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David Meyer



薇薇安·楚出生于一個(gè)工程師家庭。她的父母都是軟件工程師,但他們的女兒并沒(méi)有被屏幕上的0和1所吸引。直到后來(lái)她就讀于加州大學(xué)伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley),接觸到機(jī)器人,她才開(kāi)始對(duì)父母從事的領(lǐng)域產(chǎn)生興趣。

她說(shuō):“當(dāng)時(shí)我想:‘有意思;你可以用技術(shù)改變環(huán)境?!谀且豢?,我開(kāi)始喜歡上機(jī)器人,并變得癡迷?!?35歲的薇薇安·楚是Diligent Robotics公司的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人及首席技術(shù)官,并登上了《財(cái)富》雜志2022年“40位40歲以下商界精英”(40 Under 40)榜單。

薇薇安·楚與她在佐治亞理工學(xué)院(Georgia Tech)的博士生導(dǎo)師安德里亞·托馬斯于2016年創(chuàng)建了Diligent,公司總部位于美國(guó)奧斯汀。該公司開(kāi)發(fā)的機(jī)器人Moxi正在陸續(xù)投放到美國(guó)的醫(yī)院,包括洛杉磯著名的西達(dá)賽奈醫(yī)學(xué)中心(Cedars-Sinai)和得克薩斯州圣安吉洛的香農(nóng)醫(yī)療中心(Shannon Medical Center)等醫(yī)院。Moxi作為護(hù)士人員的助手,能夠從事取藥和實(shí)驗(yàn)室樣本送檢等后勤工作。在它的協(xié)助下,醫(yī)護(hù)人員可以專注于人類患者。外表光滑的白色人形機(jī)器人Moxi體現(xiàn)了薇薇安·楚的研究專業(yè):人機(jī)交互,包括通信、知識(shí)傳遞以及機(jī)器人“理性判斷”工作任務(wù)和從環(huán)境中學(xué)習(xí)的能力等。


這確實(shí)是一個(gè)增長(zhǎng)型業(yè)務(wù)。GlobalData的主題分析師杰邁瑪·沃克稱,2020年,護(hù)理機(jī)器人市場(chǎng)的規(guī)模達(dá)到1億美元,預(yù)計(jì)未來(lái)將以每年42%的速度增長(zhǎng),到2030年達(dá)到41億美元。沃克認(rèn)為Diligent以及Zora Robotics、Omnicell和Focal Meditech是行業(yè)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者。她說(shuō):“人口老齡化和人手不足令醫(yī)療體系陷入困境,醫(yī)療服務(wù)提供商將增加對(duì)有助于減輕負(fù)擔(dān)的技術(shù)的投資?!?/p>

Diligent在今年4月結(jié)束B(niǎo)輪融資,融得約4,700萬(wàn)美元,由老虎環(huán)球基金(Tiger Global Management)領(lǐng)投。據(jù)Pitchbook披露,在該輪融資之后,該公司的估值為1.12億美元。

薇薇安·楚入選《財(cái)富》雜志2022年“40位40歲以下商界精英”科技與創(chuàng)新類榜單。圖片來(lái)源:COURTESY OF ALLEN KRAMER/DILIGENT ROBOTICS







薇薇安·楚已經(jīng)獲得了多項(xiàng)學(xué)術(shù)和職業(yè)榮譽(yù):她曾經(jīng)榮獲谷歌安妮塔·伯格紀(jì)念獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金(Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholar),并且被評(píng)為斯坦福大學(xué)電子工程與計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)明日之星(Stanford EECS Rising Star),經(jīng)常在機(jī)器人技術(shù)會(huì)議上發(fā)表演講。她不僅登上了《財(cái)富》“40位40歲以下商界精英”榜單,還在2019年榮獲《麻省理工科技評(píng)論》(MIT Technology Review)的“35歲以下科技創(chuàng)新35人”(35 Innovators Under 35)獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)。





薇薇安·楚出生于一個(gè)工程師家庭。她的父母都是軟件工程師,但他們的女兒并沒(méi)有被屏幕上的0和1所吸引。直到后來(lái)她就讀于加州大學(xué)伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley),接觸到機(jī)器人,她才開(kāi)始對(duì)父母從事的領(lǐng)域產(chǎn)生興趣。

