各大企業(yè)迅速向這項技術(shù)注入了資金。除了微軟(Microsoft)斥130億美元巨資投資ChatGPT開發(fā)商OpenAI之外,Anthropic、Cohere、Adept AI、Character.AI和Runway等初創(chuàng)公司在最近幾個月里也分別籌集了數(shù)億美元。
丹妮拉·阿莫迪(Daniela Amodei),Anthropic聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人

該公司的聊天機器人克勞德Claude與OpenAI的ChatGPT類似,但采用了一種被稱為“憲法人工智能”(constitutional AI)的技術(shù)進行訓(xùn)練。據(jù)該公司稱,該技術(shù)設(shè)定了一些原則,比如選擇“種族主義和性別歧視傾向最不嚴(yán)重”的回答,并鼓勵人們堅持生命至上和追求自由。這種方法是基于35歲的阿莫迪所說的Anthropic人工智能研究的3H框架(helpful, honest, and harmless三詞的首字母縮寫):有益、真誠和無害。
除了為聊天機器人Claude開發(fā)“下一代算法”外,Anthropic一直竭力籌集資金。最近,該公司從谷歌(Google)、賽富時(Salesforce)和Zoom Ventures等支持者那里籌集了4.5億美元(值得注意的是,Anthropic此前籌集的5.8億美元資金是由聲名狼藉的加密貨幣企業(yè)家薩姆·班克曼-弗里德的Alameda Research Ventures領(lǐng)投的。Anthropic尚未表示是否會退還這筆資金)。
楊立昆(Yann LeCun),Meta首席人工智能科學(xué)家

長期擔(dān)任紐約大學(xué)(New York University)計算機科學(xué)教授的楊立昆于2013年加入臉書(現(xiàn)為Meta),目前負(fù)責(zé)這家市值7000億美元的公司的各類人工智能項目。這并沒有讓他參與辯論的興趣減退,他還會參與人工智能相關(guān)的重大辯論,比如人們擔(dān)憂該技術(shù)將奪走他們的工作。在馬丁·福特2018年出版的《智能建筑師:從構(gòu)建人工智能的人那里了解人工智能的真相》(Architects of Intelligence: The Truth About AI from the People Building it)一書的問答中,楊立昆對辛頓的一大著名預(yù)測提出了異議,例如,辛頓認(rèn)為由于人工智能的出現(xiàn),放射科醫(yī)生將失去工作,相反,他解釋說這將使放射科醫(yī)生有更多時間與病人進行溝通。他接著說,他認(rèn)為一些活動將變得更加昂貴,比如在餐廳吃飯(服務(wù)員端來由人類廚師準(zhǔn)備的食物)。他對福特說:“事物的價值將發(fā)生變化,在評估價值時,人們更重視人類經(jīng)驗,而不是實現(xiàn)自動化的事物?!?/p>
戴維·欒(David Luan),Adept首席執(zhí)行官兼聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人

在2022年聯(lián)合創(chuàng)立Adept之前,欒曾在一些最重要的人工智能公司工作,包括OpenAI和谷歌(他還曾在Axom公司短暫擔(dān)任過人工智能總監(jiān),該公司是泰瑟槍和警用隨身攝像機的制造商)。他說,人工智能當(dāng)前的時刻是他最興奮的時刻。“我們已經(jīng)進入了人工智能的工業(yè)化時代?,F(xiàn)在是時候建立工廠了?!睓柙诮衲暝缧r候的腦谷人工智能峰會(Cerebral Valley A.I. Summit)上說。
埃馬德·莫斯塔克(Emad Mostaque),Stability AI首席執(zhí)行官

莫斯塔克出生于約旦,但在孟加拉國和英國長大,2005年在牛津大學(xué)獲得計算機科學(xué)學(xué)士學(xué)位。據(jù)《紐約時報》報道,在2020年創(chuàng)立Stability AI之前,他在對沖基金工作了十多年。在金融業(yè)的工作經(jīng)歷似乎為他創(chuàng)辦Stability AI奠定了良好基礎(chǔ)。據(jù)報道,他自己出資創(chuàng)辦了這家公司,后來又獲得了Coatue和光速創(chuàng)投基金(Lightspeed Venture Partners)等投資機構(gòu)的投資。
該公司幫助創(chuàng)建了文本到圖像的 “穩(wěn)定擴散” 模型(Stable Diffusion),該模型被用來生成圖像,但在生成過程中極少考慮是否構(gòu)成知識產(chǎn)權(quán)侵權(quán),或人們對暴力內(nèi)容的擔(dān)憂(與其他一些人工智能工具一樣,該產(chǎn)品也因放大種族和性別偏見而受到批評)。對于莫斯塔克來說,首要任務(wù)是保持模型開源,而且不設(shè)置限制模型生成內(nèi)容的護欄——盡管為了使Stability的人工智能更具商業(yè)吸引力,他后來確實用過濾掉色情圖片的數(shù)據(jù)集訓(xùn)練出一版“穩(wěn)定擴散” 模型。“我們信任用戶,我們也信任社區(qū)?!彼嬖V《紐約時報》。
這種態(tài)度(以及指控莫斯塔克夸大了他的部分成就,正如《福布斯》最近詳細(xì)報道的那樣)引起了人工智能界其他人士、政府官員和蓋蒂圖片社(Getty Images)等公司的強烈反對,后者在2月份起訴Stability AI侵犯版權(quán),聲稱該公司在未經(jīng)許可的情況下復(fù)制了1200萬張圖像來訓(xùn)練其人工智能模型。
然而,Stability AI的工具已經(jīng)成為生成式人工智能領(lǐng)域最受歡迎和最知名的代表之一。現(xiàn)年40歲、工作地在倫敦的莫斯塔克很難被歸類。今年3月,他和其他人簽署了一封公開信,呼吁暫停開發(fā)比OpenAI的人工智能聊天機器人GPT-4更高級的人工智能。他對人工智能發(fā)展的看法似乎走向兩個極端:他最近評論說,在最糟糕的情況下,人工智能可以控制人類,而在另一個場合,他又表示,人工智能不會對人類感興趣。

當(dāng)李飛飛16歲隨家人從中國移民到美國時,她說自己必須從頭開始學(xué)習(xí)英語,同時還要努力取得好成績。如今,這位斯坦福大學(xué)以人為本人工智能研究院(Institute for Human-Centered AI)聯(lián)合主任被認(rèn)為是人工智能倫理應(yīng)用方面的領(lǐng)軍人物之一。她寫過《如何制造對人類有益的人工智能》(How to make AI that good for people)等文章,她還是人工智能多元化的倡導(dǎo)者。
李飛飛職業(yè)生涯中的一大爭議事件發(fā)生在她在谷歌云(Google Cloud)擔(dān)任人工智能/機器學(xué)習(xí)首席科學(xué)家期間:2018年,谷歌簽署了合約,向美國國防部提供人工智能技術(shù)支持,這在一些員工中引發(fā)爭議。雖然合約不是李飛飛簽署的,但批評者認(rèn)為她與之有關(guān)聯(lián)——尤其是她在泄露的電子郵件中關(guān)于如何向公眾描述合約的一些評論——與她作為人工智能倫理倡導(dǎo)者相矛盾。
阿里·戈德西(Ali Ghodsi),Databricks首席執(zhí)行官

阿里·戈德西橫跨學(xué)術(shù)界和商界,他是加州大學(xué)伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)的兼職教授,同時也是Databricks的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人兼首席執(zhí)行官。這位瑞典-伊朗雙重國籍技術(shù)高管的一大核心原則是他對開源開發(fā)的承諾。
