


Stephanie N. Mehta 2013年08月05日

????Under Armour的凱文?普蘭克是我選出的駐點企業(yè)家(EIR)溝通達人。他以前是一位運動員,擁有像教練一樣能讓人熱血沸騰的本領(lǐng)。但激勵團隊是每位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者工作的一部分。要真正激勵別人就不能照本宣科,因為觀眾不知道你所談所想跟他們有沒有關(guān)系。凱文的演講基于提綱,侃侃而談。這樣的演講不會永遠完美,但它是真實的。

????安東尼?路西奧是我選擇的首席營銷官溝通達人。曾經(jīng)的百事公司高管、如今的VISA首席營銷官,安東尼總是在展示自己的激情。他在臺上的走動和手勢都非常自然,而且重要的是,他會與觀眾溝通,而不是唱獨角戲。有次在哥倫比亞商學(xué)院(Columbia Business school)演講時,他結(jié)合現(xiàn)場提出了一些精彩的問題,讓觀眾參與進來。他會掃一眼下一張ppt,然后面向觀眾解釋最主要的內(nèi)容,不像很多人那樣逐字逐句地念下來,就像《華爾街日報》打趣的“企業(yè)卡拉OK!”





????最后,我選擇雷富禮作為非執(zhí)行董事長溝通達人。一點都不稀奇寶潔(P&G)為什么要把他請回來。他富有魅力,無需華麗的詞藻就可以讓人充滿信心。有次在臺上接受采訪,與麥庫姆斯商學(xué)院(the McCombs School of Business)對話時,他被問到了從多元性到高管薪酬等種種問題。他在陳述自己的想法時突出關(guān)鍵詞,聲音有起伏,害注意了適時的停頓,方便聽眾理解、記憶他的觀點。(財富中文網(wǎng))?

????Kevin Plank of Under Armour (UA) is my pick for Entrepreneur in Residence. He is a former athlete who has the coach's gift of getting people fired up. But motivating the team is part of every leader's job and to truly inspire, you can't do it from a script where the audience doesn't know if they are your words or thoughts. Kevin speaks from bullets, elaborating on each in a conversational way. It's not always perfect, but it is authentic.

????Antonio Lucio (V) is my pick for CMO. A top Pepsi exec before becoming VISA's CMO, Antonio demonstrates his enthusiasm. He moves, gestures naturally and importantly he talks with--not to--the audience. In a presentation to the Columbia Business school he asks questions real and rhetorical to keep the audience engaged, and he looks at the next ppt slide briefly then turns to explain the top takeaway vs. the usual verbatim read along that the WSJ dubbed "corporate karaoke!"

????Safra Catz of Oracle (ORCL) is my choice for CFO. CFO's are often challenged with speaking like a real person about and to real people because their lives revolve around numbers. Safra is an exception. She is conversational, relatively jargon free, and enthusiastic about how their products help people.

????Todd Pierce of SalesForce.com (CRM) is my top pick for CIO. Todd is an animated speaker. When seated he leans forward when he gets to a big point the way we do when we are fired up, and he is great at breaking complex information into the magical 3s: Three points provide a verbal agenda, making it easy for everyone to follow and remember.

????Yves Behar is my Designer/Engineer selection. Speaking in a TED talk, Yves uses stories about his childhood to add context and clarity to his design approach. Stories from childhood also are fertile ground for humor even when you aren't a natural comedian. Clients ask me about the wisdom of telling jokes. I always say tell a story, that's better and safer.

????Gideon Yu, President San Francisco 49ers is my pick for utility player. Gideon speaks with focus and energy that makes you believe that he can do anything or will give it his all. That kind of enthusiasm is infectious. I always tell clients that if you aren't enthusiastic, no one will be. Gideon conveys it not with rapid-fire talk but with his posture, gestures, and eyes. Studies show that the visual aspects of style are what add most credibility to your speaking -- they show you believe what you are saying.

????Finally, I pick A.G. Lafley for non-executive chairman. It's no wonder P&G (PG) brought him back. He has gravitas and projects confidence without airs or using fancy words. In an interview on stage talking to the McCombs School of Business, he was opinionated on everything from diversity to executive compensation. He emphasized important words -- no monotone -- and he broke up his thoughts with the powerful pause that allows us to digest and remember his thoughts.

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