


彭博社 2018-01-22





康涅狄格州米斯蒂克Grass & Bone

在人們的想象中,海濱城市米斯蒂克是以吃魚為主,可能還有比薩。然而去年夏天,丹尼爾·梅瑟和詹姆士·維勒將Tim Horton的甜甜圈街邊小店變成了一家餐館,提供 Grandpa Reuben(用自制的熏牛肉制作)和古銅色的大蒜醬烤雞。這一店面最引人注目的莫過于其冷藏箱,里面裝有風(fēng)干時間長達(dá)90天(有時候更長)的熟成肉品。梅瑟說:“我們不希望成為一家名不副實的肉品店。我們希望人們來這后會說,‘我想要一條2英寸厚的熟成肋眼肉來做晚餐。’”

紐約市White Gold Butchers


芝加哥Publican Quality Meats

這家備受歡迎的豬肉和牡蠣餐廳Publican座落于芝加哥具有傳奇色彩的肉類加工區(qū)。PQM由大廚保羅·卡漢執(zhí)掌,其中設(shè)有一個餐廳,專門提供熟食品:腌肉、砂鍋類、肉凍、鴨腿和熟肉醬。厚厚的Tom’s Silver Medal特大號三明治塞滿了意大利腌肉、豬后腿肉、火腿、波蘿伏洛干酪和腌辣椒。(這里是芝加哥。)肉店還銷售帶骨肉,有肋眼、腰肉和前腰脊,每一種肉的平均風(fēng)干熟成時長都達(dá)到了60天。

洛杉磯Gwen Butcher Shop and Restaurant




加州雷耶斯角車站Marin Sun農(nóng)場

這個位于馬林郡的近海農(nóng)場因其一流的食材以及精選的當(dāng)?shù)夭蒿曍i、雞、羔羊、山羊和牛而聞名。Point Reyes餐館提供各種各樣的肋排配油炸土豆條(菲力牛排、羊腰肉和豬腰排)以及異常美味的漢堡包(牛肉、羔羊肉或山羊肉),同時還有多種當(dāng)?shù)丶t酒和啤酒可供選擇。Marin Sun農(nóng)場在奧克蘭也設(shè)有一家肉店。

奧斯丁Dai Due

創(chuàng)始人杰西·格里菲斯是肉店界的英雄人物。自2006年開設(shè)Dai Due以來,格里菲斯一直在銷售來自于德州農(nóng)場的動物各部位肉品。餐館前的肉品柜里會不時地陳列煙熏鹿肉腸、豬腰肉和波蘭熏腸。餐館里的百貨攤位擺放著莎莎醬、橄欖油和其他當(dāng)?shù)刂谱鞯漠a(chǎn)品。餐館還提供獵殺的野味,例如野豬肉漢堡,同時也提供用智利蜂蜜烤制的大片牛排。另一個難得一見的特色是用提煉的牛油脂肪所做的牛脂咖啡。

奧斯丁Salt & Time

奧斯丁是一個幸運之城,它擁有兩家必去的肉品店,足以讓人們大快朵頤。這家店有一個響亮的口號:“那些加鹽并耐心等待的人將盡享美味?!泵恳粋€餐館都希望喚起人們對傳統(tǒng)熟食店的記憶:Salt & Time的肉品柜給人一種飽經(jīng)滄桑的感覺,里面陳列著種類豐富的當(dāng)?shù)禺a(chǎn)紅肉,例如肩肉、胸肉和牛肩牛排,以及大量精選的香腸,包括新鮮的口利左香腸、德式碎肉香腸和羊肉腸。在粗糙的木桌上,你可以品嘗肉店的熟肉沙拉,肉餅三明治或大紅腸總會三明治。(財富中文網(wǎng))




If you’re following the latest food forecasts, you’ll know that plant-based diets will be huge in 2018.

Americans, however, will consume a record amount of meat in 2018: an average of 222.2 pounds of red meat and poultry per person, according to Bloomberg. Meat is cheap (especially because producers are raising more animals), and high-protein diets remain popular.

Also at a new high are the number of superior butcher shops that double as restaurants. Across the country, meat-oriented chefs are fronting places that cater to the demand for aged cuts, expertly made sausages, and cured meats. These spots offer pasture-raised, humanely treated beef, pork, lamb, and chicken, as well as less common choices such as goat, venison, and game birds.

Rib roasts in Connecticut, all-natural beef on the Upper West Side, a whole-animal butchery in Austin—these are among the places to go for meat in 2018.