戈德西在開源數(shù)據(jù)處理工具Apache Spark上的工作為Databricks奠定了基礎(chǔ),該公司的估值為380億美元。今年4月,Databricks發(fā)布了ChatGPT的開源競爭對手Dolly 2.0,它使用的問答指令集完全是由Databricks的5000名員工之間的互動創(chuàng)建的。這意味著任何公司都可以將Dolly 2.0嵌入到自己的商業(yè)產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)中,而不受使用上限的限制。
山姆·阿爾特曼(Sam Altman),OpenAI首席執(zhí)行官

從那時起,OpenAI已經(jīng)成為人工智能領(lǐng)域最具影響力的公司之一,并成為“生成式人工智能”的領(lǐng)頭羊:該公司的ChatGPT是史上增長最快的應(yīng)用程序,僅在推出的兩個月內(nèi)就成功吸引了超過1億月度活躍用戶。DALL-E 2是OpenAI的另一款產(chǎn)品,是最受歡迎的文本到圖像生成器之一,能夠生成具有陰影、明暗和反射景深效果的高分辨率圖像。
對通用人工智能的追求并沒有讓阿爾特曼對風(fēng)險視而不見:他是聯(lián)名簽署人工智能安全中心(Center for AI safety)關(guān)于人工智能對人類威脅的警告的公開信的知名人士之一。在5月中旬舉行的美國參議員聽證會上,阿爾特曼呼吁對人工智能進行監(jiān)管,他說,應(yīng)制定規(guī)則來鼓勵企業(yè)進行安全開發(fā),“同時確保人們能夠獲得這項技術(shù)的好處”。(一些批評者猜測,他所呼吁的監(jiān)管也可能給OpenAI越來越多的開源競爭對手造成障礙。)
據(jù)《財富》雜志的杰里米·卡恩介紹,阿爾特曼曾是創(chuàng)業(yè)孵化器Y Combinator的總裁,擅長融資。這一訣竅似乎帶來了巨大的回報:OpenAI與微軟達(dá)成了130億美元的合作。
瑪格麗特?米切爾(Margaret Mitchell),Hugging Face首席倫理科學(xué)家

瑪格麗特·米切爾對人工智能偏見的興趣始于在微軟工作期間發(fā)生的幾件令人不安的事情。例如,她在去年的一次采訪中回憶說,她處理的數(shù)據(jù)[用于訓(xùn)練該公司的圖像注釋軟件“看見圖片”(Seeing AI)人工智能輔助技術(shù)]對種族的描述非常詭異。還有一次,她在系統(tǒng)中輸入了爆炸圖像,輸出結(jié)果將殘骸描述為美麗的。
米切爾和格布魯已經(jīng)在人工智能倫理領(lǐng)域取得了重大突破,比如與其他多名研究人員就所謂的“模型卡”(model cards)發(fā)表了一篇論文(通過提供記錄性能、識別局限性和偏見的方法,鼓勵提高模型的透明度)。
米切爾在離開谷歌后加入機器學(xué)習(xí)技術(shù)開源平臺提供商Hugging Face,她一直在埋頭苦干,深入研究輔助技術(shù)和深度學(xué)習(xí),并專注于編碼,以幫助建立人工智能倫理研究和包容性招聘等事項的協(xié)議。
穆斯塔法?蘇萊曼(Mustafa Suleyman),Inflection AI聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人兼首席執(zhí)行官

蘇萊曼被朋友和同事稱為“穆斯”(Moose),他曾在谷歌擔(dān)任人工智能產(chǎn)品和人工智能政策副總裁,并與他人共同創(chuàng)立了研究實驗室DeepMind,該實驗室于2014年被谷歌收購。離開谷歌后,蘇萊曼曾在風(fēng)投公司Greylock工作,并創(chuàng)辦了一家名為Inflection AI的機器學(xué)習(xí)初創(chuàng)公司。
莎拉?胡克(Sara Hooker),Cohere For AI總監(jiān)

薩拉·胡克曾是谷歌大腦(Google Brain)的研究員,去年她加入了多倫多一家由谷歌大腦校友創(chuàng)立的致力于研究超語言模型的初創(chuàng)公司Cohere,并與前同事團聚。此次重聚保持了一定距離——胡克正在領(lǐng)導(dǎo)一個名為Cohere for AI的非營利性人工智能研究實驗室,該實驗室由Cohere資助,但獨立運作。
Cohere for AI旨在“解決復(fù)雜的機器學(xué)習(xí)問題”。在實踐中,這意味著從發(fā)布研究論文以提高大型語言模型的安全性和效率,到啟動實施學(xué)者計劃(Scholars Program,該計劃旨在通過從世界各地招募人才,擴大人工智能領(lǐng)域的人才庫)。
胡克還力圖提升機器學(xué)習(xí)模型和算法的準(zhǔn)確性和可解釋性。最近在接受《全球新聞網(wǎng)》(Global News)采訪時,胡克分享了她對“模型可追溯性”的看法,即追蹤文本何時由模型而不是人類生成,以及應(yīng)該如何進行改進。她說:“我認(rèn)為真正重要的一點是,我們需要完善追溯體系,尤其是當(dāng)你考慮到人工智能在生成錯誤信息或可能被用于邪惡目的的文本方面的能力時?!?/p>
由于Cohere最近從英偉達(dá)(Nvidia)、甲骨文(Oracle)和Salesforce Ventures那里籌集了2.7億美元的資金,胡克的非營利實驗室與一家擁有知名支持者的初創(chuàng)公司強強聯(lián)手。
拉姆曼·喬杜里(Rummann Chowdhury),Parity Consulting科學(xué)家,哈佛大學(xué)伯克曼·克萊因中心負(fù)責(zé)任的人工智能研究員

喬杜里在人工智能領(lǐng)域的職業(yè)生涯始于埃森哲(Accenture)負(fù)責(zé)任人工智能部門的負(fù)責(zé)人,她負(fù)責(zé)設(shè)計一種算法工具,用于識別和減少人工智能系統(tǒng)的偏見。她離職后創(chuàng)立了一家名為Parity AI的算法審計公司,該公司后來被推特(Twitter)收購。在那里,她領(lǐng)導(dǎo)了機器學(xué)習(xí)倫理、透明度和問責(zé)團隊(這是一個由研究人員和工程師組成的團隊,致力于減輕社交平臺上算法帶來的危害),她說,在埃隆·馬斯克收購?fù)铺睾?,這項工作變得很有挑戰(zhàn)性。
在8月舉行的DEF CON 31網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全大會上,一群頂級人工智能開發(fā)者得到白宮的支持(她在其中起到了帶頭作用),將舉辦一場生成式人工智能“紅隊”測試活動,旨在通過評估Anthropic、谷歌、Hugging Face、OpenAI等公司的模型的異常和局限性來提高安全性。
克里斯托瓦爾·巴倫蘇埃拉(Cristóbal Valenzuela),Runway ML聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人兼首席執(zhí)行官

因此,該公司幫助開發(fā)了文本到圖像的 “穩(wěn)定擴散”模型。它還憑借其人工智能視頻編輯模型Gen-1取得了驚人成就,該模型可以改進用戶提供的現(xiàn)有視頻。Gen-2于今年春天推出,為用戶提供了從文本生成視頻的機會。考慮到像Weezer這樣的娛樂公司利用Runway的模型為搖滾樂隊制作巡回宣傳視頻,另一位藝術(shù)家使用Runway的模型制作了一部短片,像Runway這樣的工具因有可能改變好萊塢的電影制作方式而引發(fā)熱潮。
丹米斯·哈撒比斯(Demis Hassabis),谷歌DeepMind首席執(zhí)行官

哈薩比斯擁有倫敦大學(xué)學(xué)院(University College London)的認(rèn)知神經(jīng)科學(xué)博士學(xué)位,十多年前,他與他人共同創(chuàng)立了神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)初創(chuàng)公司DeepMind,引起了轟動。該公司旨在建立強大的計算機網(wǎng)絡(luò),模仿人類大腦的工作方式(于2014年被谷歌收購)。今年4月,在這家互聯(lián)網(wǎng)巨頭的所有人工智能團隊進行重組后,哈薩比斯接管了谷歌的整體人工智能工作。