她說(shuō):“當(dāng)時(shí)我想:‘有意思;你可以用技術(shù)改變環(huán)境?!谀且豢?,我開(kāi)始喜歡上機(jī)器人,并變得癡迷?!?35歲的薇薇安·楚是Diligent Robotics公司的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人及首席技術(shù)官,并登上了《財(cái)富》雜志2022年“40位40歲以下商界精英”(40 Under 40)榜單。

薇薇安·楚與她在佐治亞理工學(xué)院(Georgia Tech)的博士生導(dǎo)師安德里亞·托馬斯于2016年創(chuàng)建了Diligent,公司總部位于美國(guó)奧斯汀。該公司開(kāi)發(fā)的機(jī)器人Moxi正在陸續(xù)投放到美國(guó)的醫(yī)院,包括洛杉磯著名的西達(dá)賽奈醫(yī)學(xué)中心(Cedars-Sinai)和得克薩斯州圣安吉洛的香農(nóng)醫(yī)療中心(Shannon Medical Center)等醫(yī)院。Moxi作為護(hù)士人員的助手,能夠從事取藥和實(shí)驗(yàn)室樣本送檢等后勤工作。在它的協(xié)助下,醫(yī)護(hù)人員可以專注于人類患者。外表光滑的白色人形機(jī)器人Moxi體現(xiàn)了薇薇安·楚的研究專業(yè):人機(jī)交互,包括通信、知識(shí)傳遞以及機(jī)器人“理性判斷”工作任務(wù)和從環(huán)境中學(xué)習(xí)的能力等。


這確實(shí)是一個(gè)增長(zhǎng)型業(yè)務(wù)。GlobalData的主題分析師杰邁瑪·沃克稱,2020年,護(hù)理機(jī)器人市場(chǎng)的規(guī)模達(dá)到1億美元,預(yù)計(jì)未來(lái)將以每年42%的速度增長(zhǎng),到2030年達(dá)到41億美元。沃克認(rèn)為Diligent以及Zora Robotics、Omnicell和Focal Meditech是行業(yè)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者。她說(shuō):“人口老齡化和人手不足令醫(yī)療體系陷入困境,醫(yī)療服務(wù)提供商將增加對(duì)有助于減輕負(fù)擔(dān)的技術(shù)的投資。”

Diligent在今年4月結(jié)束B(niǎo)輪融資,融得約4,700萬(wàn)美元,由老虎環(huán)球基金(Tiger Global Management)領(lǐng)投。據(jù)Pitchbook披露,在該輪融資之后,該公司的估值為1.12億美元。







薇薇安·楚已經(jīng)獲得了多項(xiàng)學(xué)術(shù)和職業(yè)榮譽(yù):她曾經(jīng)榮獲谷歌安妮塔·伯格紀(jì)念獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金(Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholar),并且被評(píng)為斯坦福大學(xué)電子工程與計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)明日之星(Stanford EECS Rising Star),經(jīng)常在機(jī)器人技術(shù)會(huì)議上發(fā)表演講。她不僅登上了《財(cái)富》“40位40歲以下商界精英”榜單,還在2019年榮獲《麻省理工科技評(píng)論》(MIT Technology Review)的“35歲以下科技創(chuàng)新35人”(35 Innovators Under 35)獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)。





Vivian Chu was born into engineering—sort of. Her parents were software engineers, though their daughter was not captivated by ones and zeroes on a screen. It wasn’t until she attended University of California, Berkeley for undergrad and started messing around with moving parts that she got hooked on the family business.

“That was the moment where I was like, ‘This makes sense; you can actually have technology change the environment.’ That’s sort of the beginning of robotics for me, and from there I couldn’t get enough of it,” says Chu. Today the 35-year-old is the co-founder and chief technology officer at Diligent Robotics—and an honoree on Fortune’s 2022 40 Under 40 list.

