


Andy Serwer 2012年11月19日


????就比較和對比這兩位杰出人物而言,還有誰能比兩人杰出的傳記作家沃爾特·艾薩克森和約翰·休伊做得更好呢?《喬布斯自傳》(Steve Jobs)的作者艾薩克森是阿斯彭研究所(Aspen Institute)CEO,曾任CNN主席、《時(shí)代周刊》(Time)編輯,也是基辛格、富蘭克林和愛因斯坦的傳記作者?!陡患酌绹毫闶鄞笸跷譅栴D自傳》(Sam Walton: Made in America with Walton)一書的作者休伊則是時(shí)代公司(Time Inc.)的總編輯、《財(cái)富》雜志(Fortune)前編輯(我的老板)。

????這次交談的靈感源自筆者9月初在寡頭控股公司全球峰會(Global Summit for the Closely Held)上對休伊和艾薩克森進(jìn)行的一次采訪。峰會主辦者BDT公司(BDT & Co.)是一家面向家族企業(yè)的商業(yè)銀行。3年前,離開高盛公司(Goldman Sachs)之后,拜倫·特羅特創(chuàng)辦了這家公司。在高盛期間,他有一個著名的身份:為沃倫·巴菲特服務(wù)。一提起他們的傳記的主角,休伊和艾薩克森似乎有說不完的話要講(正如你將看到的那樣,我其實(shí)沒必要問許多問題?。R韵率沁@次訪談的摘要:




????When you consider the greatest business minds of the past 100 years, certainly Steve Jobs and Sam Walton have to be at the very top of the list. Jobs created?the most valuable company on earth?(though down from an all-time high, Apple (AAPL) is still worth more than $500 billion), while Walton founded and built Wal-Mart (WMT), the biggest company in the world, with more than $450 billion in sales over the past 12 months. But Jobs and Walton did even more than that. Both created retailing, business, and even societal revolutions. They changed the way we buy, shop, and interact, and even how and where we work and live. The two men were vastly different. Jobs was a business version of a California counterculture icon. Walton was an old-school heartland conservative. And yet they were remarkably similar too: iconoclasts, of course, relentless, and often very tough on the people around them. And that's just for starters. If you really drill down into their lives and careers, all kinds of really cool insights emerge.

????Who better to compare and contrast these two remarkable men than their remarkable biographers, Walter Isaacson and John Huey??Isaacson, author?of Steve Jobs, is the CEO of the Aspen Institute, a former head of CNN and editor of?Time, and also the author of biographies of Kissinger, Franklin, and Einstein. Huey, who wrote?Sam Walton: Made in America with Walton, is the editor-in-chief of Time Inc., the former editor of?Fortune, and my boss.

????The inspiration for this conversation came from an interview of Huey and Isaacson that I conducted in early September at the Global Summit for the Closely Held, put on by BDT & Co., a merchant bank for family-controlled companies?headed by Byron Trott, who founded the company three years ago after leaving Goldman Sachs, where he was famously Warren Buffett's banker. Huey and Isaacson had plenty to say about their subjects. (As you can see, I didn't really have to ask many questions!) What follows are the highlights.

????Andy?Serwer: These books are must-reads for students and practitioners of business -- there's no doubt about that. Sam Walton and?Steve Jobs?are two of the greatest business leaders in history. So I want to start by asking our biographers: How did you get to know the subjects of your books?

????Walter?Isaacson: I'd known Steve Jobs since 1984, January, when I was at?Time?magazine, a junior writer, and he came to show off the original Macintosh. I saw both sides of his personality. He had us use a jeweler's loupe to look at the cool icons. Then all of a sudden he turned dark and started berating us, saying we would never get the beauty of this sort of thing. I saw the intensity of his personality, and I came away liking him.

????When I became editor of?Time, and then at CNN, he was my good friend for two days a year when he had a new product out. So there was that relationship.

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