


Katie Benner 2012年04月18日

????華爾街實(shí)權(quán)派之間的爭(zhēng)權(quán)奪利常??氨壬虅∽?,也唯有莎翁才能將當(dāng)前盛傳的高盛(Goldman Sachs)頂層的爾虞我詐還原出來。如今從高盛傳出來的風(fēng)聲已經(jīng)具備了典型古羅馬戲劇必需的所有要素:一位領(lǐng)袖權(quán)傾一時(shí),但一場(chǎng)金融危機(jī)令其勢(shì)力大不如前;此時(shí),一位信任有加的朋友看到了奪權(quán)的機(jī)會(huì)。多德弗蘭克法案(Dodd-Frank)后,高盛業(yè)務(wù)收縮,今年大批合伙人離職,自2006年布蘭克費(fèi)恩出任首席執(zhí)行官以來,高盛股價(jià)已跌去約25%。




????但最近的報(bào)道稱,股東們要求布蘭克費(fèi)恩下臺(tái)的呼聲越來越高。畢竟,他是信貸危機(jī)爆發(fā)前的高盛首席執(zhí)行官;被美國證券交易委員會(huì)(SEC)指為欺詐并受到美國參議院調(diào)查的一些行為也發(fā)生在他掌舵期間。今春,隨著高盛中層經(jīng)理格雷格?史密斯離職并在《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》(New York Times)撰文,控訴高盛的主要目標(biāo)是通過欺騙客戶來賺錢,外界對(duì)布萊克費(fèi)恩領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下的高盛企業(yè)道德質(zhì)疑之聲再度升溫。為保住董事長(zhǎng)一職,布蘭克費(fèi)恩與勢(shì)力強(qiáng)大的股東美國州縣市雇員聯(lián)盟(American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees,簡(jiǎn)稱AFSCME)努力抗?fàn)?。此外,他不久前剛剛降?5%。



????柯恩自1990年加入高盛擔(dān)任交易員以來就一直是布蘭克費(fèi)恩的左膀右臂。多年以來,兩人成為了莫逆之交,但《紐約郵報(bào)》(New York Post)報(bào)道稱,現(xiàn)在兩人之間的關(guān)系已經(jīng)惡化。一點(diǎn)也不奇怪。雖然布蘭克費(fèi)恩以前總是見人就說,他想繼續(xù)執(zhí)掌高盛幾年,一位高盛合伙人以及接近高盛董事會(huì)的消息人士今年2月告訴《財(cái)富》雜志(Fortune)稱,柯恩已成功施展伎倆成為了布蘭克費(fèi)恩的接班人,交接工作最早將于今夏進(jìn)行?!度A爾街日?qǐng)?bào)》(The Wall Street Journal)3月份報(bào)道稱,高盛確實(shí)已制定了一個(gè)應(yīng)急計(jì)劃,如果股東迫使高盛調(diào)整最高層人員,柯恩將擔(dān)任首席執(zhí)行官,布蘭克費(fèi)恩任董事長(zhǎng)。(高盛否認(rèn)了這個(gè)說法。)


????Shakespearean is a trope often used to describe the machinations of Wall Street power players, but only the Bard could do justice to the treacheries reportedly playing out at the top of Goldman Sachs. The story leaking out of the bank has all the ingredients of a classic Roman play -- a powerful leader weakened by the battle of the financial crisis and a trusted friend who sees an opportunity to grab control. The firm itself is shrinking in the wake of Dodd-Frank legislation, a spate of partners left this year, and shares have lost about 25% since Blankfein became the CEO in 2006.

????Goldman declined to comment, and company spokespeople have maintained for months that there's no real story to discuss until the firm announces a succession plan. Even so, all the world (well, the financial world) is watching 200 West Street. Here are the most interesting players to follow as the investment bank's fifth act unfolds.

Lloyd Blankfein, CEO and chairman of the board

????When times were good at Goldman (GS), Blankfein's main concern was how to keep the investment bank growing. His self-deprecating sense of humor helped mask the ruthlessness that former partners say propelled him ever higher in the organization. Since the 1970s, the CEO role has often been shared between two people, but Blankfein has been in the top spot all alone and he has been saying that he has no plans to leave.

????But recent reports say that a growing chorus of shareholders wants Blankfein to step aside. He was, after all, the boss pre-credit crisis; overseeing activities that were later called fraudulent by the SEC and investigated by the Senate. Questions about integrity under his leadership were raised again this spring when mid-level manager Greg Smith quit and wrote aNew York Times editorial that said the bank's main goal was to make money by duping clients. Blankfein fought with a powerful shareholder, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), to keep his job as chairman of the board. And he just took a 35% pay cut.

????After two years of rumors about a possible departure, even some within the firm wonder whether he should go. Those critics may even include his long-time number two and close friend Gary Cohn.

Gary Cohn, president and chief operating officer

????Cohn has been Blankfein's right hand man since he started working as a trader at Goldman in 1990. Over the years, the two became friends and confidantes, but the New York Post reports that the relationship between the two men has deteriorated. This comes as little surprise. While Blankfein was telling anyone who would listen that he wanted to stay atop the bank for another few years, a Goldman partner and a source close to the board told Fortune in February that Cohn had successfully jockeyed to become Blankfein's successor, and that the changeover could happen as early as this summer. The Wall Street Journal reported in March that the firm did indeed have a contingency plan in place that would make Cohn the CEO and Blankfein the chairman, should shareholders force the bank to shake up the C-suite. (A claim that Goldman denied.)

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