


Grace Donnelly 2017-12-25





將三文魚卷裹在羊角面包里,這種食物有時被人稱作“羊角壽司”。它是洛杉磯的福爾摩斯先生面包坊(Mr. Holmes Bakehouse)今年率先推出的產(chǎn)品。



BBC表示,我們將在2018年里看到茶對咖啡的超越。這一年也昭示著不含酒精的特色飲品的興起。根據(jù)全食超市(Whole Foods)對新年的預測,花香會打消公眾對南瓜香精的癡迷。那些注重健康、希望減少酒精攝入的飲酒者,將會在杯中加入植物藥材和玫瑰、薰衣草等花草。


就在兩個月前,萊昂納多?迪卡普里奧投資了一家生產(chǎn)植物性肉類替代品的初創(chuàng)公司。這家公司名為Beyond Meat,像這類試圖迎合日益接受素食和嚴格素食的年輕消費者的公司還有好幾家。

今年8月,比爾?蓋茨、理查德?布蘭森和幾家風投公司引領了Memphis Meat 1,700萬美元的A輪融資。它并非植物蛋白公司,而是一家不依靠養(yǎng)殖動物來生產(chǎn)肉類的公司。迄今為止,公司已經(jīng)用動物細胞制造出了牛肉、雞肉和鴨肉。

硅谷的初創(chuàng)公司Impossible Foods正在努力研究一款帶血的無肉漢堡。研究團隊使用了一種植物性的“亞鐵血紅素”(在希臘語中這個詞的意思是“血”),它能模仿咬下半熟的牛肉漢堡時出現(xiàn)的那種血色。盡管這種產(chǎn)品目前還無法購買,但是我們可以預見,豆腐、印尼豆豉和藜麥等植物蛋白產(chǎn)品將在明年更多地取代肉類。





去年,紐約一個名為Feedback的環(huán)保組織利用即將被浪費的農(nóng)產(chǎn)品,為5,000人提供了免費餐。該活動在2017年被世界各地模仿。預測者認為這種潮流可能會在2018年進入餐廳。 (財富中文網(wǎng))


Last year’s food trend predictions heralded the dawn of a coconut craze and taco fever. Food trends in 2018 will include more alternatives, new flavors, and an emphasis on environmentally friendly ways of eating.

The BBC released their top ten food trends for the coming year along with a 1-minute video clip that highlighted some of the more extreme items on the list.

Some of the more eye-catching BBC predictions involved unexpected pairings … like raw fish and French pastry.

From sushi croissants to pasta donuts, this “era of permissibility” for food experimentation means no end in sight for more extreme fusion creations.

The salmon roll wrapped inside croissant dough, sometimes called the “croissushi,” debuted this year at Mr. Holmes Bakehouse in Los Angeles.

The spaghetti donut hails from the East coast. Made from pasta, eggs, and cheese fried into a donut shape for hand-held ease, this creation originated at New York’s Smorgasburg, a spread of fusion curiosities and Instagram food trends that could be the birthplace of next year’s hot combination, too.

Tea flavors and mocktails

The BBC says 2018 will be the year we see tea win out over coffee. It’ll also signal the rise of non-alcoholic specialty drinks. Floral flavors could unseat the pumpkin spice obsession, according to the Whole Foods predictions for the new year. Botanicals and notes like rose and lavender will fill glasses for health-conscious drinkers looking to curtail their booze consumption.

Plant-based proteins

Just two months ago Leonardo Dicaprio invested in a startup making plant-based meat substitutes. The company, Beyond Meat, is just one of a several companies looking to cater to younger consumers who are increasingly adopting vegetarian and vegan diets.

In August, Bill Gates, Richard Branson and a handful of venture capital firms led a $17 million Series A round of fundraising for Memphis Meat. It’s not a plant-based protein company, per se, but it is one that produces meat without having to grow an entire animal. It has so far produced beef, chicken and duck from animal cells.

Impossible Foods, a Silicon Valley startup that’s been working on developing a meatless burger that bleeds. The team has been a plant-based “heme” (which means “blood” in Greek) that imitates replicates the bloodiness of biting into a still-pink-on-the-inside beef burger. Though heme is not yet available to purchase, expect plant-based proteins like tofu, tempeh, and quinoa to replace meat more often next year.

Hyperlocal and low-waste

Local sourcing has been a trend for the last few years, but using foods grown in walking distance of the dinner table is an increasingly popular goal, according to the BBC.

Getting even closer than local farmers markets, some restaurants are opting to grow their own ingredients on-site. The BBC points to Danish chef René Redzepi and his two-Michelin-starred Copenhagen restaurant Noma as a leader of the trend.

An emphasis on reducing waste will also grow in 2018. Expect to start seeing dishes made from food waste or menus planned to use all parts of the ingredients.

In New York City last year, an environmental organization called Feedback fed 5,000 people free meals cooked from produce that otherwise would have been wasted. This event has been replicated around the world in 2017 and predictions say the trend could break through to restaurants in 2018.

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