Grass & Bone, Mystic, Conn.

You’d expect the coastal town of Mystic to be all about fish—and perhaps pizza. Yet last summer, Daniel Meiser and James Weiner transformed a Tim Horton’s doughnut outpost into a cafe with offerings such as the Grandpa Reuben (made with house-made pastrami) and bronzed rotisserie chicken with garlic mayo. The focal point of the space is a refrigerated case filled with cuts of meat dry-aged up to 90 days and sometimes more. “We didn’t want to do a fake butcher program,” Meiser says. “We want people to come here and say, ‘I want a 2-inch-thick aged rib-eye to make for dinner.’”

White Gold Butchers, New York City

On Manhattan’s Upper West Side, this white-tiled space evokes an old-school butcher shop. There are dozens of all-natural, pasture-raised offerings including top sirloin, bone-in New York strip steaks, marrow bones, house-made hot dogs, and smoked kielbasa from butcher-owners Erika Nakamura, Jocelyn Guest, and April Bloomfield. Diners can add sausage, ham, bacon, pastrami, or all of them, to the breakfast egg sandwich. For dinner, there’s crispy pig head.

Publican Quality Meats, Chicago

Chicago’s legendary meatpacking district is the setting for this outpost of the popular pork and oysters restaurant, Publican. Headed by chef Paul Kahan, PQM includes a cafe that specializes in charcuterie: salumi, patés, terrines, confit, and rillettes. Tom’s Silver Medal sandwich is piled high with spicy capicola, lonza cotto, ham, provolone, and pickled peppers on a hoagie. (It’s Chicago.) The shop also sells bone-in cuts—rib-eye, porterhouse, strip—each dry-aged for an average of 60 days.

Gwen Butcher Shop and Restaurant, Los Angeles

Chef Curtis Stone has created a premium destination for carnivores. There’s a wide selection of ingredients to cook in the wood-burning asador, such as short ribs, lamb shanks, and dry-aged short loin. The priciest cuts are the Australian Blackmore Wagyu; the 42-ounce bone-in rib-eye goes for $390. “Blackmore Wagyu is probably the best beef raised outside Japan, and only a handful of other butcher shops carry it,” says butcher Andrew Sutton.

Belcampo, California

Belcampo founder Anya Fernald, a leader in the humanely raised animal movement, raises her 2,500 cows in Northern California. She then sources them to Belcampo locations around the state, from downtown Los Angeles to Palo Alto. The hybrid butcher shop carries beef alongside free-range poultry and pork. The restaurants specialize in burgers, including 100-day dry-aged patties. The newest location, opening in March, will be Belcampo Oakland, where the bar will feature the BBQ Manhattan, with barbecue bitters and beef jerky garnish. For inspired do-it-yourselfers, Belcampo’s meat camp is a two-day experience that teaches the craft of butchery and beef cooking near the base of Mt. Shasta.

Marin Sun Farms, Point Reyes Station, Calif.

This farm off the coast in Marin County is known for its primo ingredients and outstanding selection of grass-fed, locally raised pork, chicken, lamb, goat, and beef. The Point Reyes restaurant offers a variety of steak frites (filet mignon, goat loin, and pork loin chop) and terrific burgers (beef, lamb, or goat). There’s also a list of local wines and beers. Marin Sun Farms has a butcher shop in Oakland, too.

Dai Due, Austin

Founder Jesse Griffiths is a hero in the world of butchery. Since he opened Dai Due in 2006, Griffiths has been butchering whole animals from ranches around Texas. At the front of the restaurant is a butcher case that might include smoked venison sausages, pork loin, and kielbasa. The grocery section carries salsa, olive oil, and other locally made products. The restaurant has an affinity for game with dishes such as wild boar burgers, but there’s also grilled giant beef rib with chile honey. Another unlikely specialty is tallow coffee, made with rendered beef fat.

Salt & Time, Austin

Austin is lucky enough to have two destination butcher shops where you can also eat exceedingly well. The tag line for this spot is “Good things come to those who add salt and wait.” Every place wants to evoke traditional butcher shops: Salt & Time’s meat counter truly feels as if it’s decades-old, with rich red cuts of local meat, such as chuck roast, brisket, and flat iron steaks, and a vast selection of sausages, including fresh chorizo, bratwurst, and lamb merguez. At the rustic wooden tables, you can snack on a butcher’s salad stocked with deli meats, a meatloaf sandwich, or a bologna club sandwich.

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