


Shelley DuBois 2012年06月06日







????"An incentive is a carrot, but it works like a stick," he says. The risk in incentives is that employees will act out of fear that their pay will be docked, which creates a negative instead of positive rewards system. A positive rewards system, Beer says, would require leaders at a company to outline clear goals and then communicate how meeting those goals could result in an increased chance for a promotion or stock options.

????"You want to get the compensation to them in a way that's a recognition of their engagement with the company," Beer says. "That's the value of stock options, that's the value of profit sharing -- those are loosely coupled ways in which we remind people they are part of this community. It's just a whole different psychology."

????Sprint (S), for example, uses a loosely coupled reward system. The company does not tie executive pay directly to its environmental projects, but corporate responsibility communications officer Marci VerBrugge-Rhind wrote in an email that some of its departments use sustainability as one of many different elements it considers when it adjusts its staffers' salaries. And Sprint CEO Dan Hesse has been vocal about how he hopes Sprint's green initiatives will distinguish the company from its fierce telecom industry competitors.

????Increasingly, companies are getting on board with green movements. "I don't think it's a fad at all," says Mercer's Wagner. "I think more boards and more investors are starting to ask about risks beyond financial risks. We've seen more and more companies issuing voluntary sustainability reports," she says.

????Yet there is still some confusion among corporations, shareholders, and consumers about what sustainability truly means. Alcoa's incentive pay approach is one attempt to set aggressive goals for a player in one of the most historically un-green industries. The question is whether or not employees at companies that use this method truly support a green mentality, or, as Beer fears, narrow in on the numbers and wind up missing the forest for the trees. Or, in Alcoa's case, missing the mine for the bauxite.

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