


Jennifer Reingold 2013年05月28日


????對(duì)于此次寶潔的權(quán)力更替,有一個(gè)人非常高興,他就是潘興廣場資本管理公司(Pershing Square Capital Management)的比爾?阿克曼。2012年,這家理財(cái)公司買入了20億美元的寶潔股份。阿克曼曾公開表示,麥睿博并不是寶潔CEO的合適人選。雖然阿克曼曾支持一名外部人員,但他表示自己對(duì)雷富禮的回歸感到非常高興。他說:“他從來不害怕做正確的事情,而且一向行動(dòng)迅速,他很快就能改變公司的文化?!?/p>




????去年2月5日,雷富禮出版了一本書,名為《致勝游戲:如何讓策略真正發(fā)揮作用》(Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works)。他在書中和合著者、管理大師羅杰?馬丁詳細(xì)探討了他是帶領(lǐng)寶潔成功實(shí)現(xiàn)轉(zhuǎn)變的歷程。幾個(gè)月前,我曾與雷富禮會(huì)面,還問到他的成功為何沒能延續(xù)到麥睿博的任期,雷富禮的回答很簡單:“任何一項(xiàng)策略都不會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)有效?!?/p>



????This is not the first time a former CEO has returned to P&G. Back in 2000, when Durk Jager was fired and the then-unknown Lafley was named CEO, former P&G CEO John Pepper stepped back in as chairman to ease the transition. But this time, Lafley is both the old guard and the new guy; apparently there is no one at P&G worthy of being named successor -- a huge problem for a company that has long taken pride in its succession planning process.

????One person who is happy about the change is Bill Ackman of Pershing Square Capital Management, the money manager who took a $2 billion stake in the company in 2012 and has publicly said that McDonald was not the right man for the job. Although Ackman had advocated for an outsider, he proclaimed himself pleased to hear of Lafley's return. "He's not afraid of doing the right thing and doing it quickly, and he can immediately change the culture," he says.

????Can he? Some of McDonald's own woes came directly from Lafley's own tenure. The strategy that was so successful for P&G in the early 2000s -- raising prices and boosting innovation -- backfired in the recession and gave its competitors a foothold that they haven't yet relinquished. P&G has lost significant market share, in part because its pricing was too high. And many former executives complain that the matrix structure once championed by Lafley has become slow and bureaucratic.

????Says Jim Stengel, P&G's head of marketing under Lafley: "He's coming into a company in which a lot of what he created or accelerated is in place. Will he look at that critically? I think he will. When he's at the top of his game he's a great CEO."

????The other interesting question is what Lafley's return means for the next generation of P&G leaders. Lafley is close with Deb Henretta, head of global beauty care, and Giovanni Cisarani, head of fabric care, but hasn't worked directly with David Taylor, head of home care, and considered a rising star.

????Last February 5, Lafley published a book called Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works, in which he and coauthor and management guru Roger Martin discuss in detail how he pulled off the giant turnaround at Procter & Gamble. A few months earlier, I met with Lafley and asked why his success hadn't lasted into McDonald's tenure, Lafley said simply: "Strategy doesn't last forever."

????Neither, it turns out, do CEOs.

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