


Beth Kowitt 2012年04月27日







????彭尼公司(J.C. Penney)前任首席執(zhí)行官艾倫?科斯特魯姆曾經(jīng)在2007年至2010年之間擔任沃爾瑪董事會成員。他表示記不起擔任董事期間曾討論過FCPA合規(guī)風險問題。他說,“公司董事會議程上有很多緊急事項。有太多的事情需要討論,所以我們不會去討論那些以前從未發(fā)生過的事情?!彼a充說,“現(xiàn)在此事已提上日程,沃爾瑪會竭盡全力修正此問題?!?/p>

????沃爾瑪董事會包括不少頂級商界精英,比如可口可樂公司(Coca-Cola)前任首席執(zhí)行官道格拉斯?達福特、百事可樂公司(PepsiCo)前任首席執(zhí)行官史蒂芬?瑞尼蒙德以及風險投資機構(gòu)Accel Partners的經(jīng)理合伙人吉姆?布雷耶。谷歌公司(Google)負責本土和地圖業(yè)務的副總裁瑪麗莎?麥爾將作為董事會候選成員于6月1日參加最近一次的董事會成員增補選舉。

????董事會的若干其他成員來自高盛公司(Goldman Sachs)、新聞集團(News Corporation)、和綠衫咖啡烘焙公司(Green Mountain Coffee Roasters)。因為這幾家公司最近也被審查,理論上來說,他們應該能讓沃爾瑪更好地認識到如何才能順利度過這一危機。

????Wal-Mart's board is about to step into the spotlight -- and don't expect the glare to subside any time soon.

????Along with possible legal consequences, the retailer faces reputational risks and potential managerial disruption over allegations that executives shut down an internal bribery investigation into its Mexico operations in the middle of last decade. Facing claims that senior leaders were involved, Wal-Mart's (WMT) board will need to determine what happened, and who knew what and when.

????"This is one of these nightmare situations for the board," said David Larcker, director of the corporate governance research program at Stanford's business school. "You have a responsibility to do risk management and pay attention to all these kinds of issues, but the problem is that, as a board member, you're not out there doing the internal auditing. You have to rely on information provided by managers."

????Wal-Mart said in a statement yesterday that its audit committee launched an internal inquiry six months ago into the bribery and investigation issues reported by the New York Times over the weekend -- issues that the Times alleges current CEO Mike Duke and former CEO Lee Scott were aware of. Scott was CEO at the time, and Duke was head of international.

????Beyond the fact that Scott and Duke both sit on Wal-Mart's board, the story did not report that any of the company's directors were aware of the situation. This makes it critical that the company's audit committee, comprised of independent directors, take the lead on the current inquiry. A spokesperson for Wal-Mart declined to offer comment for this story.

????In its statement, Wal-Mart said it had strengthened its global Foreign Corrupt Practices Act bribery law compliance processes, creating a new global FCPA compliance officer role that will oversee five compliance directors based in global markets.

????Allen Questrom, former CEO of J.C. Penney (JCP) who served on the Wal-Mart board from 2007 to 2010, said he doesn't recall discussing FCPA risk during his time as a director. "People have on the agenda things that are immediate," he said. "There are so many things you have to discuss that you don't discuss things that have never happened to you before." He added, "Now that it's on the table, they'll bend over to correct it."

????Wal-Mart's board includes a collection of A-listers, such as former Coca-Cola (KO) CEO Douglas Daft, former CEO of PepsiCo (PEP) Steven Reinemund, and Accel Partners manager partner Jim Breyer. Marissa Mayer, Google's (GOOG) vice president of local and maps, will stand for election as the latest addition to the board on June 1.

????The board members' other directorships include a handful of companies that have recently come under scrutiny -- Goldman Sachs (GS), News Corporation (NWS), Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR) -- which, ideally, should give the group a decent sense of how they should navigate the turbulence that's ahead.

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