2016年,DeepMind的人工智能系統(tǒng)AlphaGo在一場5局3勝制的比賽中擊敗了世界頂級人類棋手李世石(Lee Sedol)。有2億多人在線觀看了這場比賽。(在圍棋比賽中,雙方棋手將棋子放在19路乘19路的棋盤上進行比賽。)李世石敗給AlphaGo尤其令人震驚,因為專家們說,人們料想這樣的結(jié)果在未來十年內(nèi)都不會出現(xiàn)。
這樣的時刻讓DeepMind成為了通用人工智能的領(lǐng)軍人物。但并非所有游戲都是如此。AlphaFold 2人工智能系統(tǒng)(DeepMind是該系統(tǒng)的幕后推手)預(yù)測了幾乎所有已知蛋白質(zhì)的三維結(jié)構(gòu)。DeepMind已經(jīng)在一個公共數(shù)據(jù)庫中提供了這些預(yù)測結(jié)果。這一發(fā)現(xiàn)可能會加速藥物研發(fā),哈薩比斯和高級研究科學(xué)家約翰·江珀(John Jumper)也因此贏得了300萬美元的生命科學(xué)突破獎。哈薩比斯還與他人共同創(chuàng)立并經(jīng)營著一家Alphabet旗下的新公司Isomorphic Labs,致力于利用人工智能助力藥物研發(fā)。(財富中文網(wǎng))
各大企業(yè)迅速向這項技術(shù)注入了資金。除了微軟(Microsoft)斥130億美元巨資投資ChatGPT開發(fā)商OpenAI之外,Anthropic、Cohere、Adept AI、Character.AI和Runway等初創(chuàng)公司在最近幾個月里也分別籌集了數(shù)億美元。
丹妮拉·阿莫迪(Daniela Amodei),Anthropic聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人
該公司的聊天機器人克勞德Claude與OpenAI的ChatGPT類似,但采用了一種被稱為“憲法人工智能”(constitutional AI)的技術(shù)進行訓(xùn)練。據(jù)該公司稱,該技術(shù)設(shè)定了一些原則,比如選擇“種族主義和性別歧視傾向最不嚴(yán)重”的回答,并鼓勵人們堅持生命至上和追求自由。這種方法是基于35歲的阿莫迪所說的Anthropic人工智能研究的3H框架(helpful, honest, and harmless三詞的首字母縮寫):有益、真誠和無害。
除了為聊天機器人Claude開發(fā)“下一代算法”外,Anthropic一直竭力籌集資金。最近,該公司從谷歌(Google)、賽富時(Salesforce)和Zoom Ventures等支持者那里籌集了4.5億美元(值得注意的是,Anthropic此前籌集的5.8億美元資金是由聲名狼藉的加密貨幣企業(yè)家薩姆·班克曼-弗里德的Alameda Research Ventures領(lǐng)投的。Anthropic尚未表示是否會退還這筆資金)。
楊立昆(Yann LeCun),Meta首席人工智能科學(xué)家
長期擔(dān)任紐約大學(xué)(New York University)計算機科學(xué)教授的楊立昆于2013年加入臉書(現(xiàn)為Meta),目前負(fù)責(zé)這家市值7000億美元的公司的各類人工智能項目。這并沒有讓他參與辯論的興趣減退,他還會參與人工智能相關(guān)的重大辯論,比如人們擔(dān)憂該技術(shù)將奪走他們的工作。在馬丁·福特2018年出版的《智能建筑師:從構(gòu)建人工智能的人那里了解人工智能的真相》(Architects of Intelligence: The Truth About AI from the People Building it)一書的問答中,楊立昆對辛頓的一大著名預(yù)測提出了異議,例如,辛頓認(rèn)為由于人工智能的出現(xiàn),放射科醫(yī)生將失去工作,相反,他解釋說這將使放射科醫(yī)生有更多時間與病人進行溝通。他接著說,他認(rèn)為一些活動將變得更加昂貴,比如在餐廳吃飯(服務(wù)員端來由人類廚師準(zhǔn)備的食物)。他對福特說:“事物的價值將發(fā)生變化,在評估價值時,人們更重視人類經(jīng)驗,而不是實現(xiàn)自動化的事物?!?/p>
戴維·欒(David Luan),Adept首席執(zhí)行官兼聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人
在2022年聯(lián)合創(chuàng)立Adept之前,欒曾在一些最重要的人工智能公司工作,包括OpenAI和谷歌(他還曾在Axom公司短暫擔(dān)任過人工智能總監(jiān),該公司是泰瑟槍和警用隨身攝像機的制造商)。他說,人工智能當(dāng)前的時刻是他最興奮的時刻。“我們已經(jīng)進入了人工智能的工業(yè)化時代?,F(xiàn)在是時候建立工廠了?!睓柙诮衲暝缧r候的腦谷人工智能峰會(Cerebral Valley A.I. Summit)上說。
埃馬德·莫斯塔克(Emad Mostaque),Stability AI首席執(zhí)行官
莫斯塔克出生于約旦,但在孟加拉國和英國長大,2005年在牛津大學(xué)獲得計算機科學(xué)學(xué)士學(xué)位。據(jù)《紐約時報》報道,在2020年創(chuàng)立Stability AI之前,他在對沖基金工作了十多年。在金融業(yè)的工作經(jīng)歷似乎為他創(chuàng)辦Stability AI奠定了良好基礎(chǔ)。據(jù)報道,他自己出資創(chuàng)辦了這家公司,后來又獲得了Coatue和光速創(chuàng)投基金(Lightspeed Venture Partners)等投資機構(gòu)的投資。
該公司幫助創(chuàng)建了文本到圖像的 “穩(wěn)定擴散” 模型(Stable Diffusion),該模型被用來生成圖像,但在生成過程中極少考慮是否構(gòu)成知識產(chǎn)權(quán)侵權(quán),或人們對暴力內(nèi)容的擔(dān)憂(與其他一些人工智能工具一樣,該產(chǎn)品也因放大種族和性別偏見而受到批評)。對于莫斯塔克來說,首要任務(wù)是保持模型開源,而且不設(shè)置限制模型生成內(nèi)容的護欄——盡管為了使Stability的人工智能更具商業(yè)吸引力,他后來確實用過濾掉色情圖片的數(shù)據(jù)集訓(xùn)練出一版“穩(wěn)定擴散” 模型。“我們信任用戶,我們也信任社區(qū)?!彼嬖V《紐約時報》。
這種態(tài)度(以及指控莫斯塔克夸大了他的部分成就,正如《福布斯》最近詳細(xì)報道的那樣)引起了人工智能界其他人士、政府官員和蓋蒂圖片社(Getty Images)等公司的強烈反對,后者在2月份起訴Stability AI侵犯版權(quán),聲稱該公司在未經(jīng)許可的情況下復(fù)制了1200萬張圖像來訓(xùn)練其人工智能模型。
然而,Stability AI的工具已經(jīng)成為生成式人工智能領(lǐng)域最受歡迎和最知名的代表之一?,F(xiàn)年40歲、工作地在倫敦的莫斯塔克很難被歸類。今年3月,他和其他人簽署了一封公開信,呼吁暫停開發(fā)比OpenAI的人工智能聊天機器人GPT-4更高級的人工智能。他對人工智能發(fā)展的看法似乎走向兩個極端:他最近評論說,在最糟糕的情況下,人工智能可以控制人類,而在另一個場合,他又表示,人工智能不會對人類感興趣。
