


Vivienne Walt 2013年09月25日



????阿克曼在瑞士的農(nóng)村長大,在德國金融界,他是一位耀眼的明星。他用了十年時間就將德意志銀行從一家地方性的小公司變成了一家全球性的大公司。但他并未能保住在德意志銀行的董事會主席職位。在他位于法蘭克福的辦公室里,掛著他與西班牙國王胡安?卡洛斯、佛拉基米爾?普京、胡錦濤和安吉拉?默克爾【2008年9月,雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)破產(chǎn)后,默克爾曾向阿克曼尋求幫助,穩(wěn)定德國銀行業(yè)?!康暮嫌啊?/p>

????9月20日的《Bilanz》雜志發(fā)表了一篇描寫高層權(quán)力之爭的封面文章《水火不容》(Like Fire and Water)。文章中,蘇黎世董事會一位不愿暴露姓名的成員表示,阿克曼的名氣對蘇黎世董事會有著強大的吸引力。這位董事會成員認為,任命阿克曼為董事會主席被證明是“一個錯誤”,而有其他人從一開始就見證了文化沖突。阿克曼趾高氣揚地來到蘇黎世。他并沒有住進前任狹小的內(nèi)部辦公室,而是搬到了寬敞的海濱寓所。蘇黎世非正式的、隨意的會議傳統(tǒng)也被改成正式的預(yù)約會面。雖然同僚們認為阿克曼仍需要了解保險業(yè),但這位主席卻已經(jīng)開始了大刀闊斧的改革。



????Johansson told Fortune he is sure the close timing of Switzerland's summer suicides was pure coincidence and that executive suicides are more common worldwide than is publicly known. And while the pressures at the top have indeed soared, he points out that executive pay has, too; in other words, these tough jobs are done by powerful, rich people. (Wauthier's salary was believed to be $3.2 million.) Yet even so, the 21st-century, always-on corporate culture has brought intense challenges that some might find unmanageable. "With the Internet, the analysts, the journalists -- you always have to perform," Johansson says.

????To the outside world, Zurich's tragedy has seemed baffling, especially since the company, founded in 1872, seemed to embody Switzerland's low-key, no-drama style. Yet astute observers have since claimed there they had spotted signs of trouble since shortly after March, 2012, when Ackermann was brought in to shake up the company.

????Raised in rural Switzerland, Ackermann was a rock star in German finance, having transformed Deutsche Bank (DB) from a parochial company into a global powerhouse within one decade, though failing to secure the position of chairman there. His Frankfurt office featured photos of him with King Juan Carlos of Spain, Vladimir Putin, Hu Jintao, and Angela Merkel (who rushed to Ackermann for help in shoring up German banks in the wake of Lehman Brothers' collapse in September, 2008).

????For Zurich's board members, Ackermann's fame was a powerful draw, according to one member, unnamed, who spoke to Bilanz for its September 20 cover story on the power struggle at the top, entitled "Like Fire and Water." The board member said Ackermann's appointment as chairman proved "a mistake," while others witnessed a culture clash from the start. The chairman arrived with a swagger. Rather than installing himself in his predecessor's cramped interior office, he moved into spacious waterfront digs. The tradition of informal, spontaneous meetings gave way to formal scheduled appointments. Though colleagues felt Ackermann was still learning the insurance industry, the chairman pushed for sweeping changes.

????Months of chafing disagreements crystallized in a single hour on August 14, when Wauthier met Ackermann in his office to finalize the next day's presentation of Zurich's half-year earnings, according to staff who spoke to Reuters earlier this month, and Bilanz more recently. Against Wauthier's advice, Ackermann wrote in a statement, declaring that Zurich looked set to miss some three-year targets. Wauthier, far more familiar with the peculiarities of insurance accounting, argued that the company was in fact on track to meet its goals. But Ackermann won out. And in his suicide note less than two weeks later, Wauthier cited the August 14 meeting, according to insiders who spoke to Bilanz. At its August 15 presentation, Zurich reported a 17% drop in half-year net profits, and its share price dropped 4%.

????To some of Ackermann's friends and colleagues, Wauthier's indicting words were as confounding as his death. Ackermann has described himself in a documentary as "very demanding," but his defenders reject any suggestion of him mistreating colleagues. "He's a tough and demanding executive, but always fair and kind-mannered as well," Stefan Baron, Ackermann's long-time spokesman at Deutsche Bank, told Fortune. In Baron's biography of his former boss, which appeared in mid-September, he describes Ackermann as impatient and exacting, and "not a cakewalk to work for." "Nobody should expect a 'thank you' after working through the night," he writes. Yet Baron told Fortune Ackermann had ridden out outsized crises -- the Lehman collapse, the near-death of some German banks, and the Eurozone crisis -- with élan, and does not believe he drove Wauthier to desperation. Looking relaxed and smiling, Ackermann told reporters at Baron's book launch in Berlin that he "vehemently rejects" responsibility for Wauthier's death. "He's always very calm and collected, even in the middle of great turmoil," Baron told Fortune. "It must be in his genes, from his upbringing in the Swiss countryside."?

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