2018 annual investor meeting for Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett acknowledged that the Internet, social media, and data revolutions have spawned an “asset-light economy,” driven by tech giants that generate floods of profits from mere trickles of capital. Amazon, Apple, Google parent Alphabet, Facebook, and Microsoft dominate their industries, and their powerful brands and enormous scale swell their revenues per customer and lower their costs of attracting new ones. It’s not coincidental that those five companies now account for 12% of the S&P 500’s profits. While they, too, face rising labor costs, they don’t need nearly as much labor (or plants, or inventories) to generate hefty sales.

The takeaway: The profitability of the tech titans will decline more gradually than margins in other industries, which should help their stocks outperform too. Overall U.S. stock returns will likely be lower than what investors have grown used to. But if workers pocketing higher wages are a reason for that slowdown, that will be a silver lining. —Shawn Tully

A version of this article appears in the May 2019 issue of Fortune with the headline “Decoding the Market’s Messages.”

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