


Ben Keeshin 2016-10-17
I know I can, I know I can, I know I can.

汽車在歷史上是一種出現(xiàn)得比較晚的交通工具,相對傳統(tǒng)交通工具來說,它的價格相對便宜,且體積較小,基本上什么路都能跑。如今我們都成了汽車的奴隸,但是不要忘了,美國當年可是一個在馬車和鐵軌上建立起來的國家。美國第一條鐵路——巴爾的摩至俄亥俄的鐵路于1828年竣工后,全美各地都掀起了建設鐵路的熱潮。鐵路的建設大大加快了美國西部的開發(fā)和拓荒。美國第一臺蒸汽機火車“斯陶爾布里奇雄獅號”(Stourbridge Lion)投入運營后,千百輛以煤炭為燃料的蒸汽機車如雨后春繭般迅速涌現(xiàn)出來,噴著蒸氣和滾滾濃煙奔馳在北美大地上。



榮譽獎:聯(lián)合太平洋公司運行的通用電氣Big Blow機車,8500馬力

Though we’re currently in the thrall of another, newer mode of transport—the relatively cheap, small and free-ranging “car”—trains rolls right alongside Conestoga wagons as the vehicles that made America. When the Baltimore and Ohio railroad—the B&O of Monopoly fame—opened in 1828, it set off a frenzy of railway construction, itself facilitating an expansion towards and settlement of The West. Following the Stourbridge Lion, the States’ first steam locomotive, hundreds more soon sprang to life, eating coal, making steam and belching smoke.

Today, outside of train shows and historical reenactments have dropped coal in favor of electric, gasoline turbine or diesel power—sometimes, a combination of the three. Currently, the titans of the rails worldwide are, hands down, electric locomotives. While mid-century American bruisers like the General Electric DDA40X coursed with 6,600 diesel-electric horsepower, the contemporary electric motors from Russian and Chinese manufacturers can top 15,000 horsepower—as certain presidential candidates would have it, a geo-political diorama writ on parallel tracks.

International power struggles aside—if they can ever really be—machinery is machinery, and we will respect the numbers. Here are the nine most powerful locomotives in the world, almost all electric. Plus, one honorable mention, because every data spread needs a romantic denouement.

Honorable Mention: General Electric Big Blow for Union Pacific, 8,500 horsepower


即便這款機車取了Big Blow(意為沉重一擊)這樣一個霸氣外露的名字,但它依然不是當代的電力驅動列車的對手。Big Blow誕生于1955年,它采取了三節(jié)式火車頭的設計,可以迸發(fā)出8500匹的強大馬力。第一節(jié)車頭為駕駛室和柴油發(fā)動機廂,第二節(jié)車頭被一個碩大無朋的十缸燃氣輪機所占據,第三節(jié)車頭裝著24,000加侖的燃料。這8,500馬力還是在海拔6500英尺和零上30攝氏度的氣溫下得出的數據。如果換成氣溫較低的幾個月,在接近海平面的海拔高度上,Big Blow甚至能達到10,000馬力。

9.Malmbanan鐵路上的ASEA SJ DM3機車,9,655馬力

No, even a locomotive as charismatically-named as the GE Big Blow can’t stand against contemporary E-Trains. Still, when the locomotive debuted in 1955, it rocked (literally) with 8,500 horsepower emanating from a three-car set-up. The first held the control cab and a diesel generator; the second, an enormous oil-burning ten-combustion chamber gas turbine engine; the last, 24,000 gallons of fuel. That 8,500-horsepower rating was at an altitude of 6,500 feet and at 90 degrees. During cool months and at sea level, the Big Blow could push as many as 10,000.

9.ASEA SJ Dm3 for Malmbanan, 9,655 horsepower

瑞典國家鐵路公司就是用這款車頭將該國南部的鐵礦石拉到北極圈的。DM3是個力大無窮的怪獸,最高功率可達10,000匹馬力。而且這些DM3機車大都擁有一個可愛的名字,比如其中的維克多(Viktor)、巴倫(Baron)和約琴菲娜(Josefina) ,并且它們直到今天仍在服役。

8.瑞士SBB公司的SLM Re 6/6機車,9,705馬力

As you’d expect for a train used by Swedish State Railways to pull iron ore south from the arctic circle to be processed, the DM3 is a mighty beast, making near 10,000 horsepower. Adorably, most of these locomotives are named: Viktor, Baron and Josefina still operate today.

