


Shelley DuBois 2012年07月03日



????他說(shuō),盡管如此他還是充滿了信心,因?yàn)樗c自己的團(tuán)隊(duì)在發(fā)射前的九個(gè)月里就已經(jīng)建立了強(qiáng)大的團(tuán)隊(duì)精神。阿什比堅(jiān)持他的小隊(duì)必須完成國(guó)家戶外領(lǐng)導(dǎo)學(xué)校(National Outdoor Leadership School)提供的艱苦戶外課程,訓(xùn)練的地點(diǎn)在猶他州東南部的荒涼峽谷。

????阿什比的簡(jiǎn)歷看起來(lái)完美得就像三年級(jí)小學(xué)生的夢(mèng)想:成為宇航員之前,他在海軍開(kāi)戰(zhàn)斗機(jī),并指揮著一個(gè)戰(zhàn)斗機(jī)飛行員中隊(duì)。他曾三次從太空俯瞰我們的星球?,F(xiàn)在,58歲的阿什比的職業(yè)生涯又轉(zhuǎn)向了地面。阿什比是藍(lán)源公司(Blue Origin)的任務(wù)保障總監(jiān)(Chief of Mission Assurance),該公司的目標(biāo)是降低商業(yè)太空飛行的費(fèi)用門檻。

????在最近沃頓商學(xué)院(Wharton School)的一次會(huì)議上,阿什比向《財(cái)富》雜志(Fortune )暢談了在太空——這塊最后未開(kāi)拓疆土(Final Frontier)所需的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力。







????The corner office can be a high-pressure environment, but imagine calling the shots in a cramped shuttle in orbit 100 kilometers above the planet.

????Jeffrey Ashby made some split-second decisions while space-sick and weightless. He was commander of the shuttle Atlantis on its 2002 mission to bring equipment to the International Space Station. He made the tough choice to manually dock Atlantis to the Space Station, bucking protocol, when he feared the mission might fail.

????Yet he felt confident, he says, because of the chemistry he built with his team during the nine months prior to launch. Ashby insisted that his group complete a grueling outdoor course with National Outdoor Leadership School in southeastern Utah's desolate canyon country.

????Ashby's resume reads like the dreams of a third-grader: he flew jets in the Navy and commanded a squadron of fighter pilots before he became an astronaut. He's seen our planet from space three times. For now, the career of 58-year-old Ashby has taken a more terrestrial turn. Ashby is the Chief of Mission Assurance for Blue Origin, a company that aims to make commercial space flight affordable.

????Ashby talked to Fortune about leadership in the Final Frontier at a recent conference at the Wharton School.

Fortune: You don't seem to be afraid of leading in life-threatening situations. So, what scares you?

????Jeffrey Ashby: A lot of people ask if I'm afraid during a launch. My stock answer is, not of dying, because you've sort of accepted your destiny at that point, but I am afraid of making a mistake that will either cost lives or cost the mission. Alan Shepard started a tradition where, on the way up to the launch pad, the astronauts recite the astronaut prayer, which is, "Please God, don't let us screw this up."

That is a very team-oriented philosophy to apply in a scary situation.

????Oh. I mean, if you put yourself above the cause and your team, you will eventually fail. I see leaders who are screamers, who lead by fear, and that's all ego-driven. You have to be selfless to be a truly great leader. That kind of leader, people will follow, and even if they don't agree with decisions, they'll disagree and commit.

Don't the problems that business leaders face from the safety of their offices seem relatively minor?

????No. We all have different sets of talents. I happen to be pretty good at flying off of aircraft carriers and, I like to think, flying shuttles.

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