


Katie Benner 2012年11月09日
當(dāng)私募股權(quán)投資公司的CEO們遇到問(wèn)題需要快速解決時(shí),他們第一個(gè)想到的,就是Accordion Partners咨詢公司這位年輕的首席執(zhí)行官。
??? ????
??? 尼克?萊帕德(Nick Leopard


????32的萊帕德是Accordion Partners公司的首席執(zhí)行官,這是一家成立于2009年底的金融服務(wù)咨詢公司。萊帕德和其他25位銀行家組成一個(gè)快速反應(yīng)小組,他們可以空降到任何一家私募股權(quán)投資公司或是其所投資的公司中,解決各類問(wèn)題,起到“短期內(nèi)強(qiáng)化管理層”的作用,該公司的名稱Accordion正是此意。“盡管私募股權(quán)公司在力推,但他們所投資公司的管理層卻通常很難建立起一個(gè)非常復(fù)雜的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)預(yù)警系統(tǒng),”萊帕德說(shuō):“這樣就會(huì)留下風(fēng)險(xiǎn)隱患。”而萊帕德專長(zhǎng),就是消除這些隱患。





????Pam Hendrickson needed reinforcements. Recently the chief operating officer of the Riverside Co., a private equity firm that owns more than 80 companies on four continents with combined sales of $3.2 billion, was trying to deliver a five-year budget for all of Riverside's operations. She found herself shorthanded -- one key employee was on maternity leave, another had just left -- and the task required masterful financial modeling skills. In a bind, she turned to Nick Leopard. Says Hendrickson: "Anytime we need analytic help, Nick is my first call."

????Leopard, 32, is the CEO of Accordion Partners, a financial services consulting firm that he founded in late 2009. Leopard and his team of 25 bankers act as a sort of rapid-response unit that can drop into a private equity firm or one of its portfolio companies and fix problems of all kinds -- temporarily expanding management's capacity, as the name Accordion suggests. "As much as private equity firms push, the management teams at their portfolio companies often can't build extremely complex forecasts," says Leopard. "So then there are surprises that no one saw coming." Leopard specializes in minimizing those unwanted surprises.

????A former lacrosse goalie at Saint Joseph's University, Leopard began his career at the commercial lender CapitalSource (CSE) in 2002 before moving to investment banking at Bear Stearns in 2005. In 2007 he joined the investment team at BHC Interim Funding, a $200 million mezzanine debt fund. Along the way he formed a network of future clients like Providence Equity Partners and Riverside.

????As the financial crisis unfolded in 2008, Leopard concluded that Wall Street was going to change: Headcounts would shrink, dealmaking would slow, and buyout firms would have to hold on to portfolio companies longer. He sensed an opportunity. "You could see that the buyout firms were going to get strapped but would still want to give their portfolio companies extra help when the economy slowed," he says. Leopard has purposely kept Accordion's business model flexible. For example, his team can advise on M&A transactions like an investment bank. But unlike a bank, which makes fees on completed deals, Accordion bills strictly for its bankers' time. The firm is paid even if the deal doesn't get done, so there's no built-in incentive to push for a bad transaction.

????In September, Accordion launched a new practice called CFO Leadership Services. The idea is to help companies manage investor relations, risk management, compliance, and crisis situations. Leopard says he sees another void in the market in those areas. And he's ready to fill it.

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