
丹娜?穆爾 學校:密歇根大學羅斯商學院 趣事:就她本人所知,她教過的學生里尚無一人入獄。 ????在密歇根大學的丹娜?穆爾看來,為退休攢錢超越了個人理財規(guī)劃的范疇。有些宏觀效應值得關(guān)注。她認為,退休理財計劃是經(jīng)濟的推動力,這一觀點已經(jīng)引起了兩位美國總統(tǒng)的關(guān)注:老布什和小布什。 ????老布什任總統(tǒng)時曾邀請穆爾出任美國退休金福利保障公司(Pension Benefit Guarantee)委員會顧問?!敖拥竭@樣的電話總是很有意思,”穆爾回憶起白宮首次聯(lián)系她時?!拔仪宄赜浀谜Z音留言是:這里是白宮人員,請給我們回電。”這就是那一天她在語言留言中聽到的全部。穆爾接受了委任,當了三年,后來她又再次受邀就職該委員會,這次邀請她的是小布什總統(tǒng)。 ????穆爾對退休規(guī)劃的興趣源自20世紀80年代她為克萊斯勒(Chrysler Corporation)工作時。穆爾說,在這家公司的人力資源部門工作時,她意識到退休規(guī)劃是多么重要,不僅對于克萊斯勒的員工是一項財務(wù)保障,也是國家經(jīng)濟的重要組成部分。 ????“每年都有上萬億美元流入這些計劃。它們都去了哪里?”后來穆爾上了法學院,希望能參與退休規(guī)劃相關(guān)的政策制定。在獲得學位并短暫執(zhí)業(yè)后,穆爾去了商學院教書。 ????“我很幸運,能和MBA們一起工作。既能融合我對經(jīng)濟和法律事務(wù)的興趣,又能不斷學習天才學生們的觀點和想法?!?/p> |
Dana Muir School: Univ. of Michigan - Ross Fun fact:None of her former students has been jailed yet -- as far as she knows. ????According to Michigan's Dana Muir, saving for retirement goes beyond mere financial planning for individual workers. There are macro affects that deserve consideration. Her stance on retirement savings plans as a driver of the economy has caught the attention of not one, but two U.S. Presidents: George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. ????The George H.W. administration sought Muir out to serve on the Pension Benefit Guarantee advisory committee. "That's always a fun phone call to get," Muir says as she remembers being contacted by the White House for the first time. "I remember the voicemail quite well: 'This is White House personnel, please call us back,'" was all she heard on the other end as she listened to her messages that day. After accepting the offer and serving for three years, Muir was again called to duty to serve on the same committee, this time by George W. Bush. ????Muir's interest in retirement planning goes back to the 1980s, when she worked for the Chrysler Corporation. Working in the company's human resources department, Muir says she realized how important retirement planning was, not only for the financial security of Chrysler's employees, but as a key component of the national economy. ????"You have trillions of dollars that go into these plans every year. Where does it all go?" Muir headed to law school with hopes of putting her stamp on policy issues related to retirement planning. After finishing her degree and a brief period practicing law, Muir headed to B-school to teach. ????"I am very lucky to be able to work with MBAs. It allows me to merge my interests in economy and legal issues and to gain the perspectives and thoughts of talented students." |