


Doron Levin 2012年08月23日


????通用汽車(General Motors Co.)首席執(zhí)行官丹尼爾?阿克森正嘗試領(lǐng)導(dǎo)公司實現(xiàn)轉(zhuǎn)型。兩周前,他解雇了通用汽車的首席營銷官,并引入不少外部人士,震撼了整個公司。他提拔意料之外的人選充實頂級職務(wù),還經(jīng)常直言不諱地指出,“新”通用必須更快、更有創(chuàng)新精神,提高盈利能力。


????密歇根州安娜堡汽車研究中心(Center for Automotive Research)名譽主席戴維?科爾稱,阿克森“仍在學(xué)習(xí)汽車業(yè)務(wù),大多數(shù)外部人士不知道它比幾乎所有其他行業(yè)都更復(fù)雜?!笨茽柗Q,阿克森的履歷與汽車行業(yè)沒有關(guān)系,使他未能做好領(lǐng)導(dǎo)汽車廠商的準備。他曾經(jīng)有一次公開預(yù)測雪佛蘭沃藍達(Chevrolet Volt)的銷量,但實際業(yè)績遠遠無法達到這一目標,此事正體現(xiàn)了他的經(jīng)驗匱乏。

????福特汽車(Ford Motor Co.)與通用汽車同處一市,對前者的首席執(zhí)行官艾倫?穆拉利來說,汽車制造業(yè)同樣復(fù)雜。穆拉利曾執(zhí)掌波音(Boeing),作為噴氣客機設(shè)計及生產(chǎn)巨頭,波音面臨的挑戰(zhàn)也很多:產(chǎn)品交付周期極長,需要與工會不斷斗爭,并制造能同時滿足各種偏好的客機,因為其產(chǎn)品行銷全球。值得注意的是,除了出售沃爾沃之類的品牌外,穆拉利掌權(quán)六年來并沒有正式重組福特。


????穆拉利領(lǐng)導(dǎo)福特的戰(zhàn)略很簡單:“一個福特”(One Ford)。換句話說,他指揮員工們停止內(nèi)部對抗與爭執(zhí),在穆拉利的新世界秩序中,團隊合作勝過幫派主義,通過恐懼進行管理的方式也不受歡迎。一些無法接受穆拉利新戰(zhàn)略的高管和經(jīng)理人最后離開了福特,但從來沒有像通用汽車那樣通過官方聲明解雇的現(xiàn)象——伊萬尼克離開通用汽車時,公司聲明稱他“未能達到公司的期望值”。


????阿克森說過,他認為重振通用汽車是個“愛國”義務(wù),而不僅是職業(yè)生涯中的新一頁。他的職業(yè)生涯為他賺得了不少財富,特別是領(lǐng)導(dǎo)私募股權(quán)巨頭凱雷集團(the Carlyle Group)的經(jīng)歷。顯然,他誠摯地希望給汽車城留下一個好印象,他已多次宣布為底特律地區(qū)的慈善事業(yè)慷慨解囊,比如為Cornerstone特許學(xué)校捐贈100萬美元。上周他還宣布將拍賣自己收藏的名車1958款克爾維特(Corvette),拍賣所得將捐給國際仁人家園組織(Habitat for Humanity)。



????Two roads diverged: GM's Dan Akerson and Ford's Alan Mulally.

????Daniel Akerson, CEO of General Motors Co., is struggling to lead the transformation of GM. Akerson, who fired GM's chief marketing officer two weeks ago, has shaken up the company by recruiting outsiders, promoting unexpected candidates to top posts and making it clear -- often in blunt language -- that the "new" GM must be faster, more entrepreneurial and profitable.

????Akerson is reportedly on the verge of restructuring GM (GM) to quash its famed "fiefdoms" and eradicate operational "silos." But the more the pugnacious former naval officer pushes, the more the company seems to find itself in the spotlight explaining missteps, such as the $559 million agreement between GM and the Manchester United soccer team that allegedly led to the Joel Ewanick's ouster as chief marketer. Akerson berated GM employees in an internal call for leaking information to the media -- and, in short order, the contents of the call leaked.

????David Cole, chairman emeritus for the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, Michigan, says Akerson "is still learning the automobile business. Most outsiders don't realize how complex it is compared to almost every other [business]." Cole says Akerson, who had little in his background that prepared him to lead an automaker, showed his inexperience when he made public sales forecasts for the Chevrolet Volt that didn't come close to being fulfilled.

????Automaking's complexity wasn't lost on Ford Motor Co.'s (F) Alan Mulally, CEO of GM's crosstown rival. Mulally had run Boeing (BA), which operates on long lead times for the design and manufacture of jetliners, contends with labor unions and must make its products amenable to global tastes as it markets to airlines the world over. Significantly, aside from selling off brands such as Volvo, he hasn't formally restructured Ford in his six years since taking over.

????Like Akerson, Mulally sees his role as leading the modernization of a Detroit-based automaker, perhaps more as a coach than as an admiral. Mulally's style is in stark contrast to Akerson's. Unlike Akerson, he speaks only positively about his company, its vehicles and personnel -- at least publicly. He smiles. Constantly. And, he takes time to sign autographs, chat with, or have pictures taken with fans.

????Mulally's Ford strategy is simple: "One Ford." In other words, he's directed employees to stop internal rivalries and bickering. Teamwork trumps factionalism in the Mulally world order. Management by fear is likewise discouraged. Executives and managers who can't embrace Mulally's strategy have left Ford, but never under the cloud of an official statement such as issued by GM when Ewanick left, stating that he "failed to meet the expectations" of GM.

????Ford and Mulally were extremely lucky, of course. He was able to mortgage the company to the hilt -- even tossing in its Blue Oval logo as collateral -- just before the credit markets fell apart. That allowed Ford to stay out of bankruptcy and void the major shocks that Chrysler and GM have both faced. Akerson had none of these advantages.

????Akerson has said he regards fixing GM as a "patriotic" duty, rather than a facet of a business career that already has brought him wealth, notably in his role at the Carlyle Group public equity firm. Clearly he's trying earnestly to make a good impression on Motor City. He has announced several personal donations to Detroit-area charitable causes, such as the $1 million to the Cornerstone charter school. Last week he said he would auction off his prized 1958 Corvette, the proceeds to benefit Habitat for Humanity.

????A former GM executive observed that the GM work force is proud. Many GMers are the same ones who created the highly rated vehicle models that are now reaching the marketplace and responsible for the automaker's nearly $8 billion in net income over the last five quarters. "A lot of people have pride in what they've done at GM, in the century of culture," said the former executive. "It's not going to work to come in and suggest that everything they've done is dog meat."

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