


Anne Fisher 2013年01月15日








????Interesting, but as you've no doubt noticed, most of these things are beyond your control. "I really sympathize with anyone in the middle who's trying to execute a major change without the right support from above," says Brown. The first thing you need to do is seek out that support: "Find a champion upstairs who will listen and make suggestions, and give that person regular progress reports on how things are going."

????These should be "as candid and complete as possible as you go along," Brown adds. "Don't wait until you hit a major snag and then drop a bombshell." If you can, choose a champion who is not your direct boss, he suggests, because "it's tempting to be less than honest about problems and setbacks when you're talking to the person who determines your next raise."

????You might also enlist your champion's help in getting your reluctant subordinates to accept the new plan. "Someone more senior than you are needs to step in and explain the reasons for the changes," says Brown. "Most people will get on board if they see that top management is committed to the strategy, and if they understand why."

????What if they don't? Once you've made it clear why the change is needed, and made sure people have the resources necessary to do their part, sit down with anyone who is still dragging his or her feet, Brown advises, and "tell them that, if they can't participate in this process, they may need to move on."

????Firing people is one of the toughest things that managers have to do, but your first priority has to be reaching that first-quarter "goalpost" and sometimes, Brown notes, it comes down to your neck or theirs. "It's hard," he says. "But I've seen too many companies where resisters were allowed to kill good ideas."

????Good luck.

????Talkback: Have you ever had to persuade employees to go along with an unpopular strategy? What worked (or didn't) for you? Leave a comment below.

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