8.SLM Re 6/6 for Switzerland SBB, 9,705 horsepower


7.德國聯(lián)邦鐵路公司的AEG/BBE/克勞斯瑪菲/克虜伯/西門子 AG DB 103機車,9,977馬力

Also used on the Malmbanan, or Iron Ore Line, the SLM just beats out the Dm3. Sibling rivalry?

7.AEG/BBC/Krauss-Maffei/Krupp/Siemens AG DB Class 103 for Deutsche Bahn, 9,977 horsepower

二戰(zhàn)結束后,德國迫切需要對被打爛的基礎設施進行全面修復,其中非常重要的一環(huán)就是通過鐵路提供快速客運服務。DB Class 103原本的設計時速為不超過99英里,但由于現(xiàn)實情況的需求,有些車型的最快時速達到了120英里——其中一臺甚至達到了驚人的176英里。

6.瑞士SBB公司運營的SLM, MFO/BBC Ae 8/14機車,10,255馬力

After World War II, Germany needed a major infrastructure overhaul. Part of that plan involved fast passenger transport by rail. The DB Class 103s were originally built to go no more than 99 mph, but speed demands later found some models travelling at up to 120 mph—one even pulled a train up to 176.

6.SLM, MFO/BBC Ae 8/14 for Switzerland SBB, 10,255 horsepower

自從Ae 8/14在瑞士萬國博覽會首次亮相后,它在相當長的一段時間里都是全球功率最強勁的火車頭。瑞士之所以需要這樣一臺大家伙,是因為只有這樣強大的動力,才能保障瑞士的一條重要鐵路生命線的暢通——也就是橫穿阿爾卑斯山的圣歌達鐵路(Gotthard Railway)。在力大無窮的Ae 8/14服役前,很多列車為了翻越這座大山只能拉一半的車廂上路。

5.俄羅斯鐵路公司的Sinara GT1s,11,285馬力

For a time after it debuted at the Swiss Exhibition, the Ae 8/14 was the most powerful locomotive in the world. The reason the Swiss needed such power was because a major supply route, the Gotthard Railway, traverses the Alps; before the burly Ae 8/14, trains were split it half in order to get them over the mountain.

5.Sinara GT1s for Russian Railways, 11,285 horsepower


自2008年亮相以來,Sinara GT1s已經獲得了兩個非常重要的頭銜:全球功率最大的汽油輪機車頭,和全球功率最大的內燃機車頭。


Since it debuted in 2008, the Sinara GT1s has held two very important titles: the world’s most powerful gasoline turbine locomotive and the world’s most powerful internal-combustion locomotive.

4.Novocherkassk VL85 for Russian Railways, 12,550 horsepower



The VL85 is among the highest echelon of motors that patrol Russia’s famous East Siberian Railways. With over 12,000 horsepower, the locomotive can carry tens of thousands of political dissidents to icy work camps! (Just kidding.)

3.Datong Electric Locomotive HXD2 for China Railways, 13,410 horsepower



With so much grunt, the Datong HXD2s can carry over 7,000 tons of coal and are designed to do so even at temperatures of -40 degrees through the winter.

2. Bombardier IORE for Malmbanan, 14,483 horsepower


鐵礦石可以說是列車拉得最吃力的一種貨物了。IORE機車是專門為瑞典采礦公司LKAB的Malmtrafik部門打造的。它每天都要運載數百噸鐵礦石。這款機車的名字來自英語“鐵礦石”這個單詞的縮略(iron ore)和《小熊維尼》里的小毛驢Eeyore,它在瑞典語中的拼寫是“I-or”。


Iron ore is about as heavy a load as a train can bear. The IORE locomotives are built for Swedish mining company LKAB’s Malmtrafik division, in charge of railways, and spend their days hauling hundreds of tons of mined rock. The name comes from a combination of “iron ore” and “Eeyore,” spelled “I-or” in Swedish.

1.Novocherkassk 4E5K for Russian Railways, 17,838 horsepower



All hail Mother Russia: with 17,838 horsepower, the Novocherkassk 4E5K locomotive is the most powerful in the world. It seems like digital espionage isn't Russia's only path to power.

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