


Stephanie N. Mehta 2013年08月13日
創(chuàng)業(yè)家和投資者克雷格?杜比斯基是清潔品牌Method的早期支持者,同時也是新銳口腔護理品牌Hello Products的創(chuàng)始人。他對設(shè)計極端癡迷,他認為,極端的體貼入微就等同于極端強有力的競爭力。因此,他選擇的《財富》高管夢之隊成員都具有這個特點。
????Hello Products創(chuàng)始人

????按克雷格?杜比斯基的話說,他就是一個“設(shè)計控”。他創(chuàng)立的Hello Products出品各種新穎的牙膏和其他口腔護理產(chǎn)品,因此他在《財富》高管夢之隊的網(wǎng)絡(luò)評選中選擇德國工業(yè)設(shè)計師戴特?拉姆斯作為夢想設(shè)計師也就不足為怪了。清潔產(chǎn)品公司Method的早期投資者杜比斯基表示,他正在試圖將Hello和其產(chǎn)品打造成為不拘一格和簡便易用的典范。因此,毫不奇怪他認為一家公司的管理團隊需要“體貼入微”。下面是他接受《財富》雜志斯蒂芬妮?梅塔采訪,給出了他選擇的人選:






????Craig Dubitsky is, in his own words, "obsessed with design." So it is no surprise that the founder of Hello Products, a new line of toothpastes and other oral care items, would pick German industrial designer Dieter Rams as his dream designer in the Fortune Fantasy Executive League online game. Dubitsky, who was an early investor in Method, the cleaning products company, says he is trying to position Hello and its wares as unintimidating and approachable as possible. So it isn't surprising that he thinks a corporate team needs to be "insanely thoughtful." He spoke to Fortune's Stephanie N. Mehta about his picks:

Craig Dubitsky: (For designer) I'm unabashedly biased about the power of design, and when I saw you had Dieter Rams, I was like, "That's awesome!" Less is more, but it really is hard to do simple. Dieter Rams really had his arms around the power of simplicity and beauty. I saw his name, and I thought, he would give any company a huge competitive advantage no matter what they do.

????(For entrepreneur in residence) I picked Tony Hsieh from Zappos. If anyone understands the value of people, and how people have the ability to delight other people, it is him. It seems like the smallest thing, but being insanely thoughtful can be insanely powerful.

????(For CIO) I picked Ben Fried. Who knows more about information than Google (GOOG)? It is cataloging all the world's information. If you could choose anybody to be your fantasy CIO, who better than Ben?

????(For CMO) I'm a huge fan of Beth Comstock of GE (GE). She's taken things that weren't magical for a long time -- jet propulsion engines, for example -- and made them relevant again. It wasn't about outspending anyone, it was all about highlighting the power of innovation and elevating the everyday.

????Marc Andreesen is my utility player. Come on! The guy invented the browser, but more importantly I think he understands how to simplify complex ideas. The guy isn't just ahead of the curve, he's investing in the curve, he's helping to create and own the curve. And he's wired into the people who are going to create the future.

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