


Chris Morris 2017-12-14



據(jù)《紐約時報》報道,特朗普每天要看四個小時的電視。他對新聞節(jié)目有異常的喜好,有時看不到直播,他就會把他喜歡的節(jié)目(比如《Fox & Friend》和《早間秀》等)錄下來,等稍后再看。據(jù)稱,在白宮里除了總統(tǒng)和修電視的,別人誰也不許碰遙控器。有時餐廳墻上的那座60寸大電視會被調(diào)到靜音狀態(tài),但即便這時特朗普還會時不時瞄一眼滾動新聞。










In a sweeping look at day-to-day life in the White House, The New York Times paints a vivid portrait of President Donald Trump. In the process, the publication showcases some quirky factoids that you might not expect from the leader of the free world. Here are some of the most interesting:

1. No one is allowed to touch the remote but Trump.

Trump watches an estimated four hours of TV per day, according to the Times. In fact, he is so news addicted that he records his favorite shows—which include Fox & Friend sand Morning Joe—when he’s unable to watch and catches up on them later. The reported rule in the White House is that no one touches the remote control except the president and the technical support staff. And while the 60-inch screen mounted in the dining room may be muted during meetings, Trump reportedly keeps an eye on scrolling headlines.

2. He can down 12 cans of Diet Coke in a single day.

Trump, famously, doesn’t drink alcohol—but he is a big fan of Diet Coke, reportedly drinking as many as 12 cans per day. (He uses a button on his desk to summon household staff when he wants another.)

3. Not being in the headlines stresses him out.

The U.S. president might be one of the most famous men in the world, but according to the Times profile, Trump gets uncomfortable if world news is not centered on him. “One former top adviser said Mr. Trump grew uncomfortable after two or three days of peace and could not handle watching the news without seeing himself on it,” the newspaper says.

4. He’s definitely not a foodie.

Bill Clinton was mocked for his eating habits, but Trump’s favorite cuisine is one that could make some chefs recoil. According to NYT, dinners at the White House can include “well-done steak, salad slathered with Roquefort dressing and bacon crumbles, tureens of gravy and massive slices of dessert with extra ice cream.”

5. He has an affinity for the White House bathrooms.

Trump regularly invites dinner guests to the White House for moral support. Afterward, he loves to give them tours of the White House. The Lincoln Bedroom and the Truman Balcony are regular stops, but he also has “an odd affinity for showing off bathrooms, including one he renovated near the Oval Office.”

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