


colleen Leahey 2013-03-29



????公司: Twitter


????您使用什么樣的旅行箱(或旅行包)?紅色維氏瑞士(Victorinox Swiss)拉桿箱。我鐘愛(ài)亮色,因?yàn)榱辽语@眼。里面會(huì)裝一些化妝品,收到通知馬上就可以出發(fā)。





????旅行食物:如果要開(kāi)一天會(huì)或需要長(zhǎng)途飛機(jī)旅行,您會(huì)準(zhǔn)備哪些最喜歡的小食品?我出差的時(shí)候通常會(huì)帶一些堅(jiān)果巧克力米脆棒、紅辣椒碎和薄荷味的Ice Breakers口香糖。








Katie Stanton

????Title: Vice President, International Sales and Development

????Company: Twitter

????On the road: Once every 6 weeks

????What's your go-to travel suitcase (or bag)? Red Victorinox Swiss Rolling Suitcase. I always stick with bright colors so it stands out. It's stocked with its own set of toiletries and ready to go at a moment's notice.

????Two apps you can't travel without? Twitter and TripIt.

????How do you stay comfortable during long train/plain rides? I wear Splendid yoga pants and bring several lightweight layers in case the plane gets too hot or too cold. I also like to wear my running shoes for comfort and for unexpected sprints through airports.

????Advice for combating jet lag? I avoid doing the math to figure out what time it is back home. It's too stressful! I try to adjust immediately to the local time and work through the day until at least 10pm. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I try to resist the urge to check the time or read emails. I also try to be extra healthy by working out, eating well and drinking lots of water.

????What are your tips for keeping relationships with kids/spouses/partners healthy when you're always on the road? My husband and kids are very supportive of my crazy schedule. When possible, I try to take one kid on a business trip, so we have one-on-one time and they can gain an appreciation for what business travel is like. I also have several adventurous family members who are willing to meet me on the business trip and babysit while I'm in meetings. Everybody wins. While I'm away, I Skype or Facetime with my family every evening and show them what the city I'm in looks like. And I never come home empty handed.

????Travel food: what's your go to snack for a long day of meetings or long plane ride? I always travel with Nuts Over Chocolate Luna bars, spicy red pepper flakes, and peppermint Ice Breakers gum.

Maggie Wilderotter

????Title: Chairman and CEO

????Company: Frontier Communications

????On the road: 60% of the year

????What's your go-to travel suitcase (or bag)? I use a "travel pro" soft roller bag that has many compartments outside that can be stuffed with small things. It costs $60 on ebags and I buy a new one every 12-18 months.

????Two apps you can't travel without? Opentable and UA's flight information app

????How do you stay comfortable during long train/plane rides? I have "travel clothes:" comfortable slacks, long sleeved shirt (washable) and a small zip jacket and black flats (shoes) and socks. I carry a little pillow. I get up every hour on the plane and do stretches. I have a cross-country routine where I work for the first 2 hours, then eat, then sleep for an hour going east to west and then have tea and watch a movie or show. The reverse trip just skips the nap. Routines really help in terms of travel comfort.

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