Austin-based Diligent—which Chu co-founded in 2016 with her Georgia Tech doctoral supervisor Andrea Thomaz—has created a robot called Moxi that is being rolled out in American hospitals such as L.A.’s prestigious Cedars-Sinai and the Shannon Medical Center in San Angelo, Texas. Moxi is essentially a helper for staff nurses, performing logistical tasks such as fetching drugs and delivering lab samples. Its assistance lets human professionals keep their attention focused on their human patients. The humanoid, glossy-white Moxi embodies Chu’s research specialty: robot-human interaction, including communication, the transfer of knowledge, and ultimately the ability of robots to “reason” about what they do and learn from their environments.

“For me it was wanting to always think about, where should robots be? Where can they have the most impact?” Chu says of her path into health care robotics. “Also just personal experience: watching my grandparents age and having to go to a nursing home, watching my parents be stressed about that, and thinking about ways we can have technology help people age gracefully and maintain their sense of self.”

It’s certainly a growth business. The care robotics market that was worth $100 million in 2020 is expected to grow 42% annually to reach $4.1 billion in 2030, says Jemima Walker, a thematic analyst at GlobalData, who names Diligent alongside the likes of Zora Robotics, Omnicell and Focal Meditech as leaders in the field. “As health care systems struggle with both aging populations and staff shortages, health care providers will increasingly invest in any technology that can help ease the burden,” she says.

As of a Series B round that closed in April—with Tiger Global Management as the lead investor—Diligent has raised around $47 million. According to Pitchbook, the company was valued at $112 million after that round.

Logistical tasks drag on the workloads and schedules of nurses, according to numerous studies. Chu and Thomaz saw the burden for themselves when they founded Diligent and began shadowing nurses to gauge their needs.

“We see nurses barely have time to get a coffee or eat lunch, and so the goal really is to give them time to spend more time with their patients or just have a moment to breathe, just so they can continue and not burn out. That’s really the challenge,” Chu says. “The goal [of Moxi] is to focus on the things that no people should be doing to begin with, which is I think what a lot of robotics is focused on today.”

Moxi talks to nurses in a squeaky voice, waves to patients, and knows how to use an elevator. The A.I.-powered robot has large, blinking “eyes” that can turn into hearts. There’s a touchscreen on its chest and a large drawer where a stomach would be. It can pick items off the shelves of the hospital gift shop and bring them to patients in their rooms.

But where could Moxi and its successors (Moxi is itself a friendlier-looking, upgraded version of a robot named Poli) go from here? In the future, care robots will “act more as companions than as tools or helpers,” Walker says. But according to Chu, Moxi will stay in its lane.

“We tell staff all the time that we draw the line at the patient room, because we want them to spend their time with the patient and have that human interaction,” Chu says. “That’s not to say that eventually [there couldn’t] be interesting ways to have robots maybe help with some of the other tasks, but not necessarily with health care or health facing—maybe we should deliver some water or snacks to the patient room. We already see that Moxi brings a little bit of joy to patients by coming. Nurses will request Moxi: ‘Moxi, go outside the patient room and wave.’”

Even while keeping Moxi outside patients’ quarters, there is plenty of room for development. At the moment, nurses need to request Moxi when they want it, but Chu says Diligent is looking at integrating medical records and admission data into the system, so the robot can more proactively move items around and “things just appear in the hospital where they need to appear.”

Chu has already garnered several academic and professional accolades: she was a Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholar and a Stanford EECS Rising Star, and is a regular keynote speaker at robotics conferences. Apart from her spot in Fortune’s 40 Under 40, she also landed on MIT Technology Review’s 35 Innovators Under 35 in 2019.

The engineer attributes some of that success to her experience as a lesbian of color. “I feel like just having a different background from other startup founders has given me a lot of grit,” she says, adding that diversity is key at Diligent.

“To build a health care robotics company, you need robotics knowledge, health care knowledge, operational knowledge, to get robots out in the field. We have nurses and clinical staff at the company. Everyone has a really fascinating background and that just makes us better and stronger, building better products,” she says. “For me that’s been incredibly exciting, and I hope my journey can help inspire others to also lean into that and be able to build amazing things.”



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