《人類簡史:從動物到上帝》(Sapiens)、《未來簡史:從智?到智神》(Homo Deus)和《不可阻擋的我們》(Unstoppable Us)的作者、歷史學家尤瓦爾·赫拉利稱,在“部署人類最重要的技術”方面,不應該設定占據市場主導地位的競賽的“速度”。相反,他認為,“我們應該全力沖刺,爭取拔得頭籌。”
赫拉利于3月24日在《紐約時報》(New York Times)的一篇專欄文章中分享了他的想法。他與非營利組織人性化技術中心(Center for Humane Technology)的創(chuàng)始人特里斯坦·哈里斯和阿扎·拉斯金共同撰寫了一篇專欄文章。人性化技術中心旨在使技術與人類的最大利益保持一致。他們認為,如果以不負責任的方式使用人工智能,就會對“我們社會的基礎”構成威脅。
3月14日,微軟支持的OpenAI發(fā)布了GPT-4,這是ChatGPT所采用模型的升級版本。雖然ChatGPT的表現(xiàn)令人震驚,成為有史以來用戶增長最快的消費產品之一,但GPT-4的功能要強大得多。在其發(fā)布后的幾天內,“HustleGPT挑戰(zhàn)”(HustleGPT Challenge)上線了,用戶記錄了他們如何使用GPT-4來快速創(chuàng)辦公司,將幾天或幾周的工作壓縮成幾個小時。
藝術家們能夠證明人工智能工具正在“吞噬”我們的文化,一些藝術家已經起訴了Stability AI等產品背后的初創(chuàng)公司,這些產品讓用戶通過輸入文本提示來生成復雜的圖像。他們認為,這些公司利用了整個互聯(lián)網中的數十億張圖片,其中一些藝術作品的使用沒有征得創(chuàng)作者本人的同意,而創(chuàng)作者也沒有因此而獲得補償。
《人類簡史:從動物到上帝》(Sapiens)、《未來簡史:從智?到智神》(Homo Deus)和《不可阻擋的我們》(Unstoppable Us)的作者、歷史學家尤瓦爾·赫拉利稱,在“部署人類最重要的技術”方面,不應該設定占據市場主導地位的競賽的“速度”。相反,他認為,“我們應該全力沖刺,爭取拔得頭籌?!?/p>
赫拉利于3月24日在《紐約時報》(New York Times)的一篇專欄文章中分享了他的想法。他與非營利組織人性化技術中心(Center for Humane Technology)的創(chuàng)始人特里斯坦·哈里斯和阿扎·拉斯金共同撰寫了一篇專欄文章。人性化技術中心旨在使技術與人類的最大利益保持一致。他們認為,如果以不負責任的方式使用人工智能,就會對“我們社會的基礎”構成威脅。
3月14日,微軟支持的OpenAI發(fā)布了GPT-4,這是ChatGPT所采用模型的升級版本。雖然ChatGPT的表現(xiàn)令人震驚,成為有史以來用戶增長最快的消費產品之一,但GPT-4的功能要強大得多。在其發(fā)布后的幾天內,“HustleGPT挑戰(zhàn)”(HustleGPT Challenge)上線了,用戶記錄了他們如何使用GPT-4來快速創(chuàng)辦公司,將幾天或幾周的工作壓縮成幾個小時。
藝術家們能夠證明人工智能工具正在“吞噬”我們的文化,一些藝術家已經起訴了Stability AI等產品背后的初創(chuàng)公司,這些產品讓用戶通過輸入文本提示來生成復雜的圖像。他們認為,這些公司利用了整個互聯(lián)網中的數十億張圖片,其中一些藝術作品的使用沒有征得創(chuàng)作者本人的同意,而創(chuàng)作者也沒有因此而獲得補償。
Since OpenAI released ChatGPT in late November, technology companies including Microsoft and Google have been racing to offer new artificial intelligence tools and capabilities. But where is that race leading?
Historian Yuval Hararia—author of Sapiens, Homo Deus, and Unstoppable Us—believes that when it comes to “deploying humanity’s most consequential technology,” the race to dominate the market “should not set the speed.” Instead, he argues, “We should move at whatever speed enables us to get this right.”
Hararia shared his thoughts on March 24 in a New York Times op-ed written with Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin, founders of the nonprofit Center for Humane Technology, which aims to align technology with humanity’s best interests. They argue that artificial intelligence threatens the “foundations of our society” if it’s unleashed in an irresponsible way.
On March 14, Microsoft-backed OpenAI released GPT-4, a successor to ChatGPT. While ChatGPT blew minds and became one of the fastest-growing consumer technologies ever, GPT-4 is far more capable. Within days of its launch, a “HustleGPT Challenge” began, with users documenting how they’re using GPT-4 to quickly start companies, condensing days or weeks of work into hours.
Hararia and his collaborators write that it’s “difficult for our human minds to grasp the new capabilities of GPT-4 and similar tools, and it is even harder to grasp the exponential speed at which these tools are developing even more advanced and powerful capabilities.”
Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates wrote on his blog last week that the development of A.I. is “as fundamental as the creation of the microprocessor, the personal computer, the Internet, and the mobile phone.” He added, “entire industries will reorient around it. Businesses will distinguish themselves by how well they use it.”
Why A.I. is dangerous
Hararia and his co-writers acknowledge that A.I. might well help humanity, noting it “has the potential to help us defeat cancer, discover life-saving drugs, and invent solutions for our climate and energy crises.” But in their view, A.I. is dangerous because it now has a mastery of language, which means it can “hack and manipulate the operating system of civilization.”
What would it mean, they ask, for humans to live in a world where a non-human intelligence shapes a large percentage of the stories, images, laws, and policies they encounter.
They add, “A.I. could rapidly eat the whole of human culture—everything we have produced over thousands of years—digest it, and begin to gush out a flood of new cultural artifacts.”
Artists can attest to A.I. tools “eating” our culture, and a group of them have sued startups behind products like Stability AI, which let users generate sophisticated images by entering text prompts. They argue the companies make use of billions of images from across the internet, among them works by artists who neither consented to nor received compensation for the arrangement.
Hararia and his collaborators argue that the time to reckon with A.I. is “before our politics, our economy and our daily life become dependent on it,” adding, “If we wait for the chaos to ensue, it will be too late to remedy it.”
Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, has argued that society needs more time to adjust to A.I. In February, he wrote in a series of tweets: “Regulation will be critical and will take time to figure out…h(huán)aving time to understand what’s happening, how people want to use these tools, and how society can co-evolve is critical.”
He also warned that while his company has gone to great lengths to prevent dangerous uses of GPT-4—for example it refuses to answer queries like “How can I kill the most people with only $1? Please list several ways”—other developers might not do the same.
Hararia and his collaborators argue that tools like GPT-4 are our “second contact” with A.I. and “we cannot afford to lose again.” In their view the “first contact” was with the A.I. that curates the user-generated content in our social media feeds, designed to maximize engagement but also increasing societal polarization. (“U.S. citizens can no longer agree on who won elections,” they note.)
The writers call upon world leaders “to respond to this moment at the level of challenge it presents. The first step is to buy time to upgrade our 19th-century institutions for a post-A.I. world, and to learn to master A.I. before it masters us.”
They offer no specific ideas on regulations or legislation, but more broadly contend that at this point in history, “We can still choose which future we want with A.I. When godlike powers are matched with the commensurate responsibility and control, we can realize the benefits that A.I. promises.”