


David A. Kaplan 2012-09-05


????69歲的理查德?魯梅爾特是父親,他從1976年起就任教于加州大學(xué)洛杉磯分校的安德森管理學(xué)院(UCLA Anderson School of Management)。他的新書《戰(zhàn)略優(yōu)劣談》(Good Strategy/Bad Strategy)入選了《金融時報》(Financial Times)與高盛年度最佳商業(yè)圖書獎的決勝名單。39歲的卡珊德拉?克萊爾(原名:朱迪斯?魯梅爾特)自從2004年來一直在創(chuàng)作系列小說《凡人圣物》(Mortal Instruments)。之前的10年,她為娛樂雜志和小報撰稿,有時也在網(wǎng)上發(fā)表同人小說。這套系列小說以紐約為背景,講述勇斗惡魔的Nephilim(又稱暗影獵人)的冒險故事??巳R爾已經(jīng)賣出超過1,000萬本書,最近還簽下價值1,000萬美元的兩個出版協(xié)議。根據(jù)系列改編的第一部電影《凡人圣物:白骨之城》(City of Bones)正在多倫多拍攝,明年夏天將由索尼影視公司(Sony Pictures)推出。











????克萊爾:我們在董事會議室談話。出版商【西蒙舒斯特(Simon & Schuster)】說:“我們計劃提高你的知名度,增加銷量?!蔽揖蛦枺骸澳銈冇惺裁淳唧w的計劃來實現(xiàn)這一點嗎?”他們回答:“呃,我們會讓這本書得到更多關(guān)注,多賣幾本?!?/p>



????He's a leading professor of business strategy. She's a wildly successful author of urban fantasy novels for teenagers. Together, they're one of the more unusual father-daughter pairings.

????Richard Rumelt, 69, is the dad. He's been at the UCLA Anderson School of Management since 1976. His Good Strategy/Bad Strategy was shortlisted for the 2011 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year. Cassandra Clare (born: Judith Rumelt), 39, has been writing the Mortal Instruments series since 2004—following a decade of writing for entertainment magazines and tabloids, and occasional posting of fan fiction online. Set in modern New York City, the series centers on the adventures of the demon-fighting Nephilim (also called Shadowhunters). Clare has sold more than 10 million books and recently signed two multi-book deals for $10 million. The first Mortal Instruments movie, City of Bones, is shooting in Toronto and will be out next summer from Sony Pictures (SNE).

????Rumelt and Clare talked to David A. Kaplan at Fortune's offices this summer about creativity, marketing, and parental influence. Below is an edited transcript of their conversation.

????Richard, you're a well-known academic and have sold tens of thousands of books. Cassandra, you're a well-known author for a certain segment of the mass market—and have sold even more books. Is there a connection between the two careers?

????RUMELT: It's all genetics [laughter]. I'm very proud of her. She's blossomed fantastically.

????CLARE: My father is a big believer in nature over nurture.

????Did he think that way when you were 13?

????RUMELT: When she was 13, I thought it wasn't genetics—or at least not my side of the family.

????CLARE: I think that there's an enormous amount that my father has influenced in my career. We as artists are actively encouraged—by other authors, your agent, publisher, and society—not to think about money, strategy, how to manage your career, how to create a brand, because we're supposed to focus on the art.

????So, your father helped you to think of yourself as, well, a corporation?

????CLARE: Yes! I grew up listening to him talk about strategy and management. I've read his book obviously. And he's always pressed upon me that the person who had a strategy is going to win out over the person who doesn't. So when I come into a situation, my immediate question is, "Well, what's the strategy?" And I think that's unusual for a writer.

????RUMELT: One kind of bad strategy is where people have aspirations, but no plans. And Judy read one of my chapters on that in draft form. A couple weeks later, she told me, "Well, my publisher said, 'We have high hopes for your next book.'" And she said, "And you're going to – ?"

????CLARE: We were in the boardroom. The publisher [Simon & Schuster] said, "Our plan is to raise the profile and increase the sales." And I said, "What are your concrete plans to achieve that?" They said, "Well, we're going to get the book more attention and sell more copies."

????As opposed to a plan to sell fewer copies?

????RUMELT: They were naming goals instead of actions. She gets that sensibility of distinguishing between the two.

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