


Anne Fisher 2013年02月06日







????In information technology:

????7. Vice president of digital marketing. With the seemingly endless expansion of media channels, companies need "executives with the ability to create strategic marketing programs that span multiple platforms, from social media to mobile to digital signage," the study says.

????8. Consumer Internet chief. In charge of a company's overall online presence, this person "develops an internet strategy that encompasses … internal and external promotion, content creation, design, and online partnership building."

????9. Head of analytics, Big Data. As the amount of data generated within companies keeps growing, "having someone in place who can effectively make sense of it all" is critical, the study says, adding that these folks are "essentially data scientists who can find nuggets of insight like needles in a haystack."

????10. Vice president, cloud services. Wanted: Tech managers who can develop the next generation of software and services delivered over the Internet via remote data servers, especially if they have "worked in a cloud business that managed to make money."

????Of course, top tech talent has been hot for a while now. According to the study, CTPartners' clients' hiring of IT managers jumped 255% between 2009 and 2012, and the firm expects "a double-digit increase in digital hiring" this year.

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