


Doron Levin 2013年08月09日


????德?尼琛曾在奧迪(Audi)初試牛刀。在他的帶領(lǐng)下,這款大眾(Volkswagen)旗下的豪華品牌在美國消費(fèi)者當(dāng)中達(dá)到了前所未有的地位,一舉超越了通用汽車(General Motors)的凱迪拉克(Cadillac)和福特汽車(Ford)的林肯(Lincoln),甚至與寶馬(BMW)、奔馳(Mercedes)和豐田汽車(Toyota)的雷克薩斯(Lexus)不相上下。南非出生的德?尼琛在擔(dān)任英菲尼迪領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人之后推出的第一款汽車是Q50,德?尼琛正是決定從這個(gè)型號(hào)開始更改汽車的命名方式。因?yàn)椋胫饔⒎颇岬系臅r(shí)候,要改變汽車的技術(shù)或設(shè)計(jì)特點(diǎn)已經(jīng)為時(shí)已晚。


????《汽車》雜志(Automobile )副主編喬?德瑪?shù)蠆W表示,上市二十多年以來,英菲尼迪始終未能進(jìn)入頂級(jí)豪華品牌之列,很大程度上是由于它的產(chǎn)品型號(hào)不一致。德瑪?shù)蠆W稱:“德?尼琛符合領(lǐng)導(dǎo)這個(gè)品牌的條件。關(guān)鍵在于日產(chǎn)是否愿意斥資打造優(yōu)秀的產(chǎn)品。”對(duì)于英菲尼迪近兩年進(jìn)軍F1賽車的嘗試,德瑪?shù)蠆W表示贊同。此舉的目的是為了提高品牌知名度,尤其是在品牌影響力較弱的歐洲和亞洲市場。


????此外,德?尼琛還通過其他方式對(duì)公司施加影響。據(jù)稱,日產(chǎn)曾計(jì)劃以電池驅(qū)動(dòng)汽車日產(chǎn)聆風(fēng)(Nissan Leaf)為基礎(chǔ),研發(fā)一款英菲尼迪豪華電動(dòng)車,但德?尼琛否決了這項(xiàng)計(jì)劃。有傳言稱,他更傾向于將資金用于研發(fā)一款高端汽車、一款小型豪華車和一款超高端運(yùn)動(dòng)轎跑。(關(guān)于英菲尼迪的新型轎跑,讓人不由回想起當(dāng)初奧迪的做法。奧迪推出200,000美元的中置發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)R8跑車令世人驚艷,提升了整個(gè)品牌的價(jià)值。)在豪華汽車與卡車市場,英菲尼迪僅參與了60%的細(xì)分市場,他的目標(biāo)是,將英菲尼迪在這個(gè)細(xì)分市場的參與度提升到90%。




????When CEO Carlos Ghosn hired Johan de Nysschen a year ago to rebuild Nissan's Infiniti franchise, he was recruiting someone who had learned a top luxury franchise's playbook backwards and forwards.

????De Nysschen cut his teeth at Audi, leading Volkswagen's luxury brand in the U.S. to a status with consumers not reached before, higher in regard than General Motors' (GM) Cadillac and Ford's (F) Lincoln and, more impressively, a legitimate alternative to BMW, Mercedes and Toyota's (TM) Lexus. The first car to be sold under the South African-born auto executive's tenure as Infiniti's leader is the Q50, a sedan that reflects de Nysschen's decision to change nomenclature. By the time he arrived, it was too late to tweak the car's technical or design features.

????Previously the Q50 would have been one of Infiniti's G series midsize sedans. Under de Nysschen's edict, all Infiniti cars revert to Q, plus a numerical multiple of ten that indicates the car's size. All crossovers will be identified with a QX, plus a number indicating size. (But Infiniti announced an exception this week: the G37, with a smaller engine, will continue to be sold as such before being discontinued in 2015.)

????Joe DeMatio, deputy editor of Automobile magazine, said Infiniti has failed to establish itself as a first-tier luxury brand over the two decades of existence largely because its models have been inconsistent. "De Nysschen seems as well qualified as anyone to steer this ship," said De Matio. "It all comes down to whether mothership Nissan is willing to spend the money to create great product." DeMatio applauded Infiniti's two-year-old venture into F1 racing, a move designed to create awareness, especially in Europe and Asia, where the brand is weak.

????The nomenclature change, returning to Q, might seem small, though for de Nysschen even the tiniest details mean a lot. A Nissan (NSANY) executive said his ability to spot nits is already becoming legendary: Upon receiving his first Infiniti company car, he noticed that the plastic cap on the A/C accessory outlet was askew, pointed out the flaw and had it straightened it. Customers for luxury cars are extremely -- some might say obnoxiously -- demanding about perfection, and not just in the obvious categories in which a luxury vehicle must excel: ride, handling, comfort, safety, and power.

????De Nysschen has made his presence felt in other ways as well. He reportedly vetoed Nissan's plan to create a luxurious Infiniti version of the battery-powered Nissan Leaf, preferring to divert capital toward development of what are rumored to be a high-end sedan, another small luxury car, and an ultra-high-end sporty coupe. (For a hint at the coupe Infiniti might be conjuring, recall that Audi created the stunning, $200,000 mid-engine R8 to burnish the entire brand.) Infiniti competes only in 60% of the car and truck segments that are considered luxury, he wants the brand to compete in 90% of them.

????Another De Nysschen initiative was moving Infiniti headquarters away from Nissan and out of Japan, to Hong Kong. Again, one wonders if the model is the location of Audi's headquarters in Ingolstadt, Germany, deliberately distant from its parent VW in Wolfsburg. For Infiniti to realize its economic potential, the brand must become a global symbol of luxury to Chinese, European, and South American consumers -- not just to more Americans.

????The process could take a decade and cost multiple billions, with no assurance of success. If he's like his former German compatriots at Audi, De Nysschen doesn't regard failure as an option.

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