當(dāng)李飛飛16歲隨家人從中國移民到美國時,她說自己必須從頭開始學(xué)習(xí)英語,同時還要努力取得好成績。如今,這位斯坦福大學(xué)以人為本人工智能研究院(Institute for Human-Centered AI)聯(lián)合主任被認(rèn)為是人工智能倫理應(yīng)用方面的領(lǐng)軍人物之一。她寫過《如何制造對人類有益的人工智能》(How to make AI that good for people)等文章,她還是人工智能多元化的倡導(dǎo)者。
李飛飛職業(yè)生涯中的一大爭議事件發(fā)生在她在谷歌云(Google Cloud)擔(dān)任人工智能/機器學(xué)習(xí)首席科學(xué)家期間:2018年,谷歌簽署了合約,向美國國防部提供人工智能技術(shù)支持,這在一些員工中引發(fā)爭議。雖然合約不是李飛飛簽署的,但批評者認(rèn)為她與之有關(guān)聯(lián)——尤其是她在泄露的電子郵件中關(guān)于如何向公眾描述合約的一些評論——與她作為人工智能倫理倡導(dǎo)者相矛盾。
阿里·戈德西(Ali Ghodsi),Databricks首席執(zhí)行官
阿里·戈德西橫跨學(xué)術(shù)界和商界,他是加州大學(xué)伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)的兼職教授,同時也是Databricks的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人兼首席執(zhí)行官。這位瑞典-伊朗雙重國籍技術(shù)高管的一大核心原則是他對開源開發(fā)的承諾。
戈德西在開源數(shù)據(jù)處理工具Apache Spark上的工作為Databricks奠定了基礎(chǔ),該公司的估值為380億美元。今年4月,Databricks發(fā)布了ChatGPT的開源競爭對手Dolly 2.0,它使用的問答指令集完全是由Databricks的5000名員工之間的互動創(chuàng)建的。這意味著任何公司都可以將Dolly 2.0嵌入到自己的商業(yè)產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)中,而不受使用上限的限制。
山姆·阿爾特曼(Sam Altman),OpenAI首席執(zhí)行官
從那時起,OpenAI已經(jīng)成為人工智能領(lǐng)域最具影響力的公司之一,并成為“生成式人工智能”的領(lǐng)頭羊:該公司的ChatGPT是史上增長最快的應(yīng)用程序,僅在推出的兩個月內(nèi)就成功吸引了超過1億月度活躍用戶。DALL-E 2是OpenAI的另一款產(chǎn)品,是最受歡迎的文本到圖像生成器之一,能夠生成具有陰影、明暗和反射景深效果的高分辨率圖像。
對通用人工智能的追求并沒有讓阿爾特曼對風(fēng)險視而不見:他是聯(lián)名簽署人工智能安全中心(Center for AI safety)關(guān)于人工智能對人類威脅的警告的公開信的知名人士之一。在5月中旬舉行的美國參議員聽證會上,阿爾特曼呼吁對人工智能進行監(jiān)管,他說,應(yīng)制定規(guī)則來鼓勵企業(yè)進行安全開發(fā),“同時確保人們能夠獲得這項技術(shù)的好處”。(一些批評者猜測,他所呼吁的監(jiān)管也可能給OpenAI越來越多的開源競爭對手造成障礙。)
據(jù)《財富》雜志的杰里米·卡恩介紹,阿爾特曼曾是創(chuàng)業(yè)孵化器Y Combinator的總裁,擅長融資。這一訣竅似乎帶來了巨大的回報:OpenAI與微軟達(dá)成了130億美元的合作。
瑪格麗特?米切爾(Margaret Mitchell),Hugging Face首席倫理科學(xué)家
瑪格麗特·米切爾對人工智能偏見的興趣始于在微軟工作期間發(fā)生的幾件令人不安的事情。例如,她在去年的一次采訪中回憶說,她處理的數(shù)據(jù)[用于訓(xùn)練該公司的圖像注釋軟件“看見圖片”(Seeing AI)人工智能輔助技術(shù)]對種族的描述非常詭異。還有一次,她在系統(tǒng)中輸入了爆炸圖像,輸出結(jié)果將殘骸描述為美麗的。
米切爾和格布魯已經(jīng)在人工智能倫理領(lǐng)域取得了重大突破,比如與其他多名研究人員就所謂的“模型卡”(model cards)發(fā)表了一篇論文(通過提供記錄性能、識別局限性和偏見的方法,鼓勵提高模型的透明度)。
米切爾在離開谷歌后加入機器學(xué)習(xí)技術(shù)開源平臺提供商Hugging Face,她一直在埋頭苦干,深入研究輔助技術(shù)和深度學(xué)習(xí),并專注于編碼,以幫助建立人工智能倫理研究和包容性招聘等事項的協(xié)議。
穆斯塔法?蘇萊曼(Mustafa Suleyman),Inflection AI聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人兼首席執(zhí)行官
蘇萊曼被朋友和同事稱為“穆斯”(Moose),他曾在谷歌擔(dān)任人工智能產(chǎn)品和人工智能政策副總裁,并與他人共同創(chuàng)立了研究實驗室DeepMind,該實驗室于2014年被谷歌收購。離開谷歌后,蘇萊曼曾在風(fēng)投公司Greylock工作,并創(chuàng)辦了一家名為Inflection AI的機器學(xué)習(xí)初創(chuàng)公司。
莎拉?胡克(Sara Hooker),Cohere For AI總監(jiān)
薩拉·胡克曾是谷歌大腦(Google Brain)的研究員,去年她加入了多倫多一家由谷歌大腦校友創(chuàng)立的致力于研究超語言模型的初創(chuàng)公司Cohere,并與前同事團聚。此次重聚保持了一定距離——胡克正在領(lǐng)導(dǎo)一個名為Cohere for AI的非營利性人工智能研究實驗室,該實驗室由Cohere資助,但獨立運作。
Cohere for AI旨在“解決復(fù)雜的機器學(xué)習(xí)問題”。在實踐中,這意味著從發(fā)布研究論文以提高大型語言模型的安全性和效率,到啟動實施學(xué)者計劃(Scholars Program,該計劃旨在通過從世界各地招募人才,擴大人工智能領(lǐng)域的人才庫)。
胡克還力圖提升機器學(xué)習(xí)模型和算法的準(zhǔn)確性和可解釋性。最近在接受《全球新聞網(wǎng)》(Global News)采訪時,胡克分享了她對“模型可追溯性”的看法,即追蹤文本何時由模型而不是人類生成,以及應(yīng)該如何進行改進。她說:“我認(rèn)為真正重要的一點是,我們需要完善追溯體系,尤其是當(dāng)你考慮到人工智能在生成錯誤信息或可能被用于邪惡目的的文本方面的能力時?!?/p>
由于Cohere最近從英偉達(dá)(Nvidia)、甲骨文(Oracle)和Salesforce Ventures那里籌集了2.7億美元的資金,胡克的非營利實驗室與一家擁有知名支持者的初創(chuàng)公司強強聯(lián)手。
拉姆曼·喬杜里(Rummann Chowdhury),Parity Consulting科學(xué)家,哈佛大學(xué)伯克曼·克萊因中心負(fù)責(zé)任的人工智能研究員
喬杜里在人工智能領(lǐng)域的職業(yè)生涯始于埃森哲(Accenture)負(fù)責(zé)任人工智能部門的負(fù)責(zé)人,她負(fù)責(zé)設(shè)計一種算法工具,用于識別和減少人工智能系統(tǒng)的偏見。她離職后創(chuàng)立了一家名為Parity AI的算法審計公司,該公司后來被推特(Twitter)收購。在那里,她領(lǐng)導(dǎo)了機器學(xué)習(xí)倫理、透明度和問責(zé)團隊(這是一個由研究人員和工程師組成的團隊,致力于減輕社交平臺上算法帶來的危害),她說,在埃隆·馬斯克收購?fù)铺睾?,這項工作變得很有挑戰(zhàn)性。
