


John A. Byrne,Lauren Everitt 2013年08月01日












????"We found it incredibly helpful," she adds. "It really allowed the admissions committee to bring more objectivity to the process." Usually, only one member of the admissions committee will interview an applicant when he or she is presented in committee. With video, every member of the panel can see the applicant in action. "It's been helpful to identify superstars and to make some of the tough decisions."

????At Kellogg, MBA candidates will have several minutes to answer a spontaneous, randomized question on a Skype-like screen. "We felt like this was a great opportunity to meet our applicants from wherever they might be in the world," says Kate Smith, Kellogg's assistant dean of admissions and financial aid. "We felt that we were past the tipping point in terms of video technology and comfort with it – most applicants would have used Skype or FaceTime."

????Kellogg's applicants will have the luxury of three tries to record a compelling answer. If they bomb the first question, they can discard it and request another one – they'll receive a different question each time. While it sounds stressful, the admissions team hopes it will lead to more authentic interactions with the more than 5,000 people who apply to Kellogg every year.

????"The spirit of the questions is to get to know our candidates on a more personal level in a spontaneous format," Smith says. "They're designed to bring to life the person we've learned about on paper in the application, including their passions, interests and ideas."

????The video component will not replace Kellogg's personal interviews – a mainstay of the B-school's rigorous application process. Currently, second-year students and alumni conduct many of the in-person interviews.

????Kellogg, says da Silva, consulted with Rotman a few months ago before deciding to launch the video essay. Rotman claims that even jittery applicants have generally given the new video test a thumbs up. "They thought it was a little daunting but they liked it because they knew that at least they would be able to get in front of the admissions committee virtually," she says. "It gave them the chance to tell their story, although it was a little intimidating."

????During its pilot year, Rotman didn't grade the videos. But now it intends to do so. "About 10% to 15% were just not very strong," estimates da Silva. "Then there was a small percentage, about 20%, that really stood out, largely because of the content and not just delivery."

????Rotman is making some adjustments. During the pilot, a standard question was asked of all applicants and then a second question was randomly chosen from a bank of some 25 queries. Each question required a response no longer than one and a half minutes.

????But the element of surprise was sometimes lost when applicants anonymously began posting the questions on message boards. So this year, the standard question has been tossed and the list of questions has been expanded to slightly more than 100—half of them on the candidate's values and the remaining half on their experiences and interests.

????As for Robert, he easily passed his screen test. The admissions committee at Rotman thought him confident and articulate, though it had questions about other aspects of his application, including the fact that he was currently unemployed. So even his stellar on-tape performance didn't completely sway the admissions staff.

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