


Melanie Lieberman 2015-08-14






A city’s customs, repertoire of arts, architectural and social achievements, and distinct flavors are, collectively, what we come to know and to cherish when we celebrate its culture.

Be it a city of ancient ruins dating back to humankind’s first permanent civilizations, or striking modern constructions that surge toward the sky like glass-and-steel beams of light, these are the cities Travel + Leisure readers flock to when they seek an injection of arts and culture.

Take Il Duomo in Florence, for example. This staggering cathedral, with its first stones dating back to 1296, could very well be considered the city’s trademark.: the single structure that stands as a summation of Florence’s religious and artistic Renaissance. Without it, would the city still linger in travelers’ minds with the same unrelenting grasp?

And what of our No. 1 city for culture and the arts this year? Even the faintest whisper about the City of Light conjures immutable images of Monet’s gardens, the Mona Lisa’s unnerving half-smile, the palace of Versailles’ glittering hall of mirrors.

We seek culture everywhere we travel: it is the unmistakable character or quality of a city that reminds us at every turn that we are somewhere unforgettable and unique.




Paris, France

Score: 97.668

“Cultural overload!” Exclaimed one T+L reader when describing the City of Light. Strolling through Paris’ charmingarronidssements will lead you past a staggering number of museums, landmarks, and shops that alone could qualify as cultural sights. Begin with the Musée du Louvre’s most famous residents, the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo, and catch the glittering glass pyramid in the museum’s plaza at sunset, if you can. You’ll want to see the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame, and the Champs-Elysées. Scale the Eiffel Tower in the morning for sweeping city vistas, and dine in its glow at night. Of course, much of Parisian culture is rooted in the city’s chic, designer boutiques (head to the Rue Charlot and Rue Vieille du Temple for the latest in haute couture. Sample flaky croissants and light-as-air macarons from any of the countless patisseries, or sip a bottle ofBordeaux while picnicking along the Left Bank of the River Seine.

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