


Michal Lev-Ram 2013年03月01日


????我們的管理模式相當(dāng)新穎。實際上,它來自一本書中的想法。這本書叫《會飛的水?!罚‵light of the Buffalo),作者是美國人(詹姆斯?比拉斯科和拉斐爾?斯特耶)。書中的理論和遷徙鳥類如何飛越大西洋有關(guān)——它們總是排成人字型,但帶頭的并不總是同一只鳥。也就是說它們會更換位置,輪流帶領(lǐng)整支隊伍飛越海洋。我覺得,不管是我們提到的蘋果,還是其他公司,它們都有各自的管理結(jié)構(gòu)。












Steve Jobs is often used as an example for a visionary CEO. What are the advantages and disadvantages to your structure versus a company like Apple?

????Our management model is quite new, but actually it comes from an idea from a book written by an American author, called Flight of the Buffalo [the book was written by James A. Belasco and Ralph C. Stayer]. The theory of that book is about how migrant birds fly across the Atlantic Ocean -- they always fly in a V-shape but the lead of the team is not always the same bird. So they change and rotate to lead the whole team across the ocean. So I think for every company whether we talk about Apple or others they have their own different governing structure.

Is this rotating CEO structure seen as a long-term arrangement for Huawei, or is this just a succession plan?

????Like I said we only started this system last year. I think we need more time to observe how it works.

You've said that you want to be more transparent. What steps are you taking to be more transparent and more open, especially when it comes to the U.S.?

????It is our established policy to continually be open and transparent. You might not know that since 2000 we have been working with KPMG; they are our global auditor to review our reports. And you can also download our annual report for last year and the year before last on our site. We also have our annual analyst meeting. In the annual report you can also find our governance structure and also our members of the board, including their CVs and also an update of our business growth and other important information. We are not a listed company, but we are determined to follow the criteria and standards of a listed company. I would like to take this opportunity to say something more about why we are not listed. In China, if a company has more than 200 shareholders there is no solution for a company like that to be listed. And we know that the Chinese government is also taking initiative to establish regulations related to non-listed companies. I know that when the number of shareholders of Google (GOOG) reached 500, then the SEC required them to go public. So in China the company law is still in the process. But for the future we do not exclude any possibility. Now we have more than 60,000 employee shareholders. [Update: According to Huawei, the company now has 74,200 employee shareholders.]

I was under the impression that all employees were shareholders. So not all of your 150,000 employees are shareholders?

????You are right. It is true that all of the shareholders are employees.

Not all employees are shareholders but all shareholders are employees?

????Actually I was the very person to introduce the stock options from the U.S. I visited two consulting firms in the U.S. They told us that in the initial phase everyone could be shareholders because we needed to have the cash flow. So when the company shifted into the development phase only the mainstay, key members of the company would be shareholders. And in Huawei we have different categories of employees. If you look at engineering groups they have a very big percentage of the shares. So now we position ourselves in the second phase, the development phase.

And what's the next phase?

????The next phase will be the mature phase, but we hope that we are always in the development phase.

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