


Elizabeth G. Olson 2012年10月29日




????“這就像是燒開(kāi)了的茶壺,”高管獵頭公司光輝國(guó)際(KornFerry International)的合伙人彼得?賽斯說(shuō)?!霸诶щy時(shí)期會(huì)進(jìn)行更多的反省,董事會(huì)也希望證明自己對(duì)公司管理者監(jiān)督有方?!?/p>




????全球新職介紹咨詢公司Challenger, Gray & Christmas的首席執(zhí)行官約翰?查林格稱,該公司監(jiān)測(cè)的高管離職情況顯示“隨著經(jīng)濟(jì)轉(zhuǎn)入新方向,變化很多,許多公司在尋找擁有不同技能的CEO。”





????For many CEOs, the economic roller coaster of the past few years has reached a lull. And instead of opting for another go on this particular amusement park ride, many have been eyeing the exits.

????According to a recently published report by executive compensation firm Equilar, 361 CEOs at S&P 1500 companies left their offices between 2009 and 2011. Last year, 144 of these CEOs left their companies, according to Aaron Boyd, research director for Equilar, up from 129 and 110 in 2009 and 2010, respectively.

????CEO departures -- which include retirements, resignations, promotions, or taking on a new position – have stepped up as the economic climate, which had been battered in 2009 and 2010, began to steady last year in the U.S., according to Equilar's study.

????"It's kind of like a tea kettle that boils," says Peter Thies, a partner in KornFerry International, the executive search firm. "When times are tough, more introspection goes on and boards want to show good fiduciary oversight."

????As the economy smoothed out somewhat last year, company boards took a breather from worrying about corporate stability -- and sometimes survival -- and began looking ahead to position their company with a new vision, along with new leaders.

????"When the recession first hit, it was hard for boards of directors to place blame for company shortcomings on an incumbent CEO because what they were experiencing was largely universal," explains David Gaspin, manager of talent acquisition for TheLadders, an executive search site.

????Later, many "companies weren't seeing their own recoveries tracking with the market," says Gaspin, and when that happens "it becomes much easier to lay blame (right or wrong) at the feet of a CEO."

????John Challenger, chief executive of the global outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, says executive departures that his company tracks show "a spate of change as the economy heads in new directions, and companies seek new CEOs with different skills."

????He also points out that this year, so far, companies are putting the brakes on departures. The number of exits, AT 891, has been fewer this year than the same nine-month period in 2011, according to Challenger statistics, a development that the company says appears to mirror the larger labor market.

????"It's a static market, where there are not a lot of hires and not a lot of layoffs," Challenger says.

????Currently, there is a "more stable business landscape in general -- especially among higher profile companies whose CEOs are likely to make headlines," Gaspin agrees. "When better conditions are visible to shareholders and boards," he adds, "turnover among top executives drops sharply."

????The notable exception is the health care industry, which saw a 23% uptick in CEOs changing jobs during the first nine months of this year, according to figures supplied by Challenger. "The numbers have been exacerbated by the changing landscape for health care, and companies trying to see how it will shake out," he says.?

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