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伯克希爾-哈撒韋公司副董事長(zhǎng)格雷格·阿貝爾。圖片來(lái)源:DANIEL ACKER/BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES

對(duì)于伯克希爾-哈撒韋(Berkshire Hathaway)在92歲的傳奇首席執(zhí)行官沃倫·巴菲特離開(kāi)之后的前景,許多投資者感到擔(dān)憂。然而在這家企業(yè)集團(tuán)的內(nèi)部,旗下的大多數(shù)公司早已完成了過(guò)渡,開(kāi)始向他的接班人報(bào)告。

巴菲特本人以及See’s Candy和Dairy Queen等伯克希爾-哈撒韋旗下公司的高管都表示,他們對(duì)副董事長(zhǎng)格雷格·阿貝爾的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能力毫無(wú)質(zhì)疑。阿貝爾已經(jīng)開(kāi)始監(jiān)管伯克希爾-哈撒韋的所有非保險(xiǎn)業(yè)務(wù)。因此,在首席執(zhí)行官的工作中,尚未由他負(fù)責(zé)的部分只剩下公司的保險(xiǎn)業(yè)務(wù),以及決定如何投資伯克希爾-哈撒韋的近1,310億美元現(xiàn)金。

巴菲特在今年5月6日的年會(huì)上安慰投資者稱(chēng),他相信阿貝爾是接替首席執(zhí)行官的適當(dāng)人選,而且雖然阿貝爾尚未開(kāi)始負(fù)責(zé)一些支出決定,但他清楚如何按照巴菲特使用的模式配置資本。此外,阿貝爾在2008年至2018年期間負(fù)責(zé)伯克希爾-哈撒韋的公用事業(yè)部門(mén),確實(shí)幫助促成了多筆重大收購(gòu),包括以56億美元收購(gòu)內(nèi)華達(dá)州的NV Energy,以及以近30億美元收購(gòu)加拿大輸電公司Altalink。




岡薩加大學(xué)(Gonzaga University)的商學(xué)教授托德·芬克爾稱(chēng),伯克希爾-哈撒韋的股東應(yīng)該信任巴菲特對(duì)他的繼任者的判斷,因?yàn)樗嗄陙?lái)一直在思考繼任者人選。芬克爾最近寫(xiě)了一本新書(shū)《沃倫·巴菲特:投資者和企業(yè)家》(Warren Buffett: Investor and Entrepreneur)。


在伯克希爾-哈撒韋年會(huì)前夜,芬克爾在Gabelli Funds價(jià)值投資大會(huì)(Gabelli Funds Value Investing Conference)上表示:“他不會(huì)把事情搞砸?!?/p>

CFRA Research的分析師凱茜·塞弗特也持有同樣的觀點(diǎn):“繼任者問(wèn)題已經(jīng)告一段落?!?/p>

從2018年開(kāi)始報(bào)告,伯克希爾-哈撒韋部分經(jīng)理的報(bào)告對(duì)象從巴菲特變成了阿貝爾。他們表示,對(duì)于阿貝爾管理數(shù)十家不同公司的能力,他們充滿了信心并且印象深刻。伯克希爾-哈撒韋旗下有不同公司,包括以色列工具制造商Iscar Metalworking、工業(yè)巨頭Marmon Holdings、珠寶商Helzberg Diamonds,以及NetJets私人飛機(jī)服務(wù)等。

Dairy Queen的首席執(zhí)行官特洛伊·巴德指出,每當(dāng)他遇到與品牌有關(guān)的任何問(wèn)題,阿貝爾總是可以提供支持,如果阿貝爾有任何問(wèn)題也會(huì)主動(dòng)聯(lián)系他。巴德表示,他不確定阿貝爾“為什么每天都有那么多時(shí)間,但他總是能夠提供大量與人們交流的機(jī)會(huì)?!?/p>





Brooks Running公司的首席執(zhí)行官吉姆·韋伯指出,阿貝爾幫助創(chuàng)建了公用事業(yè)部門(mén)伯克希爾-哈撒韋能源(Berkshire Hathaway Energy),他有經(jīng)營(yíng)者的背景,而不是像巴菲特一樣的投資者背景。阿貝爾甚至可能針對(duì)Brooks的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)狀況,向韋伯提出許多更尖銳的問(wèn)題,因?yàn)榕c巴菲特不同,阿貝爾是跑步愛(ài)好者,他更想試穿公司的跑鞋,而不是只談?wù)摂?shù)據(jù)。但他依舊會(huì)提供類(lèi)似的監(jiān)督。


