


Eleanor Bloxham 2011年11月22日



????董事會(huì)為什么選擇了古普塔?原因之一是,他并非1月份入選董事會(huì)的4位新董事之一(這一程序是由雷?萊恩主導(dǎo)的)。他也不是機(jī)構(gòu)股東服務(wù)公司(ISS)在今年股東大會(huì)召開之際(proxy season)建議惠普公司罷免的3位董事之一。如此看來,就這個(gè)職務(wù)而言,相比于董事會(huì)的某些其他成員,古普塔似乎是一個(gè)更安全的人選。然而,誰將留在惠普董事會(huì)的確是萊恩在今年年初的時(shí)候就已經(jīng)決定的,這也意味著是他再次選擇古普塔繼續(xù)擔(dān)任公司董事。


????此外,惠普公司昨天還發(fā)布公告稱,該公司已與關(guān)系投資者公司(Relational Investors)的拉爾夫?惠特沃思達(dá)成協(xié)議:這位維權(quán)投資者也將加入惠普董事會(huì)。此舉將使該公司的董事會(huì)總?cè)藬?shù)增加至14人,但這種擴(kuò)容或許只是暫時(shí)的。惠普公司的10Q季度報(bào)告之中還藏著另外一條啟事:“2011年9月8日,多米尼克?塞內(nèi)基耶告知董事會(huì),由于她還有其他的職業(yè)追求,在惠普公司明年的股東大會(huì)上,她將不再謀求連任。”塞內(nèi)基耶剛剛在1月份被提名為公司董事人選,并于3月份第一次被股東大會(huì)選舉為公司董事。


????Not that we should get ahead of ourselves, but two significant announcements from HP on Thursday show the faint glimmer of a rainbow at the end of a very long corporate storm.

????One was the designation of Rajiv Gupta as lead independent director. The appointment fulfilled a promise made two months ago when Meg Whitman was appointed CEO and Ray Lane became executive chair of the board. Gupta has been on HP's (HPQ) board since 2009.

????Why did the board pick Gupta? For one, he was not among the four new board members chosen in January, a process that was led by Ray Lane. Nor was he one of the three HP board members that ISS recommended against this proxy season. In that way, Gupta may have been a safer choice for this role than some of the other members of the board. Lane did, however, determine who would stay on the HP board earlier this year and thus did re-select Gupta for the board.

????It will be interesting to see how active a role Gupta assumes as lead independent director and the scope of his job description. HP did not offer much of a description in their announcement of his appointment. Gupta has been serving on HP's compensation committee and shareholders voted against HP's compensation practices this year.

????HP also announced yesterday that it had entered into a letter of agreement for activist investor Ralph Whitworth of Relational Investors to join the company's board. The move will increase the board's total membership to 14, but the increase may be temporary. Buried in the company's 10-Q filing was a notice that, "On September 8, 2011, Dominique Senequier notified the Board … that due to her other professional commitments … she will not stand for re-election at HP's next annual meeting of stockholders." Senequier had just been appointed to the board in January and elected by shareholders for the first time in March.

????The agreement HP has struck with Whitworth, who is well-known and respected by active shareholders, represents a bold defense by the company against shareholder concerns.

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