


Eleanor Bloxham 2012年05月10日

????我不知道你們怎么樣,反正我已然暈頭轉向了。谷歌(Google)、沃爾瑪(Wal-Mart)、新聞集團(News Corp),還有切薩皮克能源(Chesapeake Energy)。我們都知道絕對權力滋生腐敗,但這些由創(chuàng)始人控制的上市公司對倫理道德的公然挑戰(zhàn)依然令人震驚。


????上月底《紐約時報》(New York Times)的調查性報道出爐后,在《財富》(Fortune)雜志2012年全球最受贊賞公司榜單中排名第24位的沃爾瑪公司就深陷賄賂丑聞,現(xiàn)任和前任CEO都涉嫌隱瞞真相,董事會和審計委員會的監(jiān)督職責也備受質疑。據沃爾瑪最新的投票委托書顯示,沃爾頓家族的創(chuàng)始人控制著約17億股沃爾瑪股票和近50%的投票權。盡管如此,多年來一直關注沃爾瑪董事會獨立性和監(jiān)督力度的紐約市養(yǎng)老基金(New York City Pension Fund)仍提議對董事會的5名董事投反對票。沃爾瑪沒有回復采訪要求。


????上周末,《洛杉磯時報》(Los Angeles Times)報道稱,谷歌獲取私人信息并非像之前聲稱的那樣只是個意外。這家摘得《財富》雜志最受贊賞公司榜眼頭銜的公司在2010年的一篇博客中寫道:“我們不慎在我們的軟件中加入了搜集有效載荷數(shù)據樣本的代碼”




????I don't know about you, but my head is spinning. Google, Wal-Mart, News Corp, Chesapeake Energy. We all know absolute power corrupts, but the apparent level of ethical challenge at these public, founder-controlled companies is mind-boggling.

????Worse, these companies not only do damage to themselves and those that work there, they lower the level of trust in corporations overall.

????Wal-Mart, No. 24 on Fortune's list of World's Most Admired Companies, is knee-deep in a scandal over alleged bribery and a cover-up that implicates both the current and former CEO, and calls into question board and audit committee oversight, following investigative reporting by the New York Times last week. The Walton family founders control approximately 1.7 billion Wal-Mart (WMT) shares and nearly 50% of the voting rights according to the company's latest proxy. Nevertheless, the New York City Pension Fund, which has been concerned with Wal-Mart's board independence and oversight for years, is recommending a no vote on five of the board's members. Wal-Mart did not return a call seeking comments.

????At Google (GOOG), its founders control approximately two-thirds of the voting rights in a dual class share arrangement, according to the company's preliminary proxy, and they have plans to ensure that hold.

????Over the weekend the Los Angeles Times reported that Google's drive-by capture of personal nformation was not as inadvertent as Fortune's second-most admired company, originally made out. "We had mistakenly included code in our software that collected samples of payload data," a 2010 Google blog entry stated.

????But according to the FCC report that Google released late Friday, the work was a result of a "deliberate software design decision." The report shows that the engineer who devised the software submitted draft code and a draft design document to his project leaders, who shared his document with all members of the company's Street View team. Google assigned an engineer to "review and 'debug'" his code, five engineers tested it, and a Google senior manager asked for information from the captured data.

????A Google spokesperson wrote in an email to me that the report shows Google did not break the law. But the report states that Google deliberately impeded the FCC's investigation and that "several countries, including Canada, France and the Netherlands have determined that Google's collection of payload data violated their … laws and regulations."

????"We hope that we can now put this matter behind us," the Google spokesperson wrote me. And perhaps they'll be able to. U.S. regulators appear to be weak-willed, and shareholders chasing issues at Wal-Mart, News Corp., and Chesapeake Energy, among others, have their hands full and haven't focused on Google's news. We have only so much bandwidth, they've told me.

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