在8月舉行的DEF CON 31網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全大會上,一群頂級人工智能開發(fā)者得到白宮的支持(她在其中起到了帶頭作用),將舉辦一場生成式人工智能“紅隊”測試活動,旨在通過評估Anthropic、谷歌、Hugging Face、OpenAI等公司的模型的異常和局限性來提高安全性。
克里斯托瓦爾·巴倫蘇埃拉(Cristóbal Valenzuela),Runway ML聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人兼首席執(zhí)行官
因此,該公司幫助開發(fā)了文本到圖像的 “穩(wěn)定擴散”模型。它還憑借其人工智能視頻編輯模型Gen-1取得了驚人成就,該模型可以改進用戶提供的現(xiàn)有視頻。Gen-2于今年春天推出,為用戶提供了從文本生成視頻的機會??紤]到像Weezer這樣的娛樂公司利用Runway的模型為搖滾樂隊制作巡回宣傳視頻,另一位藝術(shù)家使用Runway的模型制作了一部短片,像Runway這樣的工具因有可能改變好萊塢的電影制作方式而引發(fā)熱潮。
丹米斯·哈撒比斯(Demis Hassabis),谷歌DeepMind首席執(zhí)行官
哈薩比斯擁有倫敦大學(xué)學(xué)院(University College London)的認(rèn)知神經(jīng)科學(xué)博士學(xué)位,十多年前,他與他人共同創(chuàng)立了神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)初創(chuàng)公司DeepMind,引起了轟動。該公司旨在建立強大的計算機網(wǎng)絡(luò),模仿人類大腦的工作方式(于2014年被谷歌收購)。今年4月,在這家互聯(lián)網(wǎng)巨頭的所有人工智能團隊進行重組后,哈薩比斯接管了谷歌的整體人工智能工作。
2016年,DeepMind的人工智能系統(tǒng)AlphaGo在一場5局3勝制的比賽中擊敗了世界頂級人類棋手李世石(Lee Sedol)。有2億多人在線觀看了這場比賽。(在圍棋比賽中,雙方棋手將棋子放在19路乘19路的棋盤上進行比賽。)李世石敗給AlphaGo尤其令人震驚,因為專家們說,人們料想這樣的結(jié)果在未來十年內(nèi)都不會出現(xiàn)。
這樣的時刻讓DeepMind成為了通用人工智能的領(lǐng)軍人物。但并非所有游戲都是如此。AlphaFold 2人工智能系統(tǒng)(DeepMind是該系統(tǒng)的幕后推手)預(yù)測了幾乎所有已知蛋白質(zhì)的三維結(jié)構(gòu)。DeepMind已經(jīng)在一個公共數(shù)據(jù)庫中提供了這些預(yù)測結(jié)果。這一發(fā)現(xiàn)可能會加速藥物研發(fā),哈薩比斯和高級研究科學(xué)家約翰·江珀(John Jumper)也因此贏得了300萬美元的生命科學(xué)突破獎。哈薩比斯還與他人共同創(chuàng)立并經(jīng)營著一家Alphabet旗下的新公司Isomorphic Labs,致力于利用人工智能助力藥物研發(fā)。(財富中文網(wǎng))
Like a spaceship full of aliens landing on Earth, artificial intelligence technology seems to have come out of nowhere and instantly changed everything.
From A.I.-generated music that expertly mimics your favorite singer to virtual romantic partners, artificial intelligence technology is mesmerizing, scary, and increasingly accessible.
Businesses aren’t wasting any time pumping money into the technology. In addition to Microsoft’s $13 billion bet on ChatGPT-maker OpenAI, startups like Anthropic, Cohere, Adept AI, Character.AI, and Runway have raised hundreds of millions of dollars apiece in recent months.
As with much of the tech business, the people responsible for the innovation in A.I. are as central to the story as the technology itself. The names of today’s A.I. innovators aren’t as familiar as the established members of the tech industry pantheon, but the influence of these computer scientists and technologists is quickly spreading through their work.
Given how profound and potentially risky their work’s impact on society could be, many of these A.I. innovators have strongly held—and often conflicting—opinions about the technology’s future, its power, and?its dangers.
Fortune took a look at some of the key figures setting the A.I. agenda through their work and their viewpoints. Some work at big companies, some at startups, and some in academia; Some have been toiling for years in specialized branches of A.I., while others are more recent converts. If they have one thing in common, it’s their unique ability to influence how this powerful technology affects the world. Here, listed in no particular order, are 13 of today’s most important A.I. innovators.
Daniela Amodei
Cofounder, Anthropic
“It kind of blows my mind that A.I., given the potential reach that it could have, is still such a largely unregulated area.” — source
Daniela Amodei and her brother Dario quit their jobs at OpenAI to cofound Anthropic at the end of 2020, reportedly because of concerns that OpenAI’s deal with Microsoft would increase pressure to release products quickly at the expense of safety protocols.
