


Daniel Roberts 2013年08月19日


????因此,《財(cái)富》雜志連續(xù)第二年邀請(qǐng)讀者們通過一款名叫《財(cái)富高管夢(mèng)之隊(duì)大聯(lián)盟》(Fortune Fantasy Sports Executive League)的互動(dòng)軟件為九個(gè)高管職位選擇他們的超級(jí)選手。每組候選人中都包括《財(cái)富》雜志最終要選擇的高管。本來,這款軟件的一部分作用是要準(zhǔn)確地猜出《財(cái)富》雜志編輯會(huì)為他們的2013年高管夢(mèng)之隊(duì)選擇哪些成員。但實(shí)際上,大多數(shù)讀者選擇的都是他們認(rèn)識(shí)的名字和他們喜歡的品牌,或者他們自己的老板。

????在首席執(zhí)行官這個(gè)位置上,入選《財(cái)富》2013年夢(mèng)之隊(duì)的是百威英博(Anheuser-Busch InBev)首席執(zhí)行官卡洛斯?布里托。讀者們則選擇了一家他們熟悉(我們認(rèn)為也是許多讀者喜歡)的公司和他們認(rèn)識(shí)的一個(gè)人:蘋果公司(Apple)的蒂姆?庫克。他得到了19%的選票。



????首席信息官方面,讀者們傾向于本?弗里德,這理所當(dāng)然。畢竟,哪家公司掌握的信息量能超過谷歌(Google)?《財(cái)富》在這個(gè)位置上選擇了沃爾瑪超市(Wal-Mart Stores)首席信息官卡瑞南?泰瑞。


????首席運(yùn)營(yíng)官的角逐難分伯仲。讀者們傾向于消費(fèi)品牌。麥當(dāng)勞(McDonald’s)首席運(yùn)營(yíng)官蒂姆?芬頓得到了19%的選票,稍高于NBC Universal的史蒂夫?伯克,后者的得票率為14%。得到《財(cái)富》雜志編輯青睞的則是山姆會(huì)員店(Sam's Club)首席執(zhí)行官羅莎琳德?布魯爾。

????Good news, fantasy sports enthusiasts! The corporate world is starting to value your team-creation skills. So writes Fortune senior editor-at-large, Geoff Colvin, in a piece unveiling the magazine's 2013 Executive Dream Team, an all-star lineup of corporate leaders who are excellent at their jobs but who also know how to work well with others. "True team building, as distinct from hiring excellent performers, is an ability most managers lack," Colvin writes. "So if you don't like our Dream Team, that's great -- create your own and figure out why it's better."

????And so, for the second year, Fortune invited readers to choose their own super C-suites in nine functions through an interactive tool called the Fortune Fantasy Sports Executive League. Each of the categories included the executive Fortune eventually would place on its roster; part of the strategy of the tool was to try to accurately guess which executives the editors of Fortune would pick for its 2013 roster. But in reality, most readers voted players for based on name recognition, brands they loved -- or they voted for their bosses.

????In the chief executive officer slot, Fortune picked Anheuser-Busch InBev (BUD) CEO Carlos Brito for the 2013 Dream Team. Readers went for a name they know at a company they know (and, in many cases, we expect, love): Tim Cook of Apple (AAPL), who got 19% of the reader vote.

????Fortune's chief financial officer pick, Visa's (V) Byron Pollitt, was also the reader's choice this year for the role. Pollitt trounced the competition in the popular vote -- 51% compared to second-place Safra Catz of Oracle (ORCL), who got 12% -- perhaps thanks to the significant number of teams created by readers with Visa corporate email accounts. (All's fair in business and corporate fantasy leagues. baseball.)

????The entrepreneur in residence category, new to the team, was meant to acknowledge the increasingly important role of "change agents" or "acquihires" within corporations. Results surprised us. Fortune selected Tencent founder Pony Ma for his digital and international know-how. Telsa CEO Elon Musk was the readers' favorite, racking up 25% of the vote.

????It makes sense that in choosing their chief information officer readers would gravitate toward Ben Fried; after all, what company holds more information than Google (GOOG)? Fried got 26% of the reader vote. Fortune went with Karenann Terrell, CIO of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT).

????Visa's marketing chief, Antonio Lucio was readers' top pick in the CMO category with 51% of the vote (like his colleague Pollitt). Keith Weed of Unilever (UL), was the editors' pick.

????The chief operating officer race was a photo finish. Readers favored consumer-facing brands: McDonald's (MCD) COO Tim Fenton got 19% of the vote, just edging out NBC Universal's Steve Burke (CMCSA), who earned 14%. Fortune's editors smiled on Rosalind Brewer, CEO of Sam's Club, a division of Wal-Mart Stores.

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