


Kevin Kelleher 2013年03月13日








????First Groupon fired Andrew Mason. Now Pandora says Joe Kennedy is leaving Pandora. Being a CEO of a company that made a splash in the public markets with high-flying IPOs is starting to look like a job hazard.

????Pandora (P) priced its shares at $16 in June 2010. On its first day of trading, the stock shot up to $26 before plunging below its offering price the next day. After dipping as low as $8 a share last year, Pandora has rallied to $11.73 at yesterday's close. That's still 27% below its IPO price and 55% down from its record high.

????Groupon's (GRPN) stock has followed a similar if more extreme trajectory. Offered at $20 a share, the stock surged to $31.14 in a matter of hours, then began a slow painful slide. The day Mason left Groupon, the company's stock traded as low as $4.24 a share, a 79% discount from its offering price and 86% off its fleeting, first-day high.

????Looking at these two stocks, the first apparent lesson is one well-known to experienced investors: Beware the first-day pop. Once upon a time, buying a stock on the first day of trading could possibly let you in on a rally that could last months, if not weeks. But recently bearish investors have been impatient to cash in on quick gains or short stocks they believe have a brief shelf-life.

????But with more hindsight, something else is becoming clear: It seems to be getting harder for many companies to make money from the web. The business models that have resonated with consumers on a large scale simply aren't translating into businesses that can generate steady profit growth.

????In the first wave of Internet startups, companies like Amazon (AMZN) and Yahoo (YHOO) posted early losses for years before moving into steady profitability. Newer companies like Google (GOOG) and Facebook (FB) have emerged capable of delivering profit margins of 20% or 30%.

????But these are the exceptions. Many recent web IPOs have struggled with fleeting profits or regular quarterly losses. Compare the profit margins of Pandora and Groupon with that of Google in the chart below. Granted, Google is an older, more mature company, but when it went public it had net profit margin of 13% and a pretax margin of 20%.

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