The company’s chatbot, called Claude, is similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT but is trained with a technique referred to as “constitutional AI,” which sets principles like choosing responses that are, according to the company, the “l(fā)east racist and sexist” and encouraging of life and liberty. The approach is based on what Amodei, 35, refers to as Anthropic’s triple H framework for A.I. research: helpful, honest, and harmless.
“It kind of blows my mind that A.I., given the potential reach that it could have, is still such a largely unregulated area,” Amodei said in an interview last year, expressing hope that standard setting organizations, industry groups, and trade associations will step into the breach and provide guidance on what a safe model looks like. “We need all those actors working together to get to the positive outcomes we’re all hoping for.”
In addition to developing a “next-gen algorithm” for its Claude chatbot, Anthropic has been hard at work raising capital. It recently raised $450 million from backers including Google, Salesforce, and Zoom Ventures (less glamorously, it should be noted that an earlier, $580 million funding round that Anthropic raised was led by disgraced crypto entrepreneur Sam Bankman-Fried’s Alameda Research Ventures. Anthropic has not said whether it will return the money).
Yann LeCun
Chief A.I. scientist, Meta
“The upcoming AI systems are going to be an amplification of human intelligence in the way that mechanical machines have been an amplification of physical strength. They’re not going to be a replacement.” — source
“Prophecies of AI-fueled doom are nothing more than a new form of obscurantism,” says the French-born LeCun in a preview for an upcoming debate in which he’ll square off against an MIT researcher about whether A.I. poses an existential threat to humanity.
An outspoken advocate that A.I. has the power to amplify human intelligence, LeCun, 62, is widely respected as one of the leading experts in the field of neural networks, which have allowed for breakthroughs in computer vision and speech recognition. His work on a foundational neural network design known as a convolutional neural network and broadening the vision of such networks earned him the 2018 Turing Award, considered the Nobel prize of computing, alongside fellow deep learning pioneers Geoff Hinton and Yoshua Bengio.
Needless to say, LeCun was not among the more than 200 signatories of the recent warning that A.I. poses an extinction level risk to humanity.
A longtime computer science professor at New York University, LeCun joined Facebook (now Meta) in 2013 and now oversees the $700 billion company’s various artificial intelligence efforts. That hasn’t diminished his appetite for engaging in the major debates about A.I., such as the concerns that the technology will take people’s jobs. In a Q&A for Martin Ford’s 2018 book Architects of Intelligence: The Truth About AI from the People Building it, LeCun took issue with a famous prediction of Hinton’s that radiologists, for example, would be out of a job thanks to A.I. Rather, he explained it would free up radiologists time to spend with patients. He went on to say that he imagines some activities will become more expensive like eating at a restaurant where a waiter serves food that a human cook prepared. “The value of things is going to change, with more value placed on human experience and less to things that are automated,” he told Ford.
David Luan
CEO and cofounder, Adept
“The pace of progress in AI is astounding. First text generation, then image generation, now computer use.” — source
Before cofounding Adept in 2022, Luan worked at some of the most important A.I. companies, including OpenAI and Google (he also did a brief stint as the director of A.I. at Axom, the maker of the Taser gun and police body cameras). He says the current moment in A.I. is the one he’s most excited about. “We’ve entered the industrialization age of AI. It’s now time to build factories,” Luan said at the Cerebral Valley A.I. Summit earlier this year.
The idea behind Adept is to provide people with an “AI teammate” that can perform computer-based tasks—for example, building a financial model on a spreadsheet—with a few simple text commands. In March, the company raised $350 million in funding at a valuation pegged at more than $1 billion by Forbes.
Luan, 31, said that he spends a lot time thinking about the concerns that A.I. could replace people’s jobs, but that for the “knowledge workers”—the customers that generative A.I. tools like Adept are focused on—the fears are overblown. “Instead of spending like 30 hours of your week updating Salesforce, you spend 1% of your week asking Adept to just do that for you and you spend 99% of the time talking to customers,” Luan said at the Cerebral Valley A.I. Summit.
Emad Mostaque
CEO, Stability AI
“If we have agents that are more capable than us that we cannot control that are going across the internet and [are] hooked up and they achieve a level of automation, what does that mean?” — source
Mostaque was born in Jordan but grew up in Bangladesh and the UK, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in computer science at Oxford University in 2005. Before founding Stability AI in 2020, he spent more than a decade working in hedge funds, according to the?New York Times. The stint in finance seems to have provided a nice cushion to start Stability AI, which he reportedly funded himself and later with funding from investors including Coatue and Lightspeed Venture Partners.
The company helped to create text-to-image model, Stable Diffusion, which has been used to generate images that pay little heed to intellectual property rights or to concerns about depicting violence (the product, like some other A.I. tools, has also been criticized for amplifying racial and gender bias). For Mostaque, the priority is to keep the model open-source and without guardrails that restrict what content the model can generate—although, in an effort to make Stability’s A.I. more commercially-attractive, he did later train a version of Stable Diffusion on a dataset that had been filtered to remove pornographic images. “We trust people, and we trust the community,” he told the Times.
That attitude (as well allegations that Mostaque has exaggerated some of his accomplishments, as recently detailed by Forbes) has drawn backlash from others in the A.I. community, public officials, and firms like Getty Images which sued Stability AI for copyright infringement in February, alleging that the company copied 12 million images to train its AI model without a legal basis for using them.
Yet Stability AI’s tools have emerged as among the most popular and well-known representatives in the field of generative A.I. And Mostaque, aged 40 and based in London, defies easy categorization. In March, he was among a group who signed an open letter calling for pause in A.I. development for anything more advanced than GPT-4, the A.I. chatbot from OpenAI. His perspective on A.I. advancements seems to be at two extremes given his recent comments that it could control humanity in the worst case scenario, while stating on another occasion, that A.I. will be disinterested in people.
“Because we can’t conceive of something more capable than us, but we all know people more capable than us. So, my personal belief is it will be like that movie Her with Scarlett Johansson and Joaquin Phoenix: Humans are a bit boring, and it’ll be like, ‘Goodbye’ and ‘You’re kind of boring.’”
Fei-Fei Li
Co-director, Stanford’s Institute for Human-Centered AI
“It still feels surreal to be born into this time of history and be in the middle of this technology.” — source
When Li immigrated from China to the U.S. with her family at 16, she says?she had to learn English from scratch while working to get good grades. Today, the co-director for Stanford’s Institute for Human-Centered AI is considered one of the leading lights on the ethical use of A.I.—through writings like “How to make A.I. that’s good for people” —as well as an advocate for diversity in the A.I. field.
Early in her career, Li built ImageNet, a large-scale dataset that has contributed to developments in deep learning and A.I. Now, at Stanford, she’s been researching “ambient intelligence,” which uses A.I. to monitor activity at homes and hospitals. She discussed her work and how bias is critical to consider during Fortune’s Brainstorm AI conference?in December.
“I work a lot in health care. It’s very obvious that if our data comes from certain populations or socio-economic classes, it will have a pretty profound downstream impact,” she said.
