


Andy Serwer 2012年11月19日











????I got a phone call?when I went to the Aspen Institute in 2004. He said he wanted to take a walk. I said, "Sure." I didn't know that taking a walk was the way he had meetings. I'd written a book about Benjamin Franklin. I was just finishing up a biography of Albert Einstein. He said, "I want you to do my biography next." My initial reaction was "Yeah, okay, Ben Franklin, Albert Einstein, you …" I wondered, half-jokingly, whether he saw himself as the natural successor in that sequence. I said, "Maybe in 20 or so years, when you retire."

????Later his wife said to me, "If you're going to do a book on Steve, you had better do it now." By then it had become public that he was sick. She said, "He didn't want people to know, but he called you right before he was operated on for cancer."

????Serwer: John, what about you with Sam Walton? How did you guys get acquainted?

????John?Huey: I went to work for?Fortune?in November of 1988, and they decided they wanted to make Wal-Mart the "most admired company." Usually when you call up a company and say, "We're going to make your company the 'most admired company' on the cover of Fortune," they roll out everything. Wal-Mart said, "Not interested. We don't want anything to do with it."

????And the editor said, "We have to have cooperation," because there's never been a posed photograph of Sam Walton. He's avoided the press. The editor said, "You're a Southerner -- you go down to Arkansas and talk him into it."

????I went down there. It was two weeks before Christmas. It was horrible weather. I went over to Wal-Mart, and I just basically knocked on the door. His assistant -- her name was Becky -- said, "He's hunting. He's not available."

????This went on for days. Rain kept on going. I knew that he drove this old pickup truck. So I kept riding by there looking for the pickup truck.

????Ten days into this I said to my photographer, "We're going to go back over there, and if we don't see that truck, we're getting out of here."

????So we rode by, and there was the truck. Sam Walton was in the building. We went in, and I picked up the vendor phone and said, "May I speak to Becky?" Sam answered the phone. I said, "Is this Sam Walton?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Well, this is John Huey from?Fortune?magazine. I've been here 10 days. It's raining. My wife is going to leave me, and if I don't get this picture, they're going to fire me and I'm going to have a terrible Christmas, and all I need is 10 minutes."

????You know, journalists have no pride.

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