See’s Candy的首席執(zhí)行官帕特·伊根表示,股東應(yīng)該知道阿貝爾本身就很出色。




對(duì)于伯克希爾-哈撒韋(Berkshire Hathaway)在92歲的傳奇首席執(zhí)行官沃倫·巴菲特離開(kāi)之后的前景,許多投資者感到擔(dān)憂。然而在這家企業(yè)集團(tuán)的內(nèi)部,旗下的大多數(shù)公司早已完成了過(guò)渡,開(kāi)始向他的接班人報(bào)告。

巴菲特本人以及See’s Candy和Dairy Queen等伯克希爾-哈撒韋旗下公司的高管都表示,他們對(duì)副董事長(zhǎng)格雷格·阿貝爾的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能力毫無(wú)質(zhì)疑。阿貝爾已經(jīng)開(kāi)始監(jiān)管伯克希爾-哈撒韋的所有非保險(xiǎn)業(yè)務(wù)。因此,在首席執(zhí)行官的工作中,尚未由他負(fù)責(zé)的部分只剩下公司的保險(xiǎn)業(yè)務(wù),以及決定如何投資伯克希爾-哈撒韋的近1,310億美元現(xiàn)金。

巴菲特在今年5月6日的年會(huì)上安慰投資者稱(chēng),他相信阿貝爾是接替首席執(zhí)行官的適當(dāng)人選,而且雖然阿貝爾尚未開(kāi)始負(fù)責(zé)一些支出決定,但他清楚如何按照巴菲特使用的模式配置資本。此外,阿貝爾在2008年至2018年期間負(fù)責(zé)伯克希爾-哈撒韋的公用事業(yè)部門(mén),確實(shí)幫助促成了多筆重大收購(gòu),包括以56億美元收購(gòu)內(nèi)華達(dá)州的NV Energy,以及以近30億美元收購(gòu)加拿大輸電公司Altalink。




岡薩加大學(xué)(Gonzaga University)的商學(xué)教授托德·芬克爾稱(chēng),伯克希爾-哈撒韋的股東應(yīng)該信任巴菲特對(duì)他的繼任者的判斷,因?yàn)樗嗄陙?lái)一直在思考繼任者人選。芬克爾最近寫(xiě)了一本新書(shū)《沃倫·巴菲特:投資者和企業(yè)家》(Warren Buffett: Investor and Entrepreneur)。


在伯克希爾-哈撒韋年會(huì)前夜,芬克爾在Gabelli Funds價(jià)值投資大會(huì)(Gabelli Funds Value Investing Conference)上表示:“他不會(huì)把事情搞砸?!?/p>

CFRA Research的分析師凱茜·塞弗特也持有同樣的觀點(diǎn):“繼任者問(wèn)題已經(jīng)告一段落?!?/p>

從2018年開(kāi)始報(bào)告,伯克希爾-哈撒韋部分經(jīng)理的報(bào)告對(duì)象從巴菲特變成了阿貝爾。他們表示,對(duì)于阿貝爾管理數(shù)十家不同公司的能力,他們充滿了信心并且印象深刻。伯克希爾-哈撒韋旗下有不同公司,包括以色列工具制造商Iscar Metalworking、工業(yè)巨頭Marmon Holdings、珠寶商Helzberg Diamonds,以及NetJets私人飛機(jī)服務(wù)等。

Dairy Queen的首席執(zhí)行官特洛伊·巴德指出,每當(dāng)他遇到與品牌有關(guān)的任何問(wèn)題,阿貝爾總是可以提供支持,如果阿貝爾有任何問(wèn)題也會(huì)主動(dòng)聯(lián)系他。巴德表示,他不確定阿貝爾“為什么每天都有那么多時(shí)間,但他總是能夠提供大量與人們交流的機(jī)會(huì)?!?/p>





Brooks Running公司的首席執(zhí)行官吉姆·韋伯指出,阿貝爾幫助創(chuàng)建了公用事業(yè)部門(mén)伯克希爾-哈撒韋能源(Berkshire Hathaway Energy),他有經(jīng)營(yíng)者的背景,而不是像巴菲特一樣的投資者背景。阿貝爾甚至可能針對(duì)Brooks的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)狀況,向韋伯提出許多更尖銳的問(wèn)題,因?yàn)榕c巴菲特不同,阿貝爾是跑步愛(ài)好者,他更想試穿公司的跑鞋,而不是只談?wù)摂?shù)據(jù)。但他依舊會(huì)提供類(lèi)似的監(jiān)督。


See’s Candy的首席執(zhí)行官帕特·伊根表示,股東應(yīng)該知道阿貝爾本身就很出色。




Many investors worry about the future of Berkshire Hathaway after its legendary CEO Warren Buffett is gone, but most of the conglomerate’s companies have already made the transition to reporting to the man who will eventually replace the 92-year-old.

Buffett himself and executives at Berkshire Hathaway companies like See’s Candy and Dairy Queen say they don’t have any qualms about Vice Chairman Greg Abel’s ability to lead the conglomerate. Abel already oversees all of Berkshire’s noninsurance businesses. So the main parts of the CEO job he’s not already doing are overseeing the insurance side of the company and deciding how to invest Berkshire’s nearly $131 billion in cash.

Buffett reassured investors at May 6’s annual meeting that he believes Abel is the right man for the job and that he does know how to allocate capital following the same model Buffett uses even if he’s not making those spending decisions now. Plus, Abel did help oversee a number of large acquisitions at Berkshire’s utility unit that he led from 2008 until 2018, including the purchases of NV Energy in Nevada for $5.6 billion and Canadian power transmission firm Altalink for nearly $3 billion.

“I don’t have a second choice. I mean it is that tough to find. But I have also seen Greg in action and I feel 100% comfortable,” Buffett said. “Greg is inheriting a good business and I think he’ll make it better.”

Buffett confirmed that Abel will eventually take over for him two years ago after his partner Charlie Munger let it slip at that year’s annual meeting although Buffett has no plans to retire.

Plus, Berkshire does have two other investment managers and another vice chairman who oversees all the insurance business, including Geico and several large reinsurers, in place although Buffett said it will be up to Abel to decide how much to lean on those folks after he becomes CEO.

Gonzaga University business professor Todd Finkle, who just wrote a new book titled “Warren Buffett: Investor and Entrepreneur,” said Berkshire shareholders should trust Buffett’s judgement about his successor because he has been thinking about his successor for years.

To underscore how long Buffett has been thinking about this, Berkshire showed video clips on May 6 of Buffett getting questions about his successor for at least the last 29 years. It probably came up before then too, but Berkshire doesn’t have video of the meeting before 1994.

“He’s not going to screw this up,” Finkle said at the Gabelli Funds Value Investing Conference on the eve of the annual meeting in Omaha.

CFRA Research analyst Cathy Seifert agreed: “The succession issue has been put to rest.”

Berkshire managers who have been reporting to Abel instead of Buffett since 2018 said they’re confident and impressed with his ability to oversee dozens of different businesses as varied as Israeli tookmaker Iscar Metalworking, industrial conglomerate Marmon Holdings, jeweler Helzberg Diamonds and the NetJets private jet service.

Dairy Queen CEO Troy Bader said that whenever he has any issues related to the brand, Abel is always available, and he reaches out if he ever has any questions. Bader said he’s not sure where Abel “gets all the time in the day, but his access has been terrific.”

“Greg is a very quick study. He understands the businesses quickly and he’s going to challenge us, as you would expect any really good manager to do,” he said.

Buffett is clearly a tough act to follow after leading Berkshire for 58 years and earning a reputation as one of the best investors ever, but Bader said there is a lot of talent among Berkshire’s other managers.

“Obviously Berkshire has never known anything other than Warren and Charlie very well involved,” Bader said. “But having had the privilege of getting to know so many of the other leaders, Berkshire’s in very capable hands, and that’s a credit again to Warren.”

Buffett and Abel joked during a CNBC interview earlier this spring that Abel might even be able to get more out of Berkshire’s businesses because he doesn’t have the history of having acquired them and may ask tougher questions as he gets to know the companies better. But just like Buffett, Abel largely lets the businesses run themselves, talking strategy with them periodically and offering advice whenever they need it. But the CEOs of each Berkshire business make the day-to-day decision except that they’ll run any big spending decisions past headquarters.

Brooks Running CEO Jim Weber said Abel approaches the businesses with the background of an operator who helped build the Berkshire Hathaway Energy utility unit as opposed to Buffett’s background as an investor. Abel may even direct a few more pointed questions about Brooks’ competition to Weber because unlike Buffett, Abel is a runner who wants to try on the shoes not just talk numbers. But he still provides similar oversight.

“We definitely see he’s got he’s got the brain of an operator. And so in that sense, there is a different slate of questions that are, I think, more in tune with business topics and issues,” Weber said. “But at the end of the day, you know, the relationship is, is still kind of working the same for us.”

See’s Candy Pat Egan said shareholders should know that Abel is remarkable in his own right.

“Greg’s singularly talented. He’s an amazing guy,” Egan said. “So in terms of leadership, we have no, no concerns whatsoever.”



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