According to Li, 47, Stanford now conducts an ethics and society review process for A.I. research projects. “It gets us thinking about how to design fairness, design privacy awareness, and design human well being and dignity into our technology.”
To boost inclusion in the A.I. field, Li co-founded a non-profit known as AI4ALL, which promotes diversity in A.I. education.
One note of controversy in Li’s career occurred during her stint as chief scientist of AI/ML at Google Cloud, when a Google contract to provide A.I. tech to the Pentagon caused an uproar among some employees in 2018. While the contract was not Li’s doing, critics felt her association with it—particularly some of her comments in leaked emails about how to portray the contract to the public—was at odds with her work as an advocate of ethical A.I.
Ali Ghodsi
CEO, Databricks
“We should embrace it, because it is here to stay. And I do think it’s going to change everything, and I think it’s going to be mostly positive.” — source
Ali Ghodsi straddles academia and business, with a foot in each world as an adjunct professor at UC Berkeley and the cofounder and CEO of Databricks. One principle that’s central to the Swedish-Iranian tech exec is his committment to open source development.
Ghodsi’s work on open source data processing tool Apache Spark provided the foundation for Databricks, which is?valued at $38 billion. In April, Databricks released Dolly 2.0, an open source rival to ChatGPT, that uses a question-and-answer instruction set created entirely from interactions between Databricks’ 5,000 employees. This means that any company can weave Dolly 2.0 into its own commercial products and services without any cap on usage.
Dolly is more proof of concept than viable product—the model is prone to errors, hallucinations and churning out toxic content. Dolly’s importance, however, is that it showed that A.I. models can be much smaller and cheaper to train and run than the massive proprietary large language models that underpin OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Anthropic’s Claude. And Ghodsi defends making Dolly so freely and easily accessible. “We’re committed to developing AI safely and responsibly and believe as an industry, we’re moving in the right direction by opening up models, like Dolly, for the community to collaborate on,”?Ghodsi told TechCrunch in April.
While generative A.I. is getting a lot of the attention right now, Ghodsi, 45, believes that other types of artificial intelligence, particularly A.I. for data analysis, will have a profound effect across industries. “I think this is just the very beginning, and we are just scratching the surface on what A.I. and data analytics can do,” he told?Fortune in March.
Sam Altman
“If someone does crack the code and builds a superintelligence, however you want to define that, probably some global rules on that are appropriate.”
Altman founded OpenAI with Elon Musk, Ilya Sutskever, and Greg Brockman in 2015, out of a fear that Google would become too powerful and control A.I.
Since then, OpenAI has turned into one of the most influential companies in the A.I. arena and emerged as the standard bearer for “generative A.I.”: Its ChatGPT tool is the fastest growing app of all time, having garnered 100 million monthly active users just two months after its launch. DALL-E 2, another OpenAI product, is one of most popular text-to-image generators, capable of producing high-resolution images that have depth-of-field effects with shadows, shading, and reflections.
While he’s not an A.I. researcher or a computer scientists, Altman, 38, sees the tools as a stepping stone on a mission he shares with others in the field: developing a computer superintelligence known as artificial general intelligence, or AGI. He believes that “AGI is probably necessary for humanity to survive,” but has suggested he’ll be cautious as he works toward it.
Altman’s quest for AGI has not blinded him to the risks: he was among the most prominent names to sign the Center for AI safety warning about A.I.’s threat to humanity. At a hearing before U.S. senators in mid-May, Altman called for A.I. regulation, saying rules should be created to incentivize safety “while ensuring that people are able to access the technology’s benefits.” (Some critics speculated that the regulation he called for could also create hurdles to a growing crop of open source competitors to OpenAI).
A former president of startup incubator Y Combinator, Altman is skilled at raising money according to a profile by?Fortune’s?Jeremy Kahn. That knack appears to have paid off big time with OpenAI’s $13 billion alliance with Microsoft.
While Musk is no longer affiliated with OpenAI and is reportedly launching a rival A.I. lab, Altman still cites Musk as a mentor?who taught him to push the limits on “hard R&D and hard technology.” He has no plans to follow Musk on mission to Mars however: “I have no desire to go live on Mars, it sounds horrible. But I’m happy other people do.”
Margaret Mitchell
Chief ethics scientist, Hugging Face
“People say or think, ‘You don’t program, you don’t know about statistics, you are not as important,’ and it’s often not until I start talking about things technically that people take me seriously which is unfortunate. There is a massive cultural barrier in ML.” — source
Margaret Mitchell’s interest in A.I. bias began after a couple of troubling instances while working at Microsoft. The data she worked with for the company’s Seeing AI assistance technology, for example, expressed odd descriptions of people’s race, she recalled in an interview last year. Another time, she fed a system images of an explosion and the output described the wreckage as beautiful.
She realized it wouldn’t satisfy her to simply make A.I. systems perform better on benchmarks. “I wanted to fundamentally shift how we were looking at these problems, how we were approaching data and analysis of data, how we were evaluating and all of the factors we were leaving out with these straightforward pipelines,” she said.
That mission has come at a personal cost. Mitchell made headlines in 2021 when Google fired her and Timnit Gebru from their jobs as co-heads of the company’s A.I. ethics unit. The pair had published a paper detailing risks of large language models, including the environmental cost and racist and sexist language being funneled into training data. They were also outspoken about insufficient diversity and inclusion efforts at Google and clashed with management over company policies.
Mitchell and Gebru had already achieved significant breakthroughs in the A.I. ethics field, like publishing a paper with multiple other researchers on so-called “model cards,” which encourage more transparency on models by providing a way to document performance and identify limitations and biases.
At Hugging Face, an open-source platform provider of machine learning tech she joined after Google, Mitchell has worked intensely on assistive tech and deep learning, and focuses on coding to help build protocols for matters like ethical A.I. research and inclusive hiring.
Despite her background as a researcher and scientist, Mitchell says her focus on ethics leads people to assume she doesn’t know how to program. “It’s often not until I start talking about things technically that people take me seriously which is unfortunate,” Mitchell said on a Hugging Face blog last year.
Mustafa Suleyman
Cofounder and CEO, Inflection AI
“Unquestionably, many of the tasks in white-collar land will look very different in the next five to 10 years.” — source
Known to friends and colleagues as “Moose,” Suleyman previously worked at Google as VP of AI Products and AI Policy, and co-founded DeepMind, a research lab that was bought by Google in 2014. Since his time at Google, Suleyman has worked for VC firm Greylock and launched a machine learning startup known as Inflection AI.
Earlier this month, Inflection released its first product, a chatbot named Pi?for “personal intelligence.” The current version of the bot can remember conversations with users and offer empathetic responses. Eventually, Suleyman says it will be capable of serving as a personal “Chief of Staff” that can book restaurant reservations and handle other daily tasks.
Suleyman, 38, is enthusiastic about what language we’ll start using to engage with computers. For Wired, he wrote that we’ll someday have “truly fluent, conversational interactions with all our devices,” which will redefine human-machine interaction.
Suleyman envisions a future where A.I. will cause white collar work to look very different,?but also sees potential for it to handle big challenges. On the latter, he thinks the technology can lower the cost of materials for housing and infrastructure and help allocate resources like clean water. Still, he’s a proponent of avoiding harms on the way, writing a warning in the Economist in 2018:
“From the spread of facial recognition in drones to biased predictive policing, the risk is that individual and collective rights are left by the wayside in the race for technological advantage.”
Sara Hooker
Director, Cohere For AI
“Part of what I think is going to be really important, especially when you think about things like misinformation or the ability to generate texts that might be used in nefarious ways, is we need better traceability.” – source
A former researcher at Google Brain, Sara Hooker reunited with her ex-colleagues last year when she joined Cohere, a Toronto startup dedicated to ultra language models and founded by Google Brain alums. It’s an arms-length reunion though—Hooker is heading up a non-profit research lab called Cohere for AI that’s funded by Cohere but operates independently.
Cohere for AI describes its mission as “solving complex machine learning problems.” In practice that means everything from research papers to make LLMs safer and more efficient to the Scholars Program, which seeks to broaden the pool of people involved in A.I. by recruiting talent from all over the world.
One of the criteria to be eligible for the Scholars Program is that a person has not previously published a research paper on machine learning.
“When I talk about improving geographic representation, people assume this is a cost we are taking on. They think we are sacrificing progress,” Hooker says. “It is completely the opposite.” Hooker would know. She grew up in Africa, and helped establish Google’s research lab in Ghana.
Hooker also pushes for ML models and algorithms that are accurate and explainable. Speaking to Global News recently, Hooker shared her thoughts on “model traceability,” or the ability to trace when a text is generated by a model instead of a human, and how improvements should be made to it. “Part of what I think is going to be really important, especially when you think about things like misinformation or the ability to generate texts that might be used in nefarious ways, is we need better traceability,” she said.
And with Cohere having recently raised $270 million in funding from Nvidia, Oracle, and Salesforce Ventures, Hooker’s non-profit lab is tied to a startup with some marquee backers.
Rummann Chowdhury
Scientist at Parity Consulting and Responsible AI Fellow, Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center
“There’s rarely the fundamental question asked: should this thing even exist?” — source
Chowdhury’s career in A.I. kicked off as a leader for responsible AI at Accenture, where she oversaw design of an algorithmic tool to identify and mitigate bias in AI systems. She left to found an algorithmic auditing company known as Parity AI, and it was later acquired by Twitter. There, she directed the ML Ethics, Transparency, and Accountability team, which was a group of researchers and engineers that worked to mitigate algorithmic harms on the social platform, something she says became challenging after Twitter was acquired by Elon Musk.
She played a leading role among a group of top A.I. developers who got support from the White House to put on a generative A.I. “red teaming” event that aims to improve security by evaluating models from Anthropic, Google, Hugging Face, OpenAI, and others for quirks and limitations during the DEF CON 31 cybersecurity conference in August.
As another A.I. expert on the regulation train, Chowdhury, 43, wrote in Wired recently that there ought to be a generative A.I. global governance body. She pointed to Facebook’s Oversight Board, which is an interdisciplinary global group focused on accountability, as an example of what the body could look like.
“An organization like this should be a consolidated ongoing effort with expert advisory and collaborations, like the IAEA, rather than a secondary project for people with other full-time jobs,” Chowdhury wrote. “Like the Facebook Oversight Board, it should receive advisory input and guidance from industry, but have the capacity to make independent binding decisions that companies must comply with.”
She’s also pushed for what she calls integrated bias assessments and audits in the product development process, which would allow an inspection of something that’s already been built but also having mechanisms in place from the early stages to decide whether something should make it past the idea phase.
“There’s rarely the fundamental question asked: should this thing even exist?” she said during a panel discussion?on responsible A.I.
Cristóbal Valenzuela
Cofounder and CEO, Runway ML
“The history of generative art is not new. The idea of involving an autonomous system in the art-making process has been around for decades outside of the recent AI boom. What’s different is that now we are entering a synthetic age.” — source
Valenzuela got into A.I. after learning about neural networks through the work of artist and programmer Gene Kogan. He became so fascinated that he left his home in Chile to become a researcher at NYU Tisch’s Interactive Telecommunications Program.
It was there that the idea for Runway came to him as he worked to make machine learning models accessible to artists. “I started brainstorming ideas around that and then I realized that “a platform for models” already has a name: a runway,” he told cloud computing company Paperspace.
While many artists have embraced A.I., using tools like Runway’s for visual effects in movies or creating photographs, the 33-year old Valenzuela wants even more artists to embrace A.I.
So, the company helped develop text-to-image model Stable Diffusion. It also made solo feats with its A.I. video editing model, Gen-1 that could improve existing video fed by users. Gen-2 followed this spring, providing users the chance to generate videos from text. Given that entertainers like Weezer have taken advantage of its models by having it make a tour promo video for the rock band and another artist made a short film using the latter model, tools like Runway’s have gotten buzz for their potential to change how Hollywood approaches filmmaking.
In a talk with MIT, he said the company is working on helping artists find the use cases for their work and reassure them that their jobs won’t be taken. He also argues that in many cases, we’re already using A.I. for artwork even if we don’t realize since a photo taken on an iPhone can involve multiple neural networks to optimize an image.
“It’s just another technology that will help you do things in a better way and express you better,” he said.
Demis Hassabis
CEO, Google DeepMind
“At DeepMind, we’re quite different from other teams in that we’re pretty focused around this one moonshot goal of AGI. We’re organized around a long-term roadmap, which is our neuroscience based thesis, which talks about what intelligence is and what’s required to get there.” — source
With a PhD in cognitive neuroscience from the University College London, Hassabis made waves by cofounding neural networking startup DeepMind more than a decade ago. The company, which was acquired by Google in 2014, aims to build powerful computer networks that mimic the way the?human brain works. In April, Hassabis took command of Google’s overall A.I. efforts, after a reorg that merged the internet giant’s various A.I. teams.
Hassabis says he got into programming through his love of chess. The former child chess prodigy even bought his first computer from the winnings of chess tournaments. Now, he uses the problem solving and planning required from the game plus his neuroscience background in his work on A.I., which he believes is going to be “the most beneficial thing to humanity ever.”
He thinks AGI could happen within a decade, and describes DeepMind as neuroscience-inspired A.I. and one of the best ways to address complex questions about the brain. “We could start shedding light on some of the profound mysteries of the mind like the nature of consciousness, creativity, and dreaming,” he told Ford. And when it comes to whether machine consciousness is possible, he says he’s open minded about that, but thinks “it could well turn out that there’s something special about biological systems” that machines couldn’t match.
In 2016, DeepMind’s A.I. system AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol, the world’s top human player at the strategy game Go, in which players place stones on a 19 by 19 grid, in a best-of-five match viewed by more than 200 million online. Sedol’s defeat to the system was especially shocking since experts said such an outcome wasn’t expected for another decade.
Moments like that have made DeepMind the leading face of AGI. But it’s not all games. DeepMind is behind AlphaFold 2, an A.I. system has predicted the 3-D structures of almost every known protein. DeepMind has made these predictions available in a public database. It’s a discovery that could accelerate drug development and that earned Hassabis and senior staff research scientist John Jumper a $3 million Breakthrough Prizes in Life Sciences award. Hassabis also co-founded and runs a new Alphabet-owned company, Isomorphic Labs, dedicated to using A.I. to help in drug discovery.