


Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2011年12月08日







????Rachel Moussa, university programs manager for data networking firm Brocade and herself a Millennial, notices more colleges setting more realistic student expectations about how quickly they'll advance. But it's often crucial for the employer or manager to reinforce the importance of experience to moving up the career ladder. "After the first year, they'll say, 'I've mastered everything, what's next?'" says Moussa.

????Employers should recognize that Millennials' ambition to advance isn't necessarily based on a desire for a higher salary. Indeed, Rikleen's report cites research on the disconnect between managers who think young employees are motivated by money, versus the workers themselves being driven by the desire to make a difference.

????"What they're motivated by is making a contribution, feeling appreciated, and feeling like they're growing and learning," Karsh says.

????Managers should explain the reasons behind mundane tasks and how they fit into the organization's mission, he suggests. At the same time, wean Generation Y employees off the need for constant feedback and structure, by encouraging them to bring proposed solutions to their managers, rather than just a list of questions. And if younger generation workers' comments or actions appear arrogant, gently guide them to a more professional approach.

????"As managers we need to change our style, but I also firmly believe they need to change